This is concept art for Jurassic World.
Would you have liked the movie more if the dinos looked like this?
This is concept art for Jurassic World.
Would you have liked the movie more if the dinos looked like this?
They look cool, sure
look pretty rad to be honest
More concepts.
The raptors yea. Cutesying the Raptors into buddy movie human allies was the stupidest display of not understanding the IP your working with in modern film.
That one looks way better.
These look way better.
male raptors would be an awesome change.
The raptor in that pic looks like the ones from Jurassic park 3, the ones in Jurassic world looked closer to the ones in jurassic park
Is the malasaurus proto indominus?
feathers never
Thank god.
the ones in jurassic world look like they came out of a coloring book for kids in the 90s
but they say theyre mixed with frogs hence featherless
Where are the feathers?
i'm talking about the shape
>mix bird thing with frog thing
>result looks like a spiky iguana
no expense
Post more concept dinos
Hell yeah
i want my feathered dinosaurs
Why are nu-males obsessed with feathers?
Is that because they can act "intellectually superior" to other people for knowing something like all liberals do? Or is just autism?
can't they stick to the basic dinosaurs fuck
id love a movie where they just hunt down a trex
i think they look more appropriate.
Could've been a lot worse
>bunny arms
>looks like an unaltered african
really monos my brow
>Why are nu-males obsessed with feathers?
it makes the dinosaurs softer and more feminine, just like them
are these from some freemium collectathon?
uhhhh excuse me where are the feathers
you just know something like this is going to make it in to one of the sequels
I can't even begin to imagine the amount of porn we would have seen of this thing and Chris Pratt's charater
yes they are.
See the thing with the feathers and the InGen scientists putting chemicals in the water the turn the friggin birds gay or whatever is a stupid meme, but at least it makes sense as a headcanon.
The entire structure of arms changing for no reason, and the wrists being broken and deformed, and the shoulder being always dislocated are all inexcusable.
If you mix frog sperm and mosquito shit and get a dinosaur with its arms all fucking mangled, the thing will just die before hatching. They couldn't even lay in a shell correctly the way Steven Hacksberg portrayed them.
No excuses for the bunny arms.
Lavasaur, evolves from Brachiash at level 35
The spines and red highlights on the Malusaurus look dooooope
>tfw no realistic feathered dinosaurs ever, ever
They should make the plot of Jurassic World 2 be a billionaire autist trying to create realistic dinos with feathers and getting BTFO when his wife leaves him for Chris Pratt and scales
Americans are fucking retarded
*notices bulge*
OwO what's this?
just turn your brain off hahaha
>Scratchimus Rex
Oh right, they're from a phone game? that makes sense. Still looks like hot fucking garbage though
Are birds the WE WUZ of the animal kingdom?
Fuck off.
Just nrut ffo ruoy niarB
No thanks.
>darth icky
whats wrong with realistic dinosaurs?
no, doggos are
Why does Sup Forums have the highest percentage of Christian fundamentalists of any board?
What is it about film and television that attracts anti-intellectuals and reality-deniers?
Kek, are there more animal edits of this?
/fa/ as fuck
Where are the feathers?
Literally only the smaller raptors have feathers, the large therapies like tyrannosaurus didn't have that shit when they were adults
I swear this is almost as dumb as the T. rex is a scavenger argument that hack Jack Horner started
Daily reminder that Jurassic dinosaurs BTFO Cretaceous dinosaurs. There is a strong case to be made that dinosaurs of the Cretaceous represent the degeneration and degradation inherent in the ecosystem.
>giant rat tail
for what purpose
I was pretty hype for a dark spinoff with the dino-human hybrid
My dude, your answer is in your question
Ask yourself, "why do rats have hairless tails?"
Possible use off the top of my head: effective heat exchange with environment
I hope to god they actually looked like this so objective reality can BTFO manchildren once again.
>Jack Horner
>dumb and a hack
Oh I'm sorry which field have you co-revolutionized?
>mfw Robert Bakker ironically shit-posts on Sup Forums
It's funny that you literally can do that in the Jurassic World Lego video game.
>spreading disinfo
Oh hey it's a phone poster
even if feathers were real, they still look extremely stupid, even more if you already built the franchise based on dinosaurs with scales
Honestly, this would have been significantly more interesting than what we got.
>just like in my japanese kaiju films
admit it', this shit's no different from all the various godzilla monsters shat out over the years
So instead of making a proper game, like Operation Genesis... They make some shitty Freemium phone shite?
Fuck sake. Building a park with spliced dinos would have been great on PC. But no, gotta milk those guys.
when will genghis rex be featured in the movie?
What is this nigger spouting about?
With Jurassic World shut down, call it Jurassic War and have the plot centre around Owens and his crew working for an NGO trying to take down Wong who is working for some PMC asshole and is still making dinosaurs specifically for the US Military.
Opening scene could be Raptors deployed in the Middle-East, highly trained, who take out all terrorists. They even have a T-Rex and go in, to make another version of Indominus - throw in some Spinosaurus DNA and deploy that in the third act. Begins killing terrorists, US Military, their PMCs and civilians.
The sequel will obviously be in a military experiment lab. Where the dinos escape after being 'heightened in intelligence'. Then there is a comment about "they might be smarter but their other brains are unevolved" and in the end they kill them, with the scientist guy either creating the breakout to escape or uses the breakout to escape.
Leaves open to a third sequel like you said, the scientist is hired by [insert enemy country the Jews want the populace to hate] and they create controlled dinosaurs which they use to attack places. Perhaps North Korea do it and use it to remove garrisons in the demilitarised zone so they can invade. Pratt is hired because 'he knows dinosaurs the best'. There is scenes of tanks and helicopters and shit vs dinosaurs.
Can be ended however you want.
Sorry, forgot to quote you in