Ask someone who just saw this kino anything
Ask someone who just saw this kino anything
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Why is Kimberly so cute? Can't put my finger on it.
because the pink ranger is always the cutest
Green Ranger?
you're 35 years old. what does your mom think about your power rangers obsession?
Should i ship Trini/Kimberly or Trini/Rita?
Sequel bail
Rita is the green ranger.
65 million years ago she betrayed the rangers and tried to steal the Zeo crystal for herself. The Zeo crystal has the power to create or destroy planets and life, so that would make her immensely powerful, she could destroy entire planets with it.
Zordon was the red ranger and the sole survivor after Rita's betrayal. He ordered Alpha to let a meteor fall on top of them. The meteor killed Zordon and sent Rita flying into the sea where she sunk to the bottom of the ocean, seemingly dead with her power coin damaged.
Rita survived somehow and was found by some fishermen. Since her coin is damaged she can only morph partially (that's why she's never seen with a helmet after the opening scene)
JasonxKimberly is pretty much confirmed and Rita is frozen in outer space
Rita basically rapes Trini, so it's the canon pairing.
"If you show me yours, I'll show you mine."
What the fuck was the Yellow Ranger shown at the beginning supposed to be
brb buying tickets
an alien, zordon's team were all aliens
I'm not going to lie, i got hard when that happened...
Did you too walk out of the theater with a strange craving for delicious Krispy Kreme donuts?
If the meteor killed Zordon, how is he the Wall?
Any hint of Zedd?
When does the original theme start playing?
You forgot the trademark, try again
When they all get into their dinobot things and start running towards the town
What's all this brouhaha about Krispy Kreme? Is the product placement really that bad?
Its very glaring. They name drop Krispy Kreme about 10 times in the span of a minute
Alpha somehow uploaded Zordon's mind into their spaceship before he died. Alpha didn't wake up Zordon until the new rangers arrived. Zordon seemed confused about everything, he had no idea how he got there either and all he wanted was to get his body back.
Zordon can come back to life when the rangers are ready to morph (this being when they are both phyisically and psychologically ready. They must be strong and they must also know each other well and be ready to give their life to protect their teammates)
When the moment comes, Zordon instead lets Billy come back to life (he drowned to death after the rangers' first fight with Rita)
When they finally get on their zords, the theme plays for about 10 seconds and then it's never heard again, not even during the ending credits
they keep mentioning it because the zeo crystal is buried under it
Rita is even seen eating a donut there while goldar digs
I actually got goosebumps when this started playing
I was sort of let down though, they didn't really amp up the combat all that much when it started playing. Just some putties or whatever crawling all over their zords, and then the song ended.
The Tank mode for the Megazord doesn't happen to exist, does it?
I always thought it was under utilized.
there's no tank mode, sadly
loved that part too
too bad the fight felt so slow after the zords combined and the way the killed goldar was kinda lame.
They just stab him and he dies? he was shown to be able to regenerate, it doesn't make sense
kinda reminds me of a young whats herface from buffy the vampire slayer
>the theme plays for about 10 seconds and then it's never heard again, not even during the ending credits
I loved that it was played but they didn't even do the beginning guitar riff and the lack of it in credits sucked.
Still not convinced.
Someone push me to go. I want to go but i need a little push.
I don't know what this movie is projected to make, but I'm honestly shocked they even made it.
My guess is they are trying to cash in on the Transformers audience. Because transormers peaked in the 80s. and yet we have a hugely successful franchise built out of it.
Power rangers peaked in the 90s, with one shitty movie and practically nothing from then until now.
I wouldn't be surprised if it did well seeing as how retarded the audience is now, and how much they love these special effects monstrosities.
do it for your jewish overlords
don't you want to help israel, user?
Fine take my money
If the meteor killed Zordon why is Rita still alive?
as a fan of the series, I had a lot of fun watching it.
I'm excited to see what they'll do for the next several movies they plan on making. I'm guessing Green With Evil for 2, Zedd's arrival/white ranger for 3, Power Transfer/Ninja Quest for 4. Not sure what they'd do for the proposed 5th and 6th movies, though.
You guys think they'd adapt other series like In Space or Zeo?
I can smell the shillbux rolling into your account user. But to answer your question yes I think they'll do Zeo and In Space. According to other anons the Zeo Crystal is in this movie and they have like 6 movies planned. I for one am not looking forward to it though. I'll still watch it though because I enjoy hating shit.
Zeo would be dope as fuck.
Definitely gonna give this a chance.
wasn't there a scene where one of the zords crushes a black stripped camero ( the same car and paint scheme as bubble bee from transformers ) ? i thought that is what i saw on one of the trailers. could be mistaken.
The Jews are scraping up every franchise that can possibly be aimed to push multiculturalism/globalism
she gets thrown into some water and i guess remains in a coma in the ocean for millions of years
they say "sorry bumblebee" and then throw it
Which character did you relate to most, Sup Forums?
and why was it Billy?
Zordon was already severely injuried from his battle with Rita. The meteor fell right next to him so he had no way to survive the explosion.
Rita was by far the strongest ranger and didn't have a single scratch on her after killing the other rangers. The explosion did some heavy damage to her and pushed her into the water.
She entered a comatose state and was kept alive by her power coin apparently.
When the fishermen found her she was just a dried up rotting corpse and as she regains power she becomes younger and full of life. She spends most of the movie looking like some old hag
we're all autists now