Hey Amerifriends, why is your healthcare so terrible?

Hey Amerifriends, why is your healthcare so terrible?

I'm not even memeing, I'm legitimately curious as to why your healthcare is so convoluted and expensive.

Do you guys fear getting sick/injuried or is that just a meme?

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Because your people keep jumping our border and leeching our money.

but sounds like you "know" that it is "terrible". why ask



>it's ok when corporations do it but not people


Sure, because Juan eats for free and pays no rent, and he's getting access to programs that are exclussive to American citizens. Leaving the disingenous amth aside, how about you make your corporations/employers start paying living wages instead of having taxpayers subsidize their workforce if this is what you believe?

Gr8 b8 I r8 it 8/8

Honestly it wasn't even bait, I guess I was just being too optimistic

Mexicans pour in by the boatload and take up space in schools and offices. They don't integrate or speak English and half don't pay income taxes or pay protection money in an unlisted house or car. My school was filled with Mexicans and each one had illegal parents.

You know it's big insurance. In fact I'd say blaming it on uninsured immigrants is jew-bait propaganda that you should be ashamed falling for

Just because they're illegal doesn't necessarily equate to them leeching off the system. You also have to keep in mind they probably work in shitty conditions, they don't get anything handed to them in a silver platter.

Wasteful hospital spending.

Because Americans drank from a great hearty brew of "WE DA BEST" for so long that they didn't notice everything falling down around them.

Did you ICE'd them?

If you didn't you don't stand any point for complaining about it because you allow irregularity in every part of personal your life.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.
It's not our fault your government allows it, maybe you should make a reform or something, instead of complaining like little cucks.

Yes they do. I remember this one fat Mexican girl who had a crush on me and her twin sister get welfare and foodstamps and their parents worked 16 hours a week. She had an eating disorder and was treated at a free clinic which explain OP's question.

>free clinic

you're fucking stupid

Yes, called border control on the twins from a pay phone. I blame spanish monarchy for leaving them behind.
Who is this?

Bitch there's a free childrens clinic literally around the corner from me next the liquor store and pawn shop.

>Who is this
Donaldo "amnesty" Trump?

go back and reread it you dumb fuck

reread it


Well done, can't blame me je suis Catalan.

Hope you carpet bomb evil oppressors of Madrid in the following days.

And after you solve your illegal crisis is time to face your greatest threat them k*k*s behind big companies and banks

There is no error anywhere. Get some eyeglasses.

The more I see the shit he says and does the more I believe that theory that he was implanted by Russians to fuck with the US.

Wow you sure showed me. Stupid wh*Te animal.

I couldn't be prouder. We have a shitposter in office.

>this cringy bootlicking

Shitposting has "shit" in it for a reason

Don't settle for this please, you deserve better

>that drug induced paranoia.

Nope we don't. Deporting illegals would just be taking 1 finger off the fist crushing us.

>Implying Trump will do anything useful ever
He's just sperging out on Twitter and taking you out of random interantional treaties.

>you deserve better
>Nope we don't

>Mexicans pour in by the boatload
No, they don't, they haven't for close to a decade and the by far overwhelming majority, 30 million plus, is legal. I know why you play your little narrative game but facts remain you Trumpsters were just too late to do anything about it. Now you're going for 5 million plus Mexicans (the other illegals are not our guys) the majority of which has lived a deacde or longer in the US as settled workers upon which your farming, dairy and cattle industries rely upon nevermind others like Restaurant/hospitality or construction.

And Trump is for all his bluster and threats and fear mongering on what? 50k deported so far? You do the math. But hey wreck those areas of the economy that employ Americans as front of house and management, why don't you? Meanwhile Chang and Pajeet are taking all the white collar jobs your college graduates and the kids of your blue collar workers aspire to.


By all means Cleetus don't let my country's poor get in the way of your dream job of 6 days a week being on premises at 4ยจ00 AM in the morning to make sure a few hundred dairy cows are all fed, milked and clean.

don't wasted your time on a Sup Forumstard

>8 seconds of FREEDUMBS

Bullshit. Mexicans by no means make up the majority of the workforce. Even if they did then they do more harm than good.


Illegals disrupt and destroy settled populations from any borders. If the US had a border with France then there would still be problems. 8% of americans are unemployed and a job cleaning up cow shit isn't that bad considering you can make a living from it.

No matter what you say, all illegals are bad news. You're culturally similar to the scum in central America so you have no idea what we mean.

