Take notes, you racist bastards
Take notes, you racist bastards
Yeah, and a European-American would have made a better Luke Cage shot
>Katharine Trendacosta
Also, they should have cast an asian person as Iron Fist and made everyone else white. That would have been great.
If they casted asians then Iron Fist would have been praised more and gotten better reviews, there's no questions about that.
But it will just be circle jerking virtue signaling that Luke Cage and Jessica jones got irrespective of the show's quality.
why didnt they just get bruce lee?
If you change nothing else it would have been a piece of shit still. Same thing with JJ and LC
Why a white Luke Cage would've genuinely made it a better show
>"Why a Whit Luke Cage Would Have Genuinely Made for a Better Show"
Can't wait for this article.
shoulda been donnie yen
I'm not happy that Trump but I'll never pretend I don't understand why.
Am I the only one who thinks he looks goofy as fuck?
Nothing could have salvaged this. It's almost like it was intentionally sabotaged. I don't want to go full Sup Forums but it's almost like the execs wanted this to fail in order to get this racebaiting backlash so (((Marvel))) can justify turning white comic book heroes into minorities in the future.
Bad casting all around, bad acting from everyone, bad writing, bad plot, the inescapable feeling of a super low budget, devoid of any style, bad fight choreography. You just don't get a perfect blend of everything being terrible without sabotage somewhere up the chain.
>He does kung fu
>He must be Asian!
Can these idiots not see the inherent racism in this statement?
>This, by the way, is one of the reasons that everyone keeps bringing up the scene in the first episode where Danny whitesplains martial arts protocol to Colleen Wing in her own dojo
This article is such bullshit. Danny grew up in a mystical monastery learning martial arts. He wasn't whitesplaining, he was commenting on her sloppy form.
But obviously, she is Asian, and therefore kung fu is in her blood! No way a white person could ever be better at kung fu than her, an asian.
I feel like it could have had a lot of potential if it had more time - especially for the main actor to get fitter and learn more martial arts; he does alright but it's very obvious in some parts that he needs way more practice
The modern leftist does not understand that holding two conflicting opinions is not logical (e.g. "cops are all evil racists who oppress blacks" and "only cops should have guns")
I also don't remember the left screeching about cultural appropriation when it was St Patrick's Day recently
Why is "Katherine Trendacosta", a non-white non-man using the internet??? It was invented by a white man after all so only white men are allowed to take part in it! Also things like democracies and electricity are only allowed to be accessed by white men now.
After all, anyone else doing it would be guilty of cultural appropriation.
Oh and also all those African warlords currently taking part in slave ownership are also guilty of culturally appropriating Egypt and the Middle East
Nobody wants to see some asian beta pretending to be alpha. Not even asians themselves, when will these retarded liberals get hit by the truth? I want to see it
They should have hired a mixed race asian-white guy. Then everyone would have been happy
>dude I'm an oppressed white male lmao
Friendly reminder that Roland Deschain is being played by Idris Elba and he didn't have the self-respect to turn it down even though the character's whiteness is legitimately an important part of the both the character and the plot
The entire show was shitty
Just switching the guy who didn't write, direct, choreograph, produce or do anything but what he was told to isn't going to make it much better.
But isn't Iron Fist white? So why in the fuck he should be turned into something else? Are these people completely fucking retarded?
Is it because he knows martial arts, is that why he should be asian? That if something is racist as fuck.
What little depth the character had would be lost if he was asian. The entire point is that he's a fish out of water
Iron Man is a female black teenager but they whitewashed and manwashed her with Robert Downey Jr
he's literally never belonged anywhere properly ever since he was 10 - he didn't really belong at the monastery, but thanks to the monastery he doesn't belong back in his old world either
I think the real reason the Left hates him so much is because he was willing to work really hard to get what he wanted - such an idea seems ludicrous to them
For a few more months and then Tony is back. Already announced.
And she currently shares the name already. With Victor Von Doom. We still have our white guy Iron Man and he shits on Riri.
it's especially stupid since originally he was a pure new yoker
The story wouldn't work if it was an asian guy who grew up in an asian country
>00' dude meet an asian in a movie
> Oh so you know kung fu ?
> Dude i grew up in New jersey but because i'm asian I must know martial art ? wow racist much
> 10' Dude i'm white and I know kung fu
> Wtf man only asian can kung fu
Thanks god Trump came
Taking into account westerners are better at martial arts than Asians, audible kek
>I think the real reason the Left hates him so much is because he was willing to work really hard to get what he wanted - such an idea seems ludicrous to them
That's really stupid. They're an outrage machine, but there aren't actually people that frown on determination, not even muh genetic fatspos
>execs wanted this to fail in order to get this racebaiting backlash so (((Marvel))) can justify turning white comic book heroes into minorities in the future.
I agree with you user I felt this way too.
Is that..did they drag Rosario Dawson into this mess?
>dude I'm a white male that hates other white males dud lmao
maybe io9 doens't like interracial relationships and that's why they wanted an asian man for the role
>it's terrible when it hurts my political agenda
And Ghostbusters was terrible because racist white men sabotaged it.
Internet was invented by Jews tho
Marvel has been doing this for years and publicly flipping the bird to anyone who criticizes them.
