What the fuck did I just watch? Did I get memed again?
What the fuck did I just watch? Did I get memed again?
A great film, what's the problem?
You watched kino
This Lynch flick is KINO
well now here's a man who wants to get right down to it!
You got
I just don't get it. Is this supposed to be the finnegans wake of film or something?
>Lynch didn't win best director at the Oscars for this
What the fuck.
No, but it has no value other than the lesbian scene. Did you not enjoy the lesbians?
Or something. Like most Lynch it's an Americana fever dream.
It was a shit movie that pseudo intellectuals love to brag about being great.
It wasn't good then and isn't now. it's just a shitty movie about a delusional drug addict that will waste three hours of your life.
Every single person I've met in real life who likes this movie is the most pretentious, faggy, arrogant bitch.
Literally if you try to talk to anyone about it, they'll just say "it's just too deep for you to understand" when they have no fucking idea what it means
>mullholland drive and inland empire are better than eraserhead and the elephant man
>eyes wide shut is better than a clockwork orange
>knight of cups and the tree of life are better than badlands and days of heaven.
faggot Sup Forums at its contrarian best.
Maybe because it's awful and feels like Tim and Eric tried to make a serious movie
It was good until it went weird. After that it's pointless.
So within the first 15 seconds?
for the small brains
I got memed too, I really don't know why people like this.
not sure why you're replying to me, I don't share any of those shitty opinions
Hahaha yup
Watching this in the background was a mistake. I can't remember a single plot point.
By far my least favourite Lynch film (I haven't seen Dune or Inland Empire though)
Why don't you watch them then?
The first hour and a half are Diane Selwyn's (Naomi Watts) dream. She wakes to her reality as a loser actress that ordered a hit on her ex who got the part she wanted and humiliated her by getting engaged to the director at the party.
Want to read Dune first and if I'm too much of a pleb for Mulholland Drive I'll have no chance with Inland Empire
>What the fuck did I just watch?
Another satisfied customer.
I really wish all the effort that went into explaining MD went into explaining this fucking movie
Sup Forums feeds off threads like these; pissed off and confused at TVs recommendations
This, pretty fucking simple.
The American Dream vs the American Nightmare
It takes film technique cliches of old hollywood and distorts them, subverting the expectations of the audience, while also showing how Diane's life never turned out to be the typical Hollywood dream that she expected when she moved there for a film career.
I remember getting memed on by a pretentious fucklord with this flick.
Also shat nightmares for a few months after seeing the scary man.
Why does everyone act like this move is so "pretentious" or "complicated" or "confusing"? it's this simple: The second half of the film is a dream and that explains all the bizarre !!!!!!!!!!!DREAM-LIKE!!!!! stuff that happens. There's nothing difficult about that at all. It's just a dream.
first half*, my bad
Because it takes a lot of liberties with the "real dream" thing , and the last quarter is arguably more surreal than the rest of the movie.
>Why does everyone act like this move is so "pretentious" or "complicated" or "confusing"?
people just want something easy to follow as they text and post and stuff
Because it's slow, boring, and perhaps the worst for me was that the transition wasn't clear. The movie didn't make me wanna think, made me wanna read an analysis.
People will just call you a pleb even though you're completely correct.
You got meme'd pretty hard, man. How you holding up? Word to the wise, avoid Synedoche New York as well. Don't believe the memes. Never trust film recommendations from a board with 30 capeshit and 10 blacked threads up at any given time. You're guaranteed to just be getting rused and used.
I unironically agree with all of those except Mulholland Drive. It's good but my least favorite Lynch, it just feels watered down and kind of spoon fed despite its reputation. Replace it with Lost Highway or Wild at Heart and I agree
Not him but both those films are very good. Dune was actually had a ton of good things, but I've never read the book so maybe that's why I feel that way. And as for IE, it kinda depends on why you didn't like MD. If you thought it was overly confusing then yeah it may not do much for you, though it's like a more complex Lost Highway and imo even more atmospheric than Eraserhead. But if you thought that MD was just kind of pointless and not very affecting, then Inland Empire is still very much worth watching. The biggest saving grace for me was going into it knowing it had some to do with Transcendental Medituon and, by my interpretion, the journey of consciousness. Many say Lynch's films shouldn't be understood, just get absorbed by the atmosphere, but while there is some to be got from that, there is a story siting in there. Not everything can be explained easily, and it's not hard to write it off as adding to the feel of the film, but IE is everything from a critique of Hollywood to what I saw as a story about rationalizing life and what awaits consciousness after death
This. If you can't follow Mulholland Drive you are seriously fucking retarded.
I agree that it was kind of boring, though it had plenty of great moments dispersed throughout, and just felt a little pointless. But it wasn't clear enough for you? MD is overly straight forward, what do you think of Lynch's other stuff? Lost Highway had a transition almost as clear but lots of things obscuring it, Inland Empire had a transition that was almost impossible to catch, and Eraserhead didn't have one at all.
Where the hell was Inland Empire's transition? When she looks through the silk that she burned with a cigarette?
OK mr smart guy, what was up with the evil old people at the end? Or the empty blue box? Or what about the man behind the diner or the cowboy? Or the disfigured mob boss guy?
You know, that was definitely a transition of some sort, but I don't think it was THE moment of going from whatever we've been seeing to reality. I think that when the woman gets killed with a screwdriver, that's the only scene we see based in reality. Everything before was a journey through her mind as we see her try to justify and rationalize her past and life. And then everything after is the continuation of her consciousness, either into some afterlife or simply ""reincarnating"" in a way. At the end we see that Dern is sitting at the other side of the room, meaning only "a day" had passed. Consciousness will continue on to the next day, despite the fact that the body has died. That's the way I see it, it helps everything fall into place and is in line with Lynch's spiritual fascinations.
Not him, it's been a while, but things like the cowboy are literally as simple as she saw a person at the dinner party, and they came to her dream that night in some form. MD was scraps of a tv pilot tied together by a loose story. It's as incredibly simple as a substance induced dream and most things can be explained as such, which is why I think it's the easiest and also least impactful Lynch movies. The box I believe probably was "the truth" buried in her mind, very simple
Pseuds call everything that doesn't go out of its way to look stupid "pretentious"