Special effects>CGI
Special effects>CGI
get with the times grandpa i bet you still play bored games
your oily rubber halloween masks look like shit, deal with it
Everyone always remembers the great practical effects and bad cgi but never the other way around. Shit practical effects look awful and great cgi looks astounding. And there is tons of both so why can't people just appreciate the best of both worlds?
Don't ever post in my threads again.
No, all CGI looks shit no matter what.
Krill yourself.
>Shit practical effects look awful
Because they require talent and pride in ones work. "Good" CGI just requires money.
talent costs money you fucking retard
You wouldn't be able to distinguish CGI from reality in today's movies.
Grow up
Why do you think it costs so much money?
Does animating, modeling, etc., require less skill and talent than practical effects specialists? How can you even compare the two?
CG is special effects user~