please explain me why I'm not supposed to like and/or watch this?
Please explain me why I'm not supposed to like and/or watch this?
Because you have tas-
actually, you'll probably love it, go for it.
If you never read anything about Iron Fist, the show is mediocre at best. If you know anything about the character, you see pissed away potential where the all the cool magic shit is talked about off screen. Also the fight choreography sucks, surprisingly
Do you want the basic gestalt or the big enchilada?
not great but still better than jessica jones and luke cage. it's getting serious unecessary flak. coreography sucks, editing is atrocious in some episodes, a little cheesy, but still an enjoyable show.
I don't know, it just feels like the show has absolutely no idea what it wants to be. I like Danny but every other character feels superfluous or flimsy. The writing itself is more... Apparent that it's weak as it seems the show is unsure of how far it wants to go in any direction.
No, it's not very strong.
>Also the fight choreography sucks, surprisingly
This. There were a few cool moves but no cool sequences. 50 cuts per minute. Sad!
Literally nothing happens. You'd think it would be important build up of The Defenders but nope it doesn't even expand the lore of the Hand besides "Iron Fist is their sworn enemy... for some reason" I already thought that Stick and Daredevil was the sworn enemy.
You can't be a white nationalist UNLESS you pretend Iron Fist is better than Jessica Jones. Watch it, sub to netflix to give it 5 stars, then unsub.
Kungfu is for asians and queers.
All right, real talk.
Was Danny's casting bad? Or is it just the script having no idea what to do with him?
I keep seeing social justice mentioning race and the like but This might be just me but I don't think the actor's race has much to do with the objective quality of the show
Call me crazy
The actor should have been an expert actor and also an expert martial artist, like Keanu Reeves, Tom Cruise, or Jackie Chan. The guy they cast was only an expert actor.
It's a pleb filter. Watch it and report your findings and we will let you know where you stand. We have become exceedingly efficient at it
having some good laughs
its like plan 9 from outer space
Iron Fist is what Daredevil would be like if it was adapted from a fanfic
Can an Iron Fist defender explain how the hip-hop soundtrack was appropriate in any way?
show has literally no direction at all . i'm like 5 or 6 episodes in and there is no actual antagonist, just the protagonist running around acting like a dumb kid.
Danny is the villain
Harold did nothing wrong
Yeah, the casting was bad. Danny had no charisma. His voice was whiny and uncertain.
They were probably trying to do something similar to Guardians of the Galaxy. To their credit when I heard the music I was thinking "I remember hearing that in middle school", but I don't think it really worked at all
>netflix original
I genuinely enjoyed W/Bob & David
The dialogue is ABHORRENTLY bad.
Some lines from this series:
>If we kill him, we'll be no better than them
>It's all my fault
>I'm coming with you - No, you can't it's too dangerous
The main character just comes across as a blithering, naive, emotional dumbass despite being trained by bhudist monks for 15 years.
The plot is all over the place and the amount of alliances / double-crosses that go on is really goofy. The resolution is again really lame, I don't know why these Marvel Netflix shows can't make a fucking decent final episode.
Reasons tp watch: Harold and Ward have a pretty fun to watch dynamic and Colleen is sexy as fuck.
never heard of it
See I'm just not sure how much of it really just weak writing or shoddy directing. It's like he scriptwriters don't know what character they want him to be. He spends so much time rubber banding between mystic hobo and budget Bruce Wayne that it's jarring.
There's even a good bit of hotblood in him which I like, but it transforms to cocky and spiteful and it just feels like fucking poor writing more than anything.
They shouldn't have made Iron fist. I,'m getting fucking tired of them pussy-footing around literal magic. In the same way Dr. Strange was infuriating this show is just so aggravating.
>The plot is all over the place and the amount of alliances / double-crosses that go on is really goofy. The resolution is again really lame, I don't know why these Marvel Netflix shows can't make a fucking decent final episode.
You're absolutely right but Marvel's aspiration is to make 20 seasons of each of these series and churn them out indefinitely like they have their comic books for decades upon decades.
Marvel doesn't think solely in the present as DC does. They only think long-term. If this Iron Fist fails because it's too diluted, it doesn't really matter, it can just be retooled at a later date.
Then you shouldn't have responded. Learn discipline.
these anons are on point
Iron Fist is not a masterpiece, just a regular marvel-netflix show
Because the main character is just annoying. Like really fucking obnoxious. All twink/DYEL faggot shit aside, he seriously comes off as a shitty Bernie supporter.
Like the kind who spent a couple months backpacking through Southeast Asia and came back raving about alternative Eastern medicine and karmic chakras and DUDE WEED LMAO EXPAND YO MIND. I realize he's supposed to be all zen and shit but then on top of it he acts like a dipshit tool who gets pissed off easily and has zero charisma to make up for it.
Seriously, whose idea was it to write him as a McDojo hippie douchebag? Fuccboi Tyrell also brings zero gravitas.
I think this show has broken the resident contrarians.
They want to hate it because it's MCU and they want to like it because retard SJWs bitching about white boys.
>show about a kung fu martial arts god
>literally every fight looks like something from a high school kid's epic ninja fighting youtube demo reel
I went into it expecting the critics just to be crying over muh white guy, but it's actually just a real piece of shit. The lead cannot act for shit. It's written by certifiable retards. It's indefensible, honestly. I mean, Christ. They made a Daredevil show KIND OF work.
I don't have any of those motivations, binary thinker. I just wish it had better fight choreography rather than relying on doubles and constant cuts, seeing as it's a martial arts-focused show.
>I don't have any of those motivations, binary thinker.
But you consider yourself a resident contrarian?
its so bad that it starts out to be funny
how many times do they walk around with weapons during the day in public with nobody giving a sheit bout it?
because it's capeshit
just because retarded feminists shit on it because of identity politics doesnt make it not capeshit
dont watch capeshit
My favorite are the pointless cage matches where Colleen beats two men three times her weight at once through sheer girl power.
Oh and the numerous times Danny and friends defeat squads of gunmen with melee weapons before a single round is fired.
>lets talk somwhere more private…
…three steps to the side in the hall
It's marvel shit. You've probably watched all the other marvel shit and enjoyed it, though, so go ahead.
>Tom Cruise
>as 25 year old Danny
You are a retard.
It's garbage, Sup Forums wants to like it because the press hates it and it stars a straight white guy, if it had a 99% on RT every thread here would be trashing it
kid i liked it
"the press" hated it before it even released BECAUSE it had a white guy
nobody likes this show BECAUSE it stars a white person
whites arent mindless apes to their skin color like the other subraces