I'm getting chronic drunk as fuck tonight. What are some live as fuck movies to watch. Action and comedy preferred...

I'm getting chronic drunk as fuck tonight. What are some live as fuck movies to watch. Action and comedy preferred. Although feels might be cool too. Every time I get wasted the thin red line and tree of life make me cry.

I could defeat those two pretty easily...i by those two i mean her tits, also them as individuals.

Just bough The Raid 1&2, wouldn't be bad choices.

If you want to get drunk and feel watch The Wrestler.

Drunk alone? Sounds sad OP. Text a friend or family member.


Why do people think this. Viewing kino is best when high as fuck and slightly drunk.

this tqhwy

I watched Silence high as fuck with 2 beers and after the credits I discovered I had the stigmata.

Get drunk and watch Harsh Times. Thats a good one when drunk

Just movies or to shows too?

>Slightly drunk
>two beers

So what part of America are you from?

It was on an empty stomach and I get buzzed very fast for my size.

Fallen Angels
Lost Highway
Knight of Cups
Inherent Vice
With Blood on My Hands/Pusher 2

These movies are boring and sleep inducing sober.

kill yourself

What a shitpost, the only ones half-""boring"" are Inherent Vice/KoC, even then, designed to be enjoyed in a hazy, bewildered state on purpose. Idiot.

The Nice Guys

Nobody makes a movie intended to be watched shitfaced.

I've seen all of those and all were ambien.

nah it really isn't. alochol and/or weed takes the edge off stuff you don't want to have a lessened experience of it. In my ideal world clubs and shit would all be alcohol free, the main reason I drink is to make all these other people more managable. When some drunkern arsehole is barging into you it's a lot more mangable when you're drunk as well.

Entire generations of their womenfolk abandoned them in their home countries to find work raising other people's kids in the west (or as fuckdolls).


op you sound like an underaged normalfag. kys self

I always refer to it as being "Hunk" high and drunk.

First you get a alcohol buzz the. You get high as fuck. Wait an hour and a half and start drinking again.

Legion is a good show to watch Hunk

I find schlocky horror or action to be the most enjoyable when I'm drunk. If it's something that's gonna require patience or reflection to fully enjoy, then I'm not gonna watch it drunk. Buzzed maybe, but not drunk.

So with that in mind:
Grave Encounters
Event Horizon
Legend of Drunken Master
Total Recall

Dunno about feels. The Adventures of Baron Manchausen might hit a bunch of different notes.

Kill yourself, you degenerate fuckstick.


it's crossfaded you fucking neets

>Legend of Drunken Master

Here's your answer, OP. Just close your browser now and start getting wasted.

you're doing it backwards. smoke a ton (get couchlock and watch tv with your bros) and then drink slowly but consistently so when your ganja wears off you're buzzed. then you and your bros go to the party.
you kids have no idea how to party, do you.

You're both wrong. What you wanna do is dump an eighth into a handle of 100 proof liquor, let it mull for a month or two, and then chug a glass of it.

We don't care what the niggers call it.

We're on /tv nobody knows how to party user. I just know what works for me.

Motherfucker I have an addiction I don't have time for that shit

best high as fuck movie going experience

Any David Lynch movie is pure kino while drunk.

I watched Fire come walk with me last week while wasted and it was exponentially better

Especially the pink room.