Buck Fush

W dances at policeman funeral


How does it feel Sup Forums knowing this retard will be the last white male President of the USA?


I can't tell whether he enjoyed the deaths of five police officers or he's become senile.

at some point everyone laugted for a good minute....
anyone got the link?


He's fucked up on some kind of drug. I never liked this clown anyways though.

I like it. A real American would hold hands, dance and sing. I know, I am old enough to remember.

Dementia lad

He's trying to cheer everyone up in a sad situation. Even Obama and his wife looks happy.


He instantly changed the tone from somber to buffoonery, I keked

Dubya is a black lives matter psyop project...........IT'S HAPPENING

Bush is the man. I dubbed him the Qwyatt Herb of the Southwest.



His family deals in it bigtime


Have you bought it from anyone of them?

I highly doubt it. Let me tell you about the history of cocaine. The history is illicit. But did you know it was used as a counter measure to keep latin america from going full communist at one point in time.

Something must be going on with much i see them extra snuggly with him? Which one of Bush's drug smuggling relatives did they kill this time?


Bush gotdamit

Benzos are hell of a drug

how can nigger presidents even compete?


Michelle Obama looks SO pissed

That's Bush's only redeeming quality

it's y'all you fucking idiot.

its 'you all'

Damn, Dubya getting old

Bush is a known alcoholic. I would probably have had a few before having to meet Obama and his Chimp wife.

Bush was good for Israel, that is the only thing that really matters.

It's like the love you have with the beat, you gotta lay it down sometimes like a street taco. Like I told my brother Jeb, the distance is always equal to how much milk is left in the fridge.


its fucking nothing fags


>How does it feel Sup Forums knowing this retard will be the last white male President of the USA?

Says the liberal faggot who didn't watch his beautiful speech, which was meant to bring people together instead of Obama's divisive rhetoric.

For those five minutes he was more presidential than that arrogant nigger ever was.

sandnigger he is

Yes Yoda, he is

You are out of your fucking mind if you think Obama's speech was divisive. I won't argue you with you about it, just know that you are batshit insane.