>Thanks for taking us to the movies, user! So do you think the patriarchal themes and traditional binary gender dynamics of the filmmaker's previous works were being reinforced or subtlety subverted?
Thanks for taking us to the movies...
i think ill fuck the one on the right while leftie licks my ballsack
You think Anita would give you a good night kiss if you took her to watch Ghostbusters?
Couldn't see the patriarchical themes through all the fucking Jewish propaganda Anita you twat
>er.. the first one?
desu senpai leftie looks like a nice, loveable girl of very high waifu quality
She's literally had an abortion. Anita is prob a virgin, perfect wife material
Eh I don't mind that. I'd rather not have one I have to train from the get-go, and an abortion is highly practical solution to the parasite problem, which I support, so...
She's only a virgin if you don't count oral, anal, vaginal, double penetration, and fisting desu.
Lindsey's videos are pretty gud
Looks like Chrischan
What's the deal with trannies (no, not the minority of actually passable ones)? Are they aware that they look disgusting? Are they aware that people have to make an extra mind effort to call them "women"? Do they not care? Are they genuinely happy? Are they masters of mental gymnastics and actually got around the whole importance of self image in the eyes of others thing while ironically being a slave to image since they need to change themselves?
here come the little dicked drumpflets!
Well the easy answer for a repeat offender is to say that the filmmakers can't write women well or can't write women at all. I think the dynamics probably serve the story more often than to make a statement or draw a proverbial line in the sand. That is to say a stay at home mother as a character isn't inherently indicative of insensitivity on the part of the creator, rather (as long as the writing backs it up) serves the narrative of that character's arc.
As a feminist I'd think you'd strive for better written more well-rounded characters rather than fighting against the portrayal of anything other than your predetermined archetypes.
What's more important?
A well-written woman, or a subjectively progressive one?
I was always curious about this, I think it's just straight up denial.
99% look like men no matter what, the other 1% are passable, and 1% of those are actually attractive as a generally straight male.
People should do what makes them happy, but that doesn't mean everyone has to play along with their donkeyshow self-delusions.
>Are they genuinely happy?
No, they have severe body dismorphia and a suicide rate of like 60%
is that bruce jenner?
damn anita thicc
Lindsey dumped her bf but they still live together so she's alright. She could cuck me any day.
my dick is big, faggio
wheres silent bob, jay?
If she was so interested in gender equality she'd use what power she has over males; her attractiveness and intellect, and marry some rich man for resources to spread her agenda.
In all honesty she just wants attention, like most women, but hasn'tt hought about how to really further that in a non-selfish way.
keep telling yourself that hon
Why do they all need to add extra girly, like they are a parody of women?
I don't know but one of you eat out the other while I fuck you from behind. I don't care which.
Due to the fact they are actually man, they do not fully understand the complex mysteries of feminine behavior, and are thus unable to properly reproduce it.
idk why I find nchick so hot
Basically, yes.
I wish there was a way to actually help these people
dont need to when yo momma is already telling me 24/7
>People should do what makes them happy, but that doesn't mean everyone has to play along
I'll never understand them so they will always be weird to me, but I don't hate them.
There are treatments, it's just that they're all "problematic" and sound scary so they must be evil.
Listen, I fucking get it, the SJWs and feminists were really obnoxious for a long time, but you backlashing toddlers who won't shut up about SJW shit have LONG surpassed them
why do some trannies pick such stupid names
I legit think Anita is qt
Isn't that like his... her... uhmm xirs real surname?
You can't really help someone that hates their own body. They are other types of body dismorphia where people have an overwhelming desire amputate their arms and legs, we don't indulge those fantasies because it doesn't fix the root problem of their mental illness.
For some reason we allow 12 year olds to take hormone treatments though even though they still grow up hating themselves, it doesn't fix the real problem.
Fuck you! I was drinking something!
They nailed the drawing
why is that girl sitting next to that greasy camel fucker
She'd be pretty hot if she didn't wax and shave everything.
kys virgin
Did some of Lindsey's chill rub off on Anita, or was it the worse other way around?
Massively.underrated post.
Mental illness
Why is she so perfect? Why didn't you save her?!
I like Lindsay, her feminism isn't that bad. Anita is a hack and a scam artist though.
does my dick pass the Bechdel test if I only use it on women?
We used to be a nation of men
she could get it if she begs for it first
My gf is Persian. Believe me, you don't want that
promote the study of the disorder. nobody wants to talk about it
What was her fucking problem?
>C-Can one of you say BRAAAP please? this is for an injoke we say at this forum i frequent alot.
>My gf is Persian. Believe me, you don't want that
Yes I do, how hairy is she? Does she have a lot of facial hair and nipple hair?
Not facial, but arm, belly, puss and butthole hair if not waxed
Why did they kick out several members of channel awesome?
>um you know I'm not really sure I'll have to see the movie first to really decide; do you think there will be lots of gore and splatter kills? Really sick of guns just knocking people over. I'm really looking forward to a high body count though.
>if not waxed
And you let her wax? What the fuck?
This. Even when she inserts her sjw shit into it, it's pretty minimal. She's leagues better than anything else to come out of channel awesome.
I want to rape her mouth
How short is Anita
The eyebags and crows claw
>they are a parody of women
It's literally a mental disorder but they aren't treating it as such.
Realized recently I wouldn't mind getting balls deep in Sarkeesian...