>you have executive control of the Simpsons
>you can shut it down or keep raking in the Bartbux
What do? Be honest.
>you have executive control of the Simpsons
>you can shut it down or keep raking in the Bartbux
What do? Be honest.
Other urls found in this thread:
Make adaptations of both Dead Bart and "Get out Bart, I'm piss"
I'd hire Andrew Anglin to write it and see how long they let it stay on the air.
I like your style
Final episode; it is reveled that the simpsons died in a car accident and have been in purgatory from season 8 onwards
Shut it down, rake in syndication money from the classic episodes, probably let Netflix and Amazon have a bidding war for streaming rights
>hire some half decent writers with the millions the network gives you
Rake in the cash. The damage to the brand has already been done, all true fans know it's a different show and don't watch it and whoever does watch it must enjoy it so why take their show away? And money. ....nobody here would say no to that money.
add a new character
>Announce final season
>No Celebrity aside from one Sideshow Bob and only him, not his family
>Get as many of the original writers to come back and write the final season like Conan and others
>Makes issues about family life and living in the town
>No pop culture jokes
>Tell Groining I will hit him in the balls with a tire iron if he does Trump/political jokes
>Second or third to last episode have it as a dedication episode to all the important actors and actress that were important to the Simpsons who passed away.
>End on a simple message like the Homo poison fish episode where he is happy for who and what he has in life.
>Thanks for All the Years!
Age out maggie and add a new baby!
I'd turn it into a drama
>Milhouse date-rapes Lisa. school divided between those who believe her and those who think she was asking for it
>Bart initially torn between his best friend and his sister, but eventually snaps and beats Milhouse within an inch of his life; gets sent to juvie
>Smithers caught looking at child porn
>Marge thinks she might be a lesbian
>Homer gets diabetes
make that live-action krrusty spin-off and the fantasia style musical they wanted to do
Shut down regular episodes.
Do a few specials throughout the year like the Treehouse of Horror, a summer vacation episode, etc. 4 new episodes per year, tops.
Invite guest comedy writers to take a crack at it for some of the new specials. Run the old episodes on syndicate forever.
Make a deal with Netflix to put the entire library up on there + these new specials get archived there too.
Look into spin off shows to put on FOX in the same time slot.
We have long past the time when it could have died with dignity.
>Homo poison fish
this isn't south park you dumb phoneposter
>Shut down regular episodes
God if only Al Jean was this smart.
I'd honestly just give the show to Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein and let them do whatever they want
Make a final episode
>Same type of dumb bullshit first act they always do
>then Homer all of a sudden wakes up in a hospital
>the animation shifts to resembles that of the mid 90's
>Homer looks much older
>A grey haired Dr. Hibbert walks in
>Explains to Homer that he was shot in New York City in 2000 and as been in a coma for 17 years
>Every episode since Homer vs New York was just a dream
>The family comes in to see him they're all aged and shit
>He travels back home and sees all the old characters on his way through the car window; Moe, Flanders, Maude, etc.
>No jokes, just reflection
>He gets home, sits on the couch and turns on the tv
>Fade to black
>The end
I don't get why they keep hiring celebrities. If its not as profitable now then why waste most of those profits on them instad of just trying to get the writing back on track
>>Marge thinks she might be a lesbian
Pretty sure they already did this.
It wasn't for drama, it was for "le gay acceptance"
I would write a final episode.
> Maggie gets raped
> Wiggum can't solve the crime
> Homer has a bright idea
> All the men in town have to put their penis into Maggie
> Whoever causes the same level of vaginal tearing is the perpetrator
> Turns out it was bumblebee man
>> Turns out it was bumblebee man
>> Turns out it was bumblebee man
Make world age. Lisa and Bart now teenagers and Maggie a kid
>no explanation
>everyone aged with the show
>Bart is a heroin addict
>Lisa is an angry lesbian sjw
>marge left homer and took him to the cleaners in the divorce
>Maggie ran away because she hates her family
>homer shuffles through the house drunk reminiscing of when his family was together
>Carl comes over to visit and they have a few drinks remembering the good times
>Lenny died from colon cancer
>after a few laughs Carl and homer go to moe's
>it's just Homer, Moe & Carl
>Barney died of liver failure
>after a night of drinking homer walks around town
>homer walking toward the sun rise
>ends abruptly with homer crying with a gun to his head
Have they literally ever done this?
