Admit it Sup Forums
You thought it was good until reddit adopted it
Admit it Sup Forums
It still is
I have a hemorrhoid.
nah it's good, I'm not autistic so I can enjoy things other people like
I still think it's good, and I hate reddit :^)
But I do like it, and I also like reddit
I still enjoy it because I'm an adult. I don't let groups influence me to like something or not
I always thought it was good.
The people whining about reddit are 100% redditors, they obsess over that site and browse it constantly but somehow believe they're not redditors because they hate it.
Never watched it, but I'm pretty sure I saw a thread saying I hate it
I do like and couldnt care less about reddit
I like it a lot.
here's your (you) it's a pretty good show, I haven't seen a lot of better animated tv comedies for adults come out recently.
Cartoon threads belong in Sup Forums.
Why do you people always post the same pics?
Reddit started liking it when season 2 was airing. I hated it because season 2 was endless trash.
im in class with reddit and i don't like him and he doesn't like me
I still do enjoy it.
Imagine basing how much you do or don't like a show based on what Sup Forums says
Wew lad.
Nah, Dan Harmon is everything Sup Forums hates for stupid reasons.
I am reddit
Hola Reddito
It's funny sometimes but "Get Schwifty" is totally reddit tier humor, it's a retarded joke practically built to put on t-shirts and for dumbasses to regurgitate at every party they go to.
Yes, I even shilled it unironically to people I know
I don't give a fuck what reddit thinks, rick and Morty is great
t. reddit
Back at ya reddit ;)
It was ok at first
>You thought it was good until reddit adopted it
This is pretty much Sup Forums's slogan.
>you have to buy water at American schools
Best country in the world ;)
Thats because yankee tap water lights on fire
No, I watched the first ep and couldn't stop cringing.
no wonder america is such a dystopian shithole if their youth consider this good.
>it's time to get DRUMPFY!
Really reddit and memey?
Its not a funny show, a show cant be funny if it doesnt have jokes
I didn't, actually.
Try again kiddo
I like it, but the 9.3 rating on imdb is absolutely ridiculous. Especially because some season 2 episodes, like the one you posted, were plain bad.
It's better to be the misunderstood loner than a drooling normie with lots of "friends" who aren't really your friends.
This. Reddit enjoys every show you watch. You may as well just find another pastime.
I only like Frasier as far as tv comedies go. You will laugh but I'm not joking.
>light illuminates the last white man
>the colored are surrounded by darkness and cooperation
>the white man eats his lunch, which he prepared for himself
>the American flag is on the right side with the white man
Really deep.
When exactly did Sup Forums start getting so autistically obsessed with Reddit?
>I'm an adult
>I enjoy a kids' cartoon
no you're not
never got around to second season, and I'll admit it's partly because of reddit circlejerking and all the manchildren with rick and morty pics on facebook.
season 2 was absolute dogshit
but nothing will top the shitheap that was Raising Gazorpazorp
Since always. Are you new? Reddit was always reviled here for being the epicenter of normieness on the internet
since reddit's conception
how new
I suppose when reddit started appropriating memes and featuring atheism on their front page.
Reddit didn't adopt it, Rick and Morty fans adopted Reddit, and there's nothing wrong with that. The actual Reddit is shit as fuck right now, by the way.
Not an argument.
it's essentially facebook boiled down to posts and comments with a like system
also, since its inception, its been nothing but a hugboxes and circlejerks in an attempt to get the most likes.
reddit was smart to make a gold feature that basically incentivizes/behavior manipulates certain kinds of posts. It's all fucked up.
I actually remember a time when you could go to this board without seeing "reddit reddit reddit" in every thread, so if you believe it's since always, it's you who are new.
I thought it was good until the second season sucked
There has been a relative lull in the anti-reddit vitriol between its creation and now, yes but it was always there to varying degrees
yeah, it's the same thing with the Sup Forumstards making every thread about identity politics and then trying to pretend that Sup Forums was always this way. the funny thing is 95% of the alt-right retards on this board came from r/thedonald anyway. they call everyone else reddit because they somehow think that will hide the fact it's where they originated from.
this image is made to appeal to normies
if you'd rather be the kid on the left, you need to leave
This is honestly one of the long-running problems of Sup Forums is calling fucking everything you dislike Reddit. I mean come up with something creative or interisting or an actual argument, damn
>iinb4 more "reddit"
When Sup Forums started shitting up this place more than usual.
