What are some good films about failure?

what are some good films about failure?

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>Americans paying for the wall
>healthcare push in ruins
>wiretap allegations went nowhere
>Russian ties all over

Oh, geez. This is overkill.


you realize TRUMP didnt want this bill, right?

liberals dont realize the new bill will fuck them over harder than anything they imagined.

you'll see!


>lol, Jamal will be able to get a 14 day stay in the hospital on my tab while my premiums won't even cover for damn pills.


this isn't a failure. this is a tactical withdrawl

>TRUMP didnt want this bill

That's why he was threatening people's jobs over it, right? That's why he gave them the "pass this shit or don't expect to get re-elected" line.

Because he had no interest in passing this turd of a bill.

you dumb fuck, paul ryan is the idiot here

just wait, a new bill will pass and ryan will be gone.

There's no retreating now, It's just letting the problem get bigger until it's someone else's problem. No one is going to be able to afford shit.

The board that bought us the Oscar for Moonlight showing its cuck colours.

Colour me surprised.

I fear foreign infiltrators are stirring shit.

>we have to humor the mad king when he says we saw a 12 foot bunny on the lawn
bill maher was right about you retards

>spelling it color
Colonising America was a mistake

>democrat time bomb called 'obamacare' set to go off sometime in 2017
>congress does nothing about it for 8 years
>trump comes into office a few months before its set to go off
>tries but ultimately fails to diffuse it
>"hahaha such a colossal failure its all trump's failure"

I believe you mean coulounising America was a mistake, friend.

>Sup Forums has money
>Sup Forums has influence in hollywood

Now I know you're delusional.

I believe youu made a typou as well.

Such a great negotiator

>forcing working people to pay double the premiums to pay for all the of gibsmethat who can't afford insurance
>"hehe btfo!"

enjoy being economically cucked.

Trumpbabbies btfo.

I almost pity them.

why would the democrats set a time bomb when they thought they were going to win?

It's politicians looking out for themselves now. No one's going to diffuse this now when people who literally depend on ACA to live now in fear of mid-term election ads being about how they voted for the bill that let little La'queefa die.

desu I don't think think anybody was behind this shit including myself who is a trump supporter.

>the healthcare bill is about fucking liberals over harder than they ever imagined

>deductibles go up
>premiums go up
>millions of people lost provider coverage in their areas, so they couldn't even keep their plan
>couldn't keep that doctor they liked, either
>get taxed for being uninsured longer than 3 months, the funds go to general income tax revenue, instead of paying for care

but hey, "Drumpf!" amirite?

>the media is going to do this for four fucking years

Why did we have to have these candidates? They were all awful even before the nomination.

It's like "these fuckers, really?" I am so done with politics in my country, I fucking quit.

>collectively decides to remove the silent u from colour
>leaves the silent i in believe
I think America might qualify as a third world nation

>the great white myth of minorities stealing public services
>and using this myth to convince poor working white people who use and benefit from those public services to support shutting them down or defunding them

reminder the changes and bills that actually matter have already passed and no one noticed

network neutrality ended while people were obsessing about trump golfing

>implying trumpkeks wanted this bill to pass

oh well at least these people get to live

>Why did we have to have these candidates?
Because Clinton owned the media, and had them push Trump to be the Republican nominee so she could have a "easy win". This is true look it is in the wikileaks.

>Y-You'll S-see
>64D chess


>bill forces companies to provide coverage that actually covers
>complaining about having to pay for it

Trumpbabbs are the silliest geese.

who said I was saying it was just only minorities using public services? Fuck anyone having me pay for their healthcare when I can barely afford my own now since this ACA shit passed.

Amerikeks, what's it like having a president who doesn't read his own bills or anything written at all, its like a movie, put a dumb person as president

>Why did we have to have these candidates?
people get the government they deserve x^)

I think the Trump internet stormteam is lying low, because they're all russians

Easy, the other choice was a woman

>be republican
>bitch about obamacare for years
>control the house and senate
>elect a repub president
>realize there never was an alternative to obamacare
>make a half-assed plan on-the-fly
>failure ensues
It's pretty amazing how they manage to fuck it up

Ah, sweet irony. I love it.

Oh Share Blue, you tried.

Don't feel like reading a thousand pages of wikileaks can you just link to the pertinent part

because the time bomb only hurts the public, not them.

You should a snap chat facing a mirror.

Go back to reddit.com/r/The_Donald/comments/61by0a/lets_be_clear_president_trump_and_us_at_the/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=The_Donald


Sad But True! - Metallica

K, why does she think Rubio is a threat, but not Dr. Ben Carson, the REAL first black POTUS?

I don't get it. They're just going to do a different bill, except it'll be even more right wing to appease the parts of the party that has a problem with it. In what world is this something for the left to celebrate over?

>Ted Cruz
>easy win chump.

He literally made Bernie feel the burn during their debate. He's a dipshit, but not a dumbass.


shhh, liberals don't like facts

Obama 2009-2017(Jan)

Establishment democrats are about as retarded as establishment republicans.

how's diabetes treating you?
be sure to visit your doctor about treatment.