Seriously it might be time though
>Air Bart the General (All 4 parts)
>get cancelled
fire the entire writing staff, hire conan and crew from the original run and do one final season that spends each episode concluding the characters stories as best they can. Giving them a problem and a wholesome solution to their story
theyve been raking in the bartbucks for decades, they dont need the money and are just shells of their former selves
A poster in this thread had the right idea. Stop it with the regular, 24 episode seasons. Do like 6-8 episodes a year (basically adult swim/comedy central numbers for a season) and have NO pop culture/political humor, and limit the guest appearances to only established guests like Albert Brooks or Kelsey Brooks.
Why not both?
>Call up a major company
>Tell them that you are willing to do some product placement
>Naturally they agree
>What you don't tell them is that you called three dozen other companies to do product placement
>Every episode from that point on is almost nothing but overt product placement
>Network kills the show because it fucking sucks
>Keep the money you made from product placements
I'm Toadfish... don't get on me bad side, mate.
Did he died?
Do a KOTH cross over episode where homer fucks Peggy. Hoyeah!
I would end it
> Louis Theroux is the guest star
> He is doing a documentary on American families
> He spends the entire episode picking apart how bad the show is in a meta way, pointing out ongoing plot inconsistencies, Homer's child abuse, Homer's alcoholism, etc
Could work
concluding the characters stories would be an incredible touch. to do it with the original writers would be legendary.
>>ends abruptly with homer crying with a gun to his head
I need to see this, my soul is crying for it to happen
maaaaaaaarge, youre breaking my heaaaaaaaart
fucking kino
I didn't come to feel you fuck
I can guarantee that the last season or episode that will find a way to make everything past it's peak (or at worst the movie) not canon.
Great way to go out. A show that's been so bad for so long at least deserves a memorable ending, and a sad one is likely the only way to do it.
I would make an hour-long final episode in kind of a similar style of the 22 Short Films About Springfield set around Christmas.
The episode would end the Simpsons attending a Christmas play to reference the first episode's opening.
>Shut it down
>Reboot it
>Keep most of the original cast
>Cast myself as a recurring character
>Rake in syndication bux forever
I'd fire all of the cast and hire a bunch of people who can impersonate them flawlessly who are prepared to work for cheap. This will save me a few million per episode. Move back to hand-drawn Korean sweatshop animation. Steal episode ideas from other sitcoms and online forums and pay some interns to re-write them. The show travels back in time to fit squarely in an ambiguous year between 1990 and 1996. No new characters, even if they're only there for one episode. The Simpsons are no longer the main characters, but the majority of the main and supporting cast get their own time slots throughout the season (which is now only 10 episodes) where the show will cut between different groups of them. Homer will revert to his pre-jackass state, Marge will no longer be a nag, Lisa will shut the fuck up so help me god, and Bart will continue as the show's merry prankster and delinquent. All episodes post season 9 will be humbly apologized for by Homer prior to the beginning of Season 29 episode 1.
I would keep making more episodes for as long as I could. I'd be the head writer, with a few people from Sup Forums working with me as sub-writers. The goal each week would be to write worse and worse episodes.
Every episode would include a celebrity cameo, but the cameos would get more and more absurd by the end. For example, at first, I'd have Jennifer Lawrence as a cameo, but within 2 seasons, I'd have completely random writers from Huffington Post. As more episodes go by, the celebrity would have a greater and greater impact in the story. So Jennifer Lawrence would have nothing to do with the plot, but the Huffington Post writer would be the protagonist.
Maggie would start talking in a Southern accent, Lisa would become president, Bart would die, Homer would die from AIDS, and Marge would become a physicist at Homer's plant.
