Where were you when Daddario got btfo by this blonde bombshell?

Where were you when Daddario got btfo by this blonde bombshell?

This dude can't even stand to look in that homely cunt's direction.


What did the great Daddario mean by this?

number of sexual partners

how do you think she got her package down there?

number of times she needs her pusy licked by me weekly!

Who was the moron who put daddario in a concealing bathing suit?

Someone post the webm of her bouncing plox

Daddario is much better than the blonde bimbo though. And her tits are bigger, too.

perfect belly and belly hole

Perfect everything.

Her secret garden must smell like flower watermelon bubble gum.


>no ass
>roast beef
>was nude in tv
>saggy tits
>tits too big
>31 yo and no man and kids

>32 dicks
That's basically a virgin in this day and age

It's fucking stupid that Sup Forums makes fun of Daddario for her autism. Talk about the pot calling the kettle a nigger.

Daddario is overrated though, she's like a poor mans pic related

that rat faced bitch is so forgettable that might be the first time shes been posted here in years

first good laugh of the day thanks for that

brb going to my fridge

Yuck. Get out of here with that rat-faced shit.

Shut up Anna you rat faced bitch

the rat wishes to be half as attractive as daddario


But she is attractive, Daddario looks like a white walker

Rat is overrated though, she's like a poor mans pic related

Daisy Ridley > Felicity Jones

I don't like the word, but you're a nigger for thinking that way

mah nigga. she's still one of my top waifus

ultimate blandtaste

Don't care about the other two girls but Kendrick is like fine wine

>fine wine
Wine is for faggots and women. Real men drink beer

At least I now know Kendrick haters are trash

I wanna kiss daddario in the mouth


What does Daddario's farts smell like?