Any good movies about the bad guys losing?
Any good movies about the bad guys losing?
>tfw you will never kill 24 million of your fellow Americans :-(
I would think most movies have the bad guy losing, user.
Shouldn't be too hard to fine one.
DOA, sad.
Why do you guys support Obamacare?
What did it do that Medicaid and Medicare did not?
How would it kill 24 million Americans?
I work as a paramedic, and when I collected insurance I have only met one person who had Obamacare.
>B-but Sup Forums said Trump would overturn Obama's terrible legacy, lock up Hillary and give us all jobs?!
>can't just come up with another replacement later
How do people think the government works ?
Well this isnt embarassing at all.
i like obama. hes black
nice anecdote user
He is by supporting the coal mining and energy industry which was gutted under the Obama administration
>inb4 a Democrat claims they love the poor while destroying a person's income and forcing him to "vote for his interests" for more welfare to rely on.
>supporting the coal mining
what is this, the 1950s? fuck coal already, it's not the future.
>its obamas fault that coal is more expensive, dirtier and simply outdated when compared with the alternatives
I thought you faggots liked the free market
Can we just start World War 3 already, Im getting antsy. North Korea will be the jumping off point
Since when do paramedics ask for fucking insurance information?
>Sup Forums threads hit bump limit
>anti Sup Forums threads deleted instantly
And these ultra cucks call reddit a safe space
I don't trust figures given by invested groups when they clash with my personal, direct contact with the demographics that these figures are claiming.
t. paramedic in South Dallas
>he fell for the Trump (a billionaire) gives a shit about the working class (aka poor schmuks who fall for populism) meme