>go for superhero power fantasy escapism
>get reminded of my own alcoholism, deteriorating body, self-sabotage and antisocial tendencies, short and nonsensical nature of life, mom/dad issues
Go for superhero power fantasy escapism
Other urls found in this thread:
>going to capekino expecting a flick
found your problem
i wanna see this but literally can't afford the twenty dollars to go with my wife.
anyone got a link?
Put your wife on craigslist, casual encounters. 15 minutes of work and you'll be enjoying a great film
she already saw it with jamal anyway
I'm starting to understand why Sup Forums has so many blacked threads.
What did they mean by this?
>twenty dollars
Jump the southern border and you can see it for 2 dollars.
>"This is what life looks like... people who love eachother"
>twenty dollars
I saw it for $10 but was pissed that they had no popcorn at the cinema for a 9:00 session. What the hell?
Dafne Keen is a qt and will have future success
>and will have future success
How do you know? Just cos she starred in a popular movie doesnt mean other directors will pick her up. I am so hoping she does but over the years I've seen a lot of talent go to waste.
Her best thing right now is to star in an X-Men sequel. I'd love to see her grow in the role but then I also don't want her to be forced to act if she doesn't want to but will see what happens.
She seemed happy to be on set on the BTS of Logan so shouldn't be hard to get her back for a sequel depending if they will do a sequel which I hope they do and not reboot it entirely.
I am more powerful than a piece of shit like you. She will make it or I will die.
She's done no press and has had complete radio silence since the movie came out. Hell, she doesn't even have a proper IMDB description, even after being the most popular actress on the website for over two weeks. Her agent or parents need to be dragged out back and beat for handling this so badly. It's too late now. She's already moved to number 6 and her huge spike of social media followers dropped like a rock at 50k, meanwhile the ST kids are at 1-3 million. She fumbled this pretty bad. I hope she's not stuck with comic book movies forever, I really liked her.
>She's done no press and has had complete radio silence since the movie came out.
She is very young so of course she won't be put on American tv or radio shows.
I did find this interview
I struggle to call that an interview but it was cute. I'm guessing her English probably isn't great. You can see a hint of this in the video by looking at how slow she talks and when she says she likes "doing cars". She was also extremely brief in her written interviews. I doubt she's fluent.
Regardless, the parents should have at least added an IMDB description and posted something on social media.
Do my eyes deceive me? Is discussion for this movie already dead on Sup Forums?
>Nigga,are you serious?
>Is discussion for this movie already dead on Sup Forums?
Sadly it looks like it :(
The best movie of the year and no one wants to talk about it
Why didn't they just shoot the kids in the woods? They were going to give them a lethal injection when they returned them to the lab anyway.
I refuse to see this movie
probably will never watch it on cable either
Saw it on my own after a bad breakup, I loved the film but it made me worse, I wasn't ready for the feels my dude
Once a decent rip comes out, people won't be able to shut up about the movie.
Should've just watched Dr Strange at home if you wanted mediocrity
Top lel you sound like a 15 year old.
>20 dollars
Lucky, its 28 here, 35 for IMAX.
>The best movie of the year and no one wants to talk about it
You clearly weren't here a while ago.
There were literally non fucking stop Logan threads for like 2-3 weeks constantly hitting 300+ posts. It's been discussed already so the regulars here don't bother going into them anymore.
Since I've been watching for these threads, they've all turned into Dafne threads, which quickly devolve into pedo threads.
Would you date a cute little girl with bad breath?
1. That would be illegal.
2. Why bad breath?
That's sick.
kill yourself.
>can't spare $20 dollars for a night of cape kino
Holy fuck why did she even marry you?
>Go for superhero power fantasy excapism
>Get reminded of alcoholism, deteriorating body, self-sabotage and antisocial tendencies
>Get reminded the world is slowly evolving to a dystopia where the majority of the population are fucked.
>Get reminded not even fucking wolverine could actually stop that and all the X-men are dead.
Just watched it last night
Fucking pure kino
The contrarians will tell it's pure shit.
The hotel room scene was one of the best experiences I've had in cinema
It was worth it just for that scene alone
I would agree. The worst part was when Laura started talking and didn't stop. Like, complete silence (except for screaming) beforehand, then nonstop chatterbox once she starts speaking. The shift was a little annoying.