>Hurrdurr go back to /board/

>black lives matter
I haven't heard a compelling argument why they would



Most people don't worry about healthcare; they either get insured through their employer, or qualify for medicare/medicaid. The people who are fucked are those who are too wealthy to qualify for medicaid, too young to qualify for medicare, and don't get group insurance through their employer. This group either buys individual insurance, with very expensive premiums; or they remain uninsured and make up the majority of sob-stories about people losing their homes to pay medical bills.

Plenty of state senates and state congresses have had Democrat super-majorities for decades. Almost all of these Democrat politicians vocally advocate for single-payer-government-healthcare. They could institute universal healthcare at a state level if they wanted to. Vermont tried to, but it was too expensive. California is the 7th or 6th largest economy in the world, and the democrats there are among the most progressive, and they have had power forever, but they won't institute universal care for Californians because it is too expensive.

US healthcare is more expensive for a variety of reasons. The American Medical Association acts like a medieval guild, and limits the number of doctors. We generally respect IP law, and let pharmaceutical companies operate with a monopoly for a few years before their competitors can make generics (to incentivize R&D into new drugs). Patients prefer to see expensive specialists rather than seeing general practitioners. For example, I had a strange looking mole on my butt, so I went to see a dermatologist who told me it was a benign mole; rather than a GP would would have told me "it's probably not cancerous, I'll refer you to a specialist if you want a second opinion". And Americans allow hospice patients who choose to, to have "unnecessary" surgeries, if they so chose, if there is even a small chance that it will save their lives. There are a lot of other reasons too.

You left out the part where hospitals absolutely purposefully gutfuck you with price gouging.
I don't care how much pain I'm in, one tylenol isn't a $10 pill.

Why don'tcha guys just set up a public option for Healthcare? I don't get all the focus on single payer and privatizing healthcare.

kill patents and ip in general
because that would cost far more than it ever would be in returns. hospitals are shit expensive, and the ama is a fucking cockhold on how many doctors there will be next year, and artificially inflates their own wages.

>Unironically quoting the Washington times
GTFO /pol

My bad, for the benefit of any unbiased lurkers

>quit eating that will solve the problem
maybe that's the plan??
to make america overweight again?
(not obese)

Why are hospitals so expensive to mantain?

Cool waterbottles.

Because hospitals are a business. America has a unique position in the world because we live in a cut-throat competitive society. Businesses are the prime example of competition. Let's say you are a hospital director, you want to make money off of this building. So you provide simply the best most up to date care in the world, and you can charge what you like for it. Your competetors want to do even better, so they need to try even harder to keep up and if they are better, they can charge more than you.

Health care is not a right, simple as that.

We're in a fucked up limbo between socialized medicine, and free-market medical services. A lot of government regulation + a lack of government subsidy. It's really the worst of both worlds. Health care is one of the most over-regulated areas in the economy, yet it's treated as "free market" when it's time to pay the bill.

Under a true free market system, there would be competition that would lower the cost of healthcare. Under a true government run system, there would be price and wage controls for doctors, pharmaceuticals, etc. that would allow healthcare to be affordable for an inefficient government service provider.

>Health care is not a right, simple as that.

The real non-meme answer.

The current generation in charges is on a whole, more selfless at the personal level and way more selfish at the public level.

This is where you see the fuck-you-I-got-mine's come in. I lose about 45% of my income to taxes and healthcare costs, my states proposed SPHC plan would basically the same for me out of every paycheck AND I wouldn't be dealing with a plan every year at work having to go through the same bullshit just to get my migraine drugs.

>why is your healthcare so terrible?
I don't know.

>Do you guys fear getting sick/injuried

because the health insurance companies are not the problem. they are largely leaving the marketplace due to conditions imposed on them by Obamacare (you must insure people with pre-existing conditions, etc). No one who doesn't qualify for free medicare/medicaid would willingly pay for it when they can just buy superior private insurance.

fuck amerimutts

What if I hate the player and the game?

radical capitalism

Correction: I think you meant to say that our healthcare insurance system (payment and pricing) is terrible and convoluted, not our healthcare itself. It's amongst the best, if not the best, in the world, even if you can't afford it.

Bottom line is that I think it has something to do with how extravagantly priced medical equipment is. I worked at a hospital in high school as a technician, and my supervisor once joked about how a box of tourniquets cost at least $100; a simple syringe sans needle was something like $10. Also, I once asked how much the diagnostic machine that I worked with cost, and she said that it was at least $1m by itself, not including the wires and other disposable paraphernalia. That fucking figure floored me, since our department had at least a dozen of these machines, and I often saw my superiors throwing them around like scrap metal.