When will they announce it?

When will they announce it?
What will it be about?

It will be about them fighting the green ranger

>When will they announce t?
In a month or two

>What will be about?
Lord Zedd and the Green Ranger sub plots

Female Green Ranger romances Trini...also, autistBro gets more autistic...also ninjas...and Lord Zedd gets teased because he is the Thanos of the franchise.

Guarantee Zedd won't appear. He might be mentioned.

>Female Green Ranger
I fucking wish. But they already mentioned Tommy by name.

director already announced he's making 6 films

consisting of the Zordon Era (MMPR 1-3, Zeo, Turbo and In Space)

Because white ranger

It could be Tommi...

It will be about the White Ranger. Who will inevitably be played by a black lady.