Other than that, this was the perfect Wolverine movie, doing exactly what it set out to do, which was give a great sendoff to the character.
When is Hugh gonna continue doing serious movies outside of xmen? I want see him in something like The Prestige again. Did he fall out of favor with Christopher Nolan?
Good. She'll grow up and star in real kino arthouse movies while the ST kids live on their social media fame until it inevitably dies and they turn to drugs
>The Prestige
>serious movie
I liked the movie, but it felt bad, man.
I'd like to think some retcon time travel shit might undo the worst of it, but knowing Jackman is done kinda stabs that in the face.
Feels real bad, man.
Recommend the film, though.
What do you mean? Was I somehow wrong?
I hope you're right. It just sucks because Dafne's performance was great. I went in expecting her to be the typical unbearable child actress and she ended up shocking me. The sad fact is that if she doesn't make it big in feature films, she'll probably stick to Spanish theatre. That would be no bueno.
It was fantasy but I would still say it was a very serious movie.
Child actors/actresses don't typically do well in Hollywood. It may benefit her to wait to return until she has grown up.
The problem is that everyone will have forgotten about her. She doesn't have what I would consider traditional beauty. I think she would be better described as cute. This might make it harder for her once she's older.
Pretty great movie tbqh.
My 13 year old brother has a huge crush on this girl. She's pretty cute.
>wanting her to be ruined by the Hollywood Rape Machine by the age of 15
Fuck off.
Her performance has been very well regarded, and Fox would be retarded to not call her up in a few years for an X-23 movie.
You don't understand how wives work, do you?
user was probably a millionaire before he got married.
Listen to your obsession with finding press material about her.
No fucking wonder she lays low.
I actually fucking hated this film. The little girl doing her autistic screech just made me hate every second she was on screen.
It didn't get any better during that scene in the car when she started screeching the other faggot kids names.
Fuck I get angry just remembering it.
Seek actual help or anger therapy.
Imagine what would have happened if they'd gotten her back to the lab. That'll make you feel better.
Woah, IMDB and social media! It's like I'm some kind of stalker!
All I was hoping was she'd die. When she got harpooned through the chest was great until she just tard screeched some more and the movie continued.
Its kind of sad because I actually really enjoyed Logan as a character and nearly everyone else but hearing some little kid scream every 2 seconds during every scene just pulled me out of it. Probably because I really hated the way she acted in general.
I bet you've got handcuffs and chloroform in the back of your white paneled van, you disgusting pervert.
You must have hated the scene at the farm house, then.
You caught me red handed.
Yep. It honestly took me out of the film, which I know is petty but I just can't stand kids screaming, especially in the "I'm trying to be a badass" way.
I mean, some the faces the other kids pulled when using their powers was downright hilarious but only she screamed constantly.
I think I also just didn't like how pointlessly awful the people hunting them where, they sucked at doing anything...I mean you can literally fucking watch them just walk into her reach and get killed.
I heard lots of 'Last of Us' comparisons before I'd seen this and when I saw Logan in the start of the film I figured he'd be basically on his last legs to a point where a decently trained human could probably get one over on him. In stead he fucks everyone up and so does some little girl. It felt less like they were running away and more like they were just on a roadtrip with an occasional annoyance.
I knew it. You've probably molested famous child actors before, after stalking them through IMDB extensively.
So are Wolverine and Charles dead now?
I could see it. She was trying to sell the "feral child" aspect and got a bit carried away. Still better than if X23 had been a boy. Imagine his voice cracking every time he fought.
How do I keep getting away with it?
The parents let you. After all, if their children didn't want to get raped, they wouldn't have pursued acting careers.
That's nothing compared to the superior dark night rises then
It's literally Goonies
Tbqph I'd probably take some fat jew dick if it meant I got to be in a huge movie.
Yeah a boy would've been horrific. I don't blame her for the shit performance the script and direction was probably just "Scream or something every thirty seconds and curl your face a bit".
Eh, maybe its just me but seeing some tiny girl cut her way through group of supposedly highly trained hunters just got retarded, especially considering how fucking dumb they acted.
Delet this post
what always bothers me, the kid's hand is fucked up in Logan's poster, her fingers are too fucking long.
but it seems nobody cares.
