Berniebots have absolutely lost their fucking minds. They will seriously defend this.
Someone post this over on SandersForPresident
Berniebots have absolutely lost their fucking minds. They will seriously defend this.
Someone post this over on SandersForPresident
Please post the non-click bait version.
hold up what the fuck is this
What do you mean? This is literally the original article, but I'll post more.
BREAKING: Bernie supporters are a bunch of manchildren, more at 11
>Disgruntled Bernie Sanders Supporters Planning "Fart-In" at Democratic National Convention
They literally stole this idea from Rules for Radicals kek
>Sanders delegates to hold ‘fart-in’ protest at convention
As long as they plan to burn down the DNC with their asses in the air and a match right behind them, who gives a shit. Let the DNC burn.
>The organizers got the idea from Saul Alinsky, the infamous community organizer who once proposed a “fart-in” in Rochester, New York, decades ago.
Literal serial fart provocateur. Kek