I would make the show as horrible as possible, but I'd do it slowly. By the 5th season, the show would just be a 30 minute advertisement for Coke Zero where Chelsea Clinton and Ke$ha each drink a can of Coke, and there would only be 3 different frames replayed over and over again, so as to not have to pay for good animators!
I bet you people would still watch.
Quality post my friend had a good laugh
also buntain simpson
Here's a real Sup Forums user.
>2 hour series finale
>starts with mister burns dying
>power plant shuts down
>40% of springfiled loses jobs
>quickly springfield beigns to resemble detroit
>homer working at qwuikee mart
>niggers move into town
>rob homer one day
>rape lise
>bart dies in a gang shooting
>enraged homer goes on a nigger killing rampage
>gets arrested
>5 years later gets out of jail
>visits lisa and marge
>and lisas rape baby
>she kept it
>named bamal
>homer at first appears alright with it
>when they spend time alone homer's demeanor quickly changes
>puts him down, smacks him about
>bamal too afraid to tell lisa and marge
>homer offers to take bamal fishing
>goes out to the lake, silent
>bamal is visibly distressed
>"You were never supposed to be"
>bamal jumps out of boat in fright into the water
>cant swim
>homer crakcs open a beer and laughs
>fade to black
unironically this
Lmao, just keep raking in the bartbux and use it to produce kino. I'm not a retard.
New episode everyday. Up the guest stars and double pop references. Turn the opening scene into a different product ad instead of couch gag
I would make one final season with as many episodes as the number of years the show has been airing.
Each episode would take place a year after the last, with the first taking place on New Years eve, 1989 and the last taking place on Christmas eve, [current year]. Characters would age with each episode, which should give the writers a lot more material to work with.
People have wanted more flash-forward episodes forever. May as well completely change the status quo.
Cancel that shit.
Hire the old writers to make a bunch one minute long shorts like in the very beginning.
Air one each month or so.
Keep it going, but make it the most racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic, anti-semetic show on TV until (((they))) force it off the air.
I agree with his trips
Help! I died!
Lisa and Bart are invited to some battle of the sexes game show in Shelbyville, with Marge accompanying them. Homer is left at home to look after Maggie. Things start off well enough until Homer discovers Netflix on Lisa's computer. He becomes addicted and watches movies and shows 24/7 for days on end. He eventually snaps out of it after running out of things to watch but realises he has neglected Maggie the entire time. To his horror, he finds that Maggie has passed away as a result of his irresponsibility.
Homer panics as he receives a call from Marge that she's coming back with the kids later in the day. He tries to hide Maggie in several places but can never manage it and eventually gives up. When the family return, Homer immediately comes clean and tearfully confesses the whole story. Marge and Lisa break down. Bart remains stone-faced but can't even look at his own father anymore. Homer leaves the house and ends up staying at Lenny's. Within a few days the whole town finds out, causing a scandal. Lenny asks Homer if it's all true and he confesses. He has to leave again.
Several days later, after enduring the constant abuse and rage of the townspeople Homer finds himself at the edge of Springfield Gorge. He meets Moleman up there. Much to his surprise Moleman isn't there to berate him and is actually sympathetic. Moleman admits that he himself has done some unforgivable things in his life (it's left ambiguous as to what it is) and tells Homer there is only one way to make it right, looking down into the gorge. Homer sighs and says that he suspected as much from the very beginning. Homer says goodbye to Moleman who remarks that they will meet again soon enough. Scene cuts to the credits as Homer steps into the void.
post credit scene is youtu.be
i like it but have it instead be homer eats maggie on accident
Fire everyone, reboot it.
>contest to write an itchy and scratchy episode
>the whole family contributes
>they win
>Bart is bragging about it loudly in class, gets detention
>Lisa waits patiently in music class
>homer is beside himself the entire day at work
>Marge is proud of her family, gets stuff at the supermarket for a special meal
>the bell rings at school, the kids rush home to see their show
>homer leaves work in a hurry to see the show
>Marge is running late, but will arrive in time to catch it too
>it ends the way it begins, with a couch gag
I never said you were the celeb guest
Dumb redditor detected.
