Sanders Delegate "Fart-In" at DNC Convention


Berniebots have absolutely lost their fucking minds. They will seriously defend this.

Someone post this over on SandersForPresident




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Please post the non-click bait version.

hold up what the fuck is this

What do you mean? This is literally the original article, but I'll post more.

BREAKING: Bernie supporters are a bunch of manchildren, more at 11

>Disgruntled Bernie Sanders Supporters Planning "Fart-In" at Democratic National Convention

They literally stole this idea from Rules for Radicals kek

>Sanders delegates to hold ‘fart-in’ protest at convention

As long as they plan to burn down the DNC with their asses in the air and a match right behind them, who gives a shit. Let the DNC burn.

>The organizers got the idea from Saul Alinsky, the infamous community organizer who once proposed a “fart-in” in Rochester, New York, decades ago.

Literal serial fart provocateur. Kek