What do you think, Sup Forums? Can Robert pull it off?
What do you think, Sup Forums? Can Robert pull it off?
Here's some info that was revealed months ago:
>Our bad guy won’t be the Duke of New York. Instead, he’s the lean, intensely charismatic Thomas Newton, the playboy heir to an agrochemical and biotech corporation.
>The role originated by Lee Van Cleef will now be played by a woman. The film will introduce us to CIA Deputy Executive Director Roberta Hauk.
>New York City isn’t a maximum security prison. In the reboot, New York is breathtakingly lovely. Manhattan is the island we know, but with more towering glass structures and a high, undulating glass wall. The sky is alive with drones as serene as bees, and artificial intelligence controls all in the form of an ethnically ambiguous, cheery young woman called April. A small staff of technicians and researchers known as “Seers” monitor all.
>Globally, one in every seventy five human begins is now either a refugee, internally displaced, or seeking asylum.
>A hurricane is coming. It’s called Superstorm Ellery.
>April’s security won’t be as good as everyone hoped. That will make the whole city vulnerable.
>Snake has only eleven hours to complete his mission. In the original film, he had 22 hours. Plissken’s mission is to bring in Newton alive.
>Carpenter will serve as an executive producer
>There are new details surfacing behind Twentieth Century Fox reboot of John Carpenter‘s 1981 cult-classic Escape From New York, but there are two very important elements that are missing from the reports.
>First, and more importantly, it’s going to act as a prequel to Carpenter’s film, while the second, which could be changed by the time filming begins, is that Snake Plissken will not have eye eyepatch.
>The prequel is to reboot the franchise much like Fox did with Planet of the Apes, setting up a trilogy that leads into the classic film, but is also in canon.
Will not watch
That all sounds fucking terrible
I'll watch it if they cast Emily as Plissken.
so the remake will have none of the things everyone loved about the original
I honestly thought that was all a joke till I saw you had an actual sources for this shit.
>not a prison
>has to get an ethically ambiguous AI out
What the fuck is this
>The role originated by Lee Van Cleef will now be played by a woman. The film will introduce us to CIA Deputy Executive Director Roberta Hauk.
inb4 Jessica Alba as Snake
Gross. Nothing but bad dialogue, horrible cgi and a heavy use of green screen.
Only way a remake will work is if they can Robert, hire anyone else, cast Emily Blunt as Lady Snake and get Carpenter himself to score it.
I bet s(he)'s a big girl.
>Not Escape From Malmö
Wasn't this guy supposed to be working on Alita?
>>Carpenter will serve as an executive producer
His job is to accept the money the studio hands him.
Yes and that too will suck. It was filmed entirely in Austin, which is the location of his studio. So that means green screen bonaza.
Alita will never be made unless Cameron does it himself, but he never will since Avatar is going to be the only project he works on up until his death unless he builds a spaceship and starts doing documentaries in space.
is he gonna shoot this in his backyard too with some green screen?
this guy's a hack
this is awful
Motherfucker it doesn't make any sense. Nobody wants this to be fucking remade. The whole reason it's a classic is because of Carpenter and Russell, the way it was shot, the music, the sincere 80's sensibilities. Rodriguez will turn this into a green screen meta parody shitfest. And this isn't a brand that's going to draw younger kids who know nothing about the original to go see it. Fuck you.
it's in the can already.
it comes out next year.
>recast the black villain as a white villain
>recast hauk as a strong independent woman who don't need no man
>instead of a city full of poor criminals being the bad guys make the city full of rich people be the bad guys and poor refugees outside the good guys
Good start, now just cast Idris Elba as Snake Pliskin and have a blonde white woman as his love interest, include some shots of desperate refugees trying to get over a wall and we're good to go.
What? Really? Well shit, that's not good. Why does he keep getting work?
>Our bad guy won’t be the Duke of New York. Instead, he’s the lean, intensely charismatic Thomas Newton, the playboy heir to an agrochemical and biotech corporation.
stopped reading right there
fuck this shit
>Can Robert pull it off?
haha, no. he's a terrible director
Who will play her?
Self sufficient studio. They produce the shit, distribution company likes what they see and cut him a deal. Profit. Move on and produce next piece of shit.
At least they cast a decent qt for Alita.
amy schumer
Well GOOD! Fuck your ass grandpa.
>yet ANOTHER dystopian movie about the evil 1%
wow HOW abso-LUTELY fuckin original
Escape From L.A. was already what Rodriguez was going to do with this, without the obnoxious virtue signaling, that's how much of a genius Carpenter is.
Cool. Yeah I want to see him do it. He'll do it rodriguez style but we've already seen carpenter's take twice. I think it'll be fun. He's a better director now than he was when he did desperadoes and shit.
You guys know who robert rodriguez is going to cast as snake right?
Hi Robert.
John Carpenter is one lucky bastard.
Robert has a lot of style and talent, his problem is he half-asses special effects unless someone is standing over his shoulder saying "that looks like shit, Robert." Planet Terror is by far the best thing he has made in the 21st century and that film was produced by Quentin "I hate CGI as much as I love feet" Tarantino. Unless a good producer signs up, this reboot will be a total trainwreck.
It even has shitty CGI. Escape from L.A. was modern Robert Rodriguez before modern Robert Rodriguez existed. Carpenter is a prophet.
who's gonna play snake?
it's like recasting indiana jones or wolverine
How is this beaner still able to make movies? I thought he lost all his money after El Rey failed.
El Rey is doing fine, senpai.
Rodriguez hasn't pulled it off in a long time. It's like he's attracted to bad ideas. Really, the El Rey Network is the best thing he's done this decade.
Actually sounds quite good
You're joking, right?
Yup, Carpenter doesn't give a fuck. He was a full blown producer on The Fog remake but all he did was show up to the set once to say hi to the cast and crew.
>another prequel with the same plot as the original
Gonna skip this trainwreck.
it will be shit and no he can't
>Evil megacorperation
>Same plot
No, now it's even more cliche.
Fuck you, faggot.
Those were my exact thoughts when I did properly watched it. Campy acting, ridiculous plot, that VR section with the not-Che Guevara talking to the president's daughter. Rodriguez-kino before that beaner began putting out his movies.
It's already a perfect movie though
I always though the effects were supposed to look like shit, always, even the CGI blood that he keeps adding to make movies like Machete even worse.
Now that I think of it, it might just be lazy film making, Machete would be much better with practical effects for the blood and the gunfire.
Escape From New York and Escape From LA are two of my favorite carpenter and/or russel movies. They are both perfect for their age/era and themes.
Instead of a remake of either, carpenter and russel should team up again and make a third movie, keep the timeline, or 'reboot it' with escape from detroit or chicago because they were described as prison cities too.
No matter what they did it would still be so much better than any attempt done without them.
Why bother calling it Escape from New York, just call it, "The fight against the 1%"
I really hope this fails harder than Point Break remake
>Let's reboot Escape from New York but change everything about it while still having the basic story be about Kurt Russel looking for someone in Manhattan, but this will also act as a prequel, meaning Snake Plissken will have done the exact same mission twice
I'm not even entirely against this stupid, nu-Hollywood ass premise, but why even connect it to Escape from New York at that point
Why do you people get so triggered by that? Are you in the 1% or something. The 1% sure trained their trained monkeys well.
explains why New York got fucked up
Didn't the first five minutes of the movie already do that?
Did we really need the
"""L O R E""""