
You arrive in Neocastle edition

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>2 weeks off work next week
>Haven't even started yet
>Already getting anxious about how I'm going to waste it


Sami Hyypia


miss him desu just want him back


This is a computer from the fucking ancient Greek times. Things are not as the mainstream scientists want you to know.

Need a Cara in my life.

any other fissured tongue man in

good post

glad we've had so much attention to this issue lately

What exactly is the issue here?

Desperate to move out of my parents house and have my own place with my gf but don't want to spend the rest of my life paying off a 30 year mortgage on a tiny cramped terrace house

>tfw no luv gf

Anyone got that picture of Tim and Sue?

It's raining really heavily lads.

fucking hate tennis
every time the one in melbourne comes around it's the only thing talked about on the news and it is so mindnumbingly boring
ruins it for weeks

Yes. Never met anyone else with it and some people think its the weirdest thing they've seen

Gives me bad breath

baby if you give it to me
i'll give it to you

>Need a Cara in my life.

>telling parents to influence their own children on a social issue before society gets to them on it

No problem there

thiiiis is an alarm call
so wake up, wake up now
>beep beeep, beep beeep, beep beeep

You are forgetting that we live in a world with nuclear bombs the greatest war deterrent ever seen because once nukes get involved theres no avoiding widespread destruction and end times. Think about it if there was gonna be a WW3 dont you think it would have happened already during the cold war when there were much larger tensions

what you dont realise is that prior to two hundred years ago there wasnt really an idea of progression because up until the industrial revolution things had always stayed relatively the same. In my opinion every generation is more likely than the last to witness end times simply because currently as we progress our earth slowly dies. So quite simply our generation IS the most likely generation to witness the end until the next generation comes along.

how the FUCK do we stop him

can woes not even be bothered to comb his hair before public speaking?


Good feet.

What's up with the lad in the window meme

reckon i've sent that paddy runt off in a flood of tears
good riddance


Any pomade recs?

Got turned down by my oneitis lads

any other pectus man in

nothing more attractive than a woman who looks and dresses like a man

have not combed my hair in 10 years and do not even own a comb

there;s a blonde girl in one of my classes with nice tits and I think she's kinda into me so I might stay in school for this semester just to see if I have the balls to ask her out.


not a fan

Can't go wrong with Layrite

Wish it didn't smell so much, though.


It's an astronomical calendar

rick and morty is a pretty philosophical show,

don't need to when you're dropping such high level NEET wisdom

how do i support israel

got this 17 year old muslim girl at college who has latched on to me like a limpet

almost every day in the middle of the night she texts me, calls me or comes round to me room to vent to me about all of her various issues and insane conspiracy theories
its a real drag but i feel responsible for her so i put up with it

she keeps letting guys fuck her and then gets incredibly angry as hateful towards them when they dont see it as anything more than a casual thing, and then getting cross at them IRL and complaining when they avoid her as a result

tonight she was complaining that she hated this hot guy she liked who SHE HAS NEVER TALKED TO because she "imagines" he would do the same if they had sex

honestly dont think 17 year old girls should be allowed to have sex, they just arent mentally ready

the AoC should be 16 for boys and 18 for girls imho

cant go wrong with reuzel green

shall be moving out of the 'rents place for the first time around january, tell me what to do lad

give me advice

New poster here. First day. Name's Ross.

there any lads here in their late 20s?

tell us what it's like

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

>I will never see Blade Runner 2049 for the first time ever again


Goodbye actual child

Hi Ross


King of /Brit/?

nah i think the aoc is fine

become president of the united states

Hello Ross im charlie, nice to meet you


30 year old here. It's basically the same as early 20s.

and he gets the devil trip fucking saving this to use in op pic

oxford bender fuck off

>hes here

My dog is German
My coffee is Colombian
My IT is Indian
My car is English
My food is Italian
My TV is Japanese
My diamonds are South African
My licorice is Australian
My computer is Chinese
My wine is French
And I am an American.

Why can't Brits just accept that multiculaturalism and globalisation benefits everyone in the entire world, including third world countries?

The way is see it the EU is a country and Britain is a state (like Texas in the US) where there is no restriction of movement and where everyone can prosper (again like in the US).

If you aren't convinced by now I must say that even 1000 dead Brits is nothing compared to the carnage you guys caused in the Crusades,

Ah yes shall be reading this entire spiel in great and considerable detail

>the AoC should be 16 for boys and 18 for girls imho
What the fuck are you on about lad? So a boy turns 16 but can't have sex until the girl is 18 so he has to wait 2 years and by that time he'll be 18 anyway


Being most likely to witness the end is a far cry from 'this is the end of times' and Fukuyuma's The End of History wasn't about the end of times, it was about the end of progression, the establishment of a one world socioeconomic structure that we are all gravitating too (kinda like Marx thought we were all heading to communism, except Fukuyuma thought it would be western capitalism) literally the opposite of what you are saying when you say we are progressing rapidly now but we weren't before.

I also think you misunderstand what we were disagreeing on, technologically up until the industrial revolution sure, everything was slow and now we're progressing quickly, but social progress, political progress especially, now is far slow than it used to be.

It doesn't benifit third world countries at all

Why dont you ever smile/show your teeth

>My car is English
What is it?

>he carnage you guys caused in the Crusades,
>you guys
fuck off rasheed

alan, i know you dont like yanks but please answer my question. how do i grow my arms? they've fallen way behind in terms of growth compared to everything else.

cant stand the feeling of curls, only really do tricep extensions.

best wishes


Emma Watson's face when I tell her I want to fuck all of her holes.

who fucking cares about who like cuckolding and who doesnt as long as its not illegal it doesnt fucking matter

not a single micron

It pulled china, India, and Thailand out of third world status

do not DO NOT get an apartment in a house. make sure you get something in a modern apartment building with proper sound barriers

I got my apartment because of it's cheap price and great location. What I didn't realize that you don't get a cheap apartment in a cheap location without serious drawbacks. There's always a fucking catch.

>This is Big Brother. Could Alan please come to the Diary Room.

Because I'm not a yankoid. We smile without showing our teeth

some countries actually have culture you yank twat

All of which are simply attempts to muddy the waters. Notice the words used:
>Thought to be

I'm 31 and basically this I don't feel any different from a decade ago

lads I've been lifting for a couple months now and haven't seen many gains.

what do

king of /brit/?

Is she fit?

I don't know man. Only do curls myslef.
Ps. Hate for Yanks is satire.

All those places are still third world

alan has earned his place at the top of /brit/
he went through the grind of no (You)s and worked his way up from the bottom


keep at it
are you increasing your weights?

>tfw new england
>literally (LITERALLY) not a new (see:last 50 years) apartment within 50 miles of my place of work
>they'er ALL modified houses

honestly lad should i just not bother with the whole "independence" meme?

do NOT take steroids

nascar is the most impressive because the motors are normally aspirated, carbureted, and use standard pump gasoline

formula 1 is complete shite that uses quad turbo, fuel injected, rocket fuel motors that aren't even cars at that point

>Ps. Hate for Yanks is satire.
fuck off yank enabler

In the west we're not afraid to show our teeth


Trading goods and services with Europe is fine. Limited immigration with Europe is fine. Having Europe dictate our laws and policies is not fine. Simple as.


deary deary me alan, the rogaine is NOT working

Just shave it and stop embarassing yourself

but what KIND of curls alan? dislike hammer curls, dislike barbell curls, dislike preacher curls.

honestly feels like im meant to be a biceplet forever