>Hey guys check out this thing
>nigger nigger nigger nigger
>Yeah go back to Sup Forums we're talking about movies
>OH then you must be from reddit! hur dur dur
Of course there is also reasons like the fanbase reddit attracts, the shitty memes they make, and circlejerks over the "depth" of Rick and Morty. But I really think the Sup Forums shit is a big factor since its basically the lefty site, and therefore a sick insult for twisted kids.
t. redditor
It was around 2010 when reddit became filled with 9fag/Digg kiddos. I feel as though it's the ultimate antithesis to Sup Forums, which is why it's been our obsession for so many years, longer even than Gaia or eBaums.
It's a show that I watch
I do not see the humor in "get schwifty" and the second improv episode was a disappointment
A certain queen perhaps?
Reddit was basically a perfect storm: cancerous fags from Digg went to it when Digg was redesigned which was 2010, at the peak of the normalfag social media infestation and it touted the ability for more user content. When Reddit was just for porn and computers, the place was fine if low-IQ.
Both the galactic cable channels were bad, but the first one had a better side story. I'm pretty sure get schwifty is just some nonsense, maybe a jab at shallow nonsense pop songs or idol shows.
>maybe a jab at shallow nonsense pop songs or idol shows.
I get that part, but from what I've seen the reddit fans have latched onto the song and the phrase obsessively, while in the episode it was just a thing that I was waiting to be over
Never thought it was good
Show for loser adults and teens
>lowest common denominator plebian masses latch onto shallow nonense pop songs or idol shows
>lowest common denominator plebian masses latch onto shallow nonsense pop song or idol show joke
Does anyone have the reddit rick and morty pasta?
I was hoping it would be posted by now.
seconding pasta, dont think ive seen it yet
I dropped it after the interracial cuckolding episode
I still think it's good desu
most of the people that "hate" Rick and Morty in Sup Forums do so because they're afraid of being part of popular, normal opinion, they're the kind of idiots who would find a film good until it's reviewed in the internet, then god forbid they find themselves agreeing with an internet critic.
They're worse that the kind of idiot who can't form their own opinion, they do have an opinion but it HAS to be different.
What I dislike about R&M is the creator's obnoxious lack of a sincere & dedicated approach to the show. The creator's revel in their ironic detachment, exemplified most of all in their improv episodes. As if preemptively shielding themselves from criticism by releasing something deliberately half-assed. It is emblematic to me of the creator's lack of genuine insight or a lack of conviction in their own ability. Which would be understandable given the personalities behind the show itself.
Half-assing is only real philosophy of the creators. The show is conceived & shaped through a click-bait understanding of science, a lifetime of media addiction & the only partially digested nietzschean philosophy of the creators. It knowingly spouts the kind of lazy, autodidact, self-serving, personal philosophy of those weaned in the information-era: "Nothing really matters so do whatever you want."
It's a half-baked nihilism dressed up as cynical realism used to justify a shallow unexamined lifestyle of hedonistic "Dopamine is the greatest good". Ironically championed by those who consider themselves more knowledgeable than the rest of the world because they're armed with an internet connection and a wikipedia tab. It aims to make its audience feel smart & clever without making them think too hard. To validates the choices they've already made & reinforces their lifestyles. To makes them feel superior while downplaying their own shortcomings.
In other words. It's reddit.
it's a pretty good show I have no problem with it. Bojack is better though
Yeh, I can agree with this.
there is literally nothing wrong with nihilism
Ive been watching it since the pilot and never stopped liking it, but I can still point out the obvious flaws in writing/animation
It was always shit. Now it's popular with annoying people AND shit.
It's one of the first results on google images.
they had to re-do the entire third season
thats why we havent seen it yet
the creators are burnt out and got lucky on s01
we all know it
Are you kidding? It was great just for the nostalgic feeling from the thought of being a horny shota with a hot sexbot
Shut up.
How it went for me:
>Watch first few episodes, enjoy it
>Watch Rick Potion 9, love it
>Month gap in episodes after that, hype builds
>Finale is great
>Hype builds for second season
>Second season is mediocre
>Starts becoming Reddit's favorite show
>Finale is fuckawful
>Hype is ded
>me in high school
I don't think about Reddit because I'm not 14-years-old.
>they had to re-do the entire third season
why? Did they have to add trump jokes?
actually, they're in jail
>incapable of making friends, sit by yourself during lunch
>someone takes a picture of you and posts it online using
>you are later used as a symbol for an anonymous image forum known for its shitty populace
what did this poor boy ever do to anyone :(
>Being caught dead in the Cafeteria
>t. guy who had to eat lunch in the bathroom
There's literally nothing wrong with hemorroids
most of s1 was pretty good
but s2...
>space hospital to remove dads balls
>rick hooks up with his alien gf
I thought it was good at first, with some particularly strong episodes (about on par with the good Futurama episodes) but it quickly turned into Harmon trash, falling back on the usual meaningless tripe he loves.