If you recognized it it's because you are one as well
Not so fast, cuck. It went viral on normiebook, that's how I saw it. Nice try though.
> Don't worry, I don't use Reddit. I use Facebook!
What kind of defense is that? If anything you're making it worse
>2017 and beyond
it's just "Kesha" now
>fire al jean
>fire around 3/4 of the writing crew, fucking seriously they have guys from 15 years ago on the writing team who could only contribute a sign gag at best now, listen to the commentaries
>steal someone from a good comedy show
>put them on as showrunner
And finally I'd reformat the show similar to reddit and morty, meaning 2 act structure instead of 3 acts. It'll make halloween segments more interesting and shakes up the writing process.
>Lenny died from colon cancer
>Lenny or Carl didn't die of aids for being fags
>And finally I'd reformat the show similar to reddit and morty, meaning 2 act structure instead of 3 acts
I never noticed it
The entirety of the final season will be a regular modern episode but in live-action, played completely straight. The actors will be completely random people off the streets without a modicum of acting skill.
I actually like these sad end episode ideas.
That or seeing the next generation of simpsons before cutting to black.
>homer meets a new woman and has to choose between her and Marge
How many times has the simpsons done this plot?
I've got plenty of ideas for episodes.
>Marge becomes a robot
>Moe gets a cellphone
>Bart adopts a bear
>Some sort of crazy wedding?
I'd fire the entire writing staff and hire people who actually enjoy the simpsons. Also do a time skip to age up all the characters.
>Bart works at the Qwik-E-Mart
>Lisa is a senior in high school
>Maggie is in elementary school
>Marge works at the Leftorium
>Homer is a Lenny and Carl's supervisor at the plant
Also when the show is finally cancelled I'd make the last episode be "Dead Bart"
>sorry for the clip show
>a something something, a doo doo doo doo
>2 part episode
>epa shuts down power plant
>businesses start shutting down
>first episode is all side characters saying goodbye as Moe shuts down the bar, Apu burns down the Qwik-E-Mart for insurance, and Ned closes the Leftorium, all culminating with Krusty going off the air
>second episode takes place Christmas, twenty years later
>Bart Lisa and Maggie have left town
>Marge and Homer have stayed behind
>family is together again for Christmas
>Homer tells everyone how happy he is that although they always fought and could never really get along, they always stick by each other.
>he tells all his kids he loves them and the family hugs
>next day, Christmas morning
>Homer is alone in front of the fire place, eyes closed with a smile on his face
>Maggie comes down
>walks up to Homer and shakes him
>Maggie: "Dad?"
>cut to the outside of the house
>Maggie: (from inside, quieter) "...Dad?"
I'd try to make it increasingly weird to see how far I can push it before it gets canceled. I'd also make sure I get royalties for the rest of my life for merch and the like so it doesn't matter.
I can't even tell when people are being sarcastic with these replies anymore.
pleb, that would be a satisfying ending
thanks satan
Shut up Ke$ha.
>1 hour series finale
>no commercials
>its just the character walking up to the screen
>each and every one yells at the audience and belittles them for watching a terrible show, make sure to mention the mexicans that keep the show afloat too
>after all the characters are done lecturing they all just age quickly and turn to dust while screaming including Maggie
wait, is this not an episode?
i could swear i've heard that exact thing before
I'm really fascinated to learn who still watches. There's no jokes anymore so it can't be human beings.
Correct, it's just dannyboytbhs
At this point the damage has been done so who cares. The majority of Simpsons episodes are shit and most people know the Simpsons as being a watered down Family Guy.
tears falling but why am I crying
he committed suicide?
>>Tell Groining I will hit him in the balls with a tire iron if he does Trump/political jokes
Matt hasn't worked on the show since Futurama started. He just gets his name on it because they're his characters. Well, I mean, they're Fox's characters but whatever.
Money, integrity is for losers.