How will Tsuuu ever recover??

>Now Messi earn twice as much as he does
>I-it’s not fucking fair
>Tsu is just moping around again...

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And yet he still contributes more than Messi in the biggest club football competition in Europe....

Yeah he can turn it on for short bursts, but Messi has the consistency over a season

chin chong is still seething

Pretty sure Ronaldo makes more money since he is a huge corporate whore that promotes bunch of stupid shit like Egyptian Steel.

>He Contributes More than Messi

Are you the Ronaldo Leaf Cocksucker? And just changed your proxy to Nipland?

He will be funded by the leaf-romani-japroxy alliance

TSU makes way more in ad bucks, tho

>implying Missi doesnt have 2 more seasons to break his record

>karim benzema in 5th historical position
the absolute state of UCL

Does it even matter how much they earn at this point? They're set for 5 lives.

>biggest club football competition in Europe

>Taping it in after the actual creative and more skilled players of team produced the remaining 99% of his goals is "contributing"
>Being the guy behind 99% of every and any attacking chances in both creation and finishing apparently "is not"

This is CR fan's depth and hability to read football, I shit you not.

>CL top scorer

doesn't matter if the whole team creates the best opportunities ever if there is no one there to tap it in
of it the faggot tapping it in misses the shot every time
>just like every portuguese national team in every competition they've been in except '66

What adds will Tsu star now that he has to compensate the wage gap between him and Missi?

LOL this gook struggling to shitpost with roncacas balls in his small manlet mouth


at what point will people start standing up against these perverted salaries though?

sure he might be the best football player of all time, but come on...

he is up to 348,000 euros PER DAY

that is 4 dollars per second by the way, awake, sleeping, weekends, holidays


>Implying he doesn't choose poorly or fuck up 9 out 10 chances he gets served, just like Suarez, yet it doesn't matter because normaly they always end up in the score sheet
So yeah, almost ALL it matters is that there's a capable team feeding a big number of chances to the attackers.
Difference is that, every once in a while, we get to see some players that are not completely dependent on being provided, but that instead are able to think and execute the attacks from scratch and either finish them or put a teammate in and open goal position.

>the leaf has a new proxy


>Are you the Ronaldo Leaf Cocksucker
yes he is, mods ban this proxcunt

inb4 PSG batter Tsuu and his Tsuu-mates.

It's because pre-'92 is irrelevant.

stop giving (you) to the japan flag,you fucking idiots

cant believe people in Sup Forums get trolled this hard by a proxy