The tiny hand in the poster is an adult hand that's been shrunk. The anatomy is all fucked up.
Well, she also has super strength, apparently, and the ability to regenerate all damage. Personally, I don't see why the hunters didn't go for the kill to begin with. They'd have killed her after collecting some blood, maybe an egg or two, once they got back to the lab.
Its not the powers that bother me...its that they know she has these powers that bothers me.
They come with normal weapons to which the guy literally fucking says "Stop shooting, she heals" so what was his plan to capture her? What did he hope to accomplish by sending a team of 3 people into the house, armed with weapons he knows have no effect against a target stronger, faster, deadlier than his men.
I just couldn't understand. He fucking KNOWS these kids have powers and his master plan at the end is to just fucking chase them through the woods?
Also sending fucking five people armed with normal weapons to capture her, Logan and the Prof in the hotel? what the fuck.
Pls no, it will give me PTSD
Well, tranquilizers and poison probably wouldn't work on her because of the healing factor, but what about tasers? Couldn't they have subdued her that way?
You have a wife. Put her to work.
Nets, zip-tie cables on sticks, just a handful of guys with spikes, tasers, a fucking powerful gun that could blow a huge hole in her, explosives, more harpoons, flashbangs.
Fuck anything is better than "Guys just like fucking walk over to her and try to handcuff her"
No, Logan takes multiple shots from one in past movies and it does nothing.
Your only option with mutants like Logan is either manipulation or just throwing bodies at them until you win.
I seen it for the first time last night, i think its highly overrated. Logan sacrificing himself to save the kids would be great but the kids barely did anything when they could have been useful. Also Logan didnt really have a heroic moment he essentially got brutally murdered by X-24. X-24 trounced Logan and got beaten by a retarded sneak attack in both encounters
Just how far does Laura's regeneration go? I mean, I presume they haven't tested removing limbs or severely damaging vital organs (even though they should have).
Deadpool's was based on his and he can regrow limbs over time.
Being brutally murdered by X-24 was kind of the point. Logan stood no chance against his younger self. I thought they did a pretty good job of making X-24 kind of scary. The guy is pretty much unstoppable.
Well, Logan (and presumably Laura) has an adamantium skeleton up to the shoulders and thighs at least, so limb removal would be difficult. But turning her lungs into swiss cheese would incapacitate her, allowing them to cuff her, theoretically.
Dafne keen is a qt and I wish her mega success in the future
Those orange eyes were unnerving.
That accent confuses me
I'm pretty sure Deadpools is better than Logans.
Maybe I'm remembering it incorrectly but didn't the Hulk rip Logan in half and he had to find his lower half to have it heal back onto him whereas Deadpool can basically recover from everything given enough time.
I also think alcohol has an impact on Logan whereas it has no impact on Deadpool at all.
It is really odd that you'd create something like Laura and not have a plan to capture her or contain her beyond some handcuffs especially since it wouldn't be overly hard to contain her.
It was a movie, fuck your differential accents. Im glad you're stopped at check points and your cock n balls are too small to be a threat
I could actually see them keeping her alive, since of all the X23 children, she's the only one shown killing quickly and without remorse or hesitation. She's almost what they wanted after all.
But they should have had adamantium bullets or something.
Or just loaded her up with some kind of tracker/explosive that can be remotely triggered.
You just find her, trigger it and it heats and cooks her from the inside out or something. That'd incapacitate her long enough to use the gay little handcuffs.
Deadpool's healing is a lot faster so alcohol bears no effect.
Wolverine has to drink fast to feel it before his body recovers from being drunk.
Though in Logan, his healing is so fucked he's practically drunk the entire movie.
I'm actually surprised the kids didn't have collars/chips in them to find or kill them if they escaped. Seems like a failsafe that would be needed dealing with super powered children.
I mean we put trackers on petty criminals and chip our dogs but apparently any idea about basic security went out the window when they made super powered children that can kill a fully grown man in seconds.
Well, the other kids are potentially dangerous, but too "kind" to be the kind of dangerous they're worried about. Laura's basically a mass murderer waiting to happen.
Characters who are literally me
What did Dan Schneider mean by this?
>Watched it while drunk the other night
>Cried like a baby when he dies
Fuck man, i'm gonna miss Hugh Jackman as Wolverine. He owns that role for life, like Reeves as Superman