Why do you think a company would intentionally take a hit to their brand and (albeit unearned) reputation for making quality shit just so they can say "white men is why this failed"?
Hell, why do you think a company like Disney or Marvel would ever publicly take an anti-white stance?
You two are retarded.
>Hell, why do you think a company like Disney or Marvel would ever publicly take an anti-white stance?
I'm not sure, ask them. since they are.
Finn Jones was horrible as Danny Rand so I agree
Couldn't have fixe the writing
So it's bad to have all people of a certain type always be a certain race
but it's also bad to have people of another race be people of that type?
jesus christ you Sup Forumstards should all fucking kill yourselves. i don't know if you honestly realize how fucking stupid and retarded you sound.
the show lived and died on it's fight scenes, so the guy playing irno fist is actually irrelevant.
are they kill?
that's hardcore
>But sadly, as it is, we’re left with Danny as the least interesting Defender. Danny is going to walk into a room with a blind man, a woman, and a Black man, and think he is their savior. I hope they laugh in his face.
Slow your roll there coolio, am I detecting a bit of bitterness?
Rest of it is the usual "I don't care about the story or characters I just want to see a non-white person in a lead role" guff no matter how hard he tries to spin it
Most of the Asian looking chaps in this show have British accents.
Well the drunken fighting guy had some sort of weird cockney accent even.
"Why an Iron Fist That Actually Knew Martial Arts Would Have Genuinely Made for a Better Show"
fixed desu
That accent was great.
>mfw I actually agree with the author of this article
You people are retarded.
What turned me off ultimately isn't the fact that the main dude is white, it's that he's another fucking millionare orphan.
Fucking hell man.
I really hate chinklets and other gooks. Where the fuck do they get this idea that they're oppressed when they still have their culture, get into good schools and make loads of cash. They're getting louder and more obnoxious by ruining everyone else's fun.
lack of east meets west
Any review or criticism that is about an actors ethnicity is immediately a waste of time and damages any legit issues a show or movie might have.
It's a basic review process.
Story, Acting, Pacing, Editing, Directing, Effects
That's what should be in review here. I should never see a reviewer using the word unwoke.
Look again. Its mostly whites and blacks that are making the complaints. Most Asians don't care.
Clearly the majority Asian cast didn't have issues with it.
You'd still have to keep the dojo girl Asian if you wanted a bit of realism.
Fuck you, you freaking redneck hill-billy. Don't fucking think that all Asians get into good schools, not all of them do, don't think that the Asians as the model minority myth applies to all of them. I've only ever gone to American schools where the English language is the dominant language and there are many Asians, or well in my case, there are many South East Asians who aren't smart or brilliant. As for culture, there are Asian-Americans who grow up whitewashed and have to grow up watching fucking negative stereotypes of Asians or see white guys appropriating Asian cultures. If you're talking about oppression, there are many Asians being oppressed by the North Korean government, even China would throw some of their own people into lao gai/gulag style prison systems, and don't forget when the Japanese Americans were sent into internment camps during World War 2.
Ward did nothing wrong.
Piss off
Piss off racist
Bruce Lee is 1/4 white
Not a true Asian
He tried to make Danny eat a pepe, dude.
Now you're getting it.
They're practically there already. Just need to take practices and write them down in an official statement.
I've got a brilliant idea for an Asian Iron Fist. wait for it.... Master Of Kung-Fu
What the fuck happened to Sup Forums?
People eat frogs all the time.
yes! lets yellow wash a character that always has been written as white and always will be written as white.
Isn't Iron Fist the strongest of the Defenders by an extremely large margin?
It would have made a better show because they would have chosen an actor who could actually fight.
>best fighter
>rich as fug
>most closesly connected to the plot of The Defenders
He is the hero if anyone is. That being said, it'll probably be DD/JJ since they're the only characters with personality and rumor is the two actors have great chemistry with each other.
I usually like io9, but you have to take their articles with a grain of salt.
Know going in that every article will fall over itself to say why straight/ white/ male/ cisgendered people are worse than any other option. Every character that's played as white should be another race. Every hint at a gay relationship is to be praised and advertised. Every person who doesn't say "gay/ trans people are better than anything" is to be demonized. And at every opportunity, they include a comment about "Trump's America."
For even more obvious libtardation, check out Jezebel, io9's sister site.
I honestly don't give a shit what color Iron Fist is, as long as the fighting scenes don't suck ass, which they currently do. It's like they completely ignored what made Daredevil work. It's a cheap cashin.
>It's like they completely ignored what made Daredevil work
Agreed, lack of a decent villain really killed Iron Fist and is the reason why DD and JJ are so much better than LC and IF.
Yeah, we'd rather see some white beta pretending to be alpha.
Culture appropriation. You take the best part of a culture, in this case it's the cool martial arts, and give it to a white person as an accessory.
They didn't even read the article.
>make it about an Asian American
>a completely different set of SJW complain about about how Asian Americans are always cast as kung fu guys
You can't win.
But it's not. It's the core of the character and a major part of his backstory and upbringing.
>white guys appropriating Asian cultures
I don't even understand why this is a bad thing. Isn't it a compliment and a sign of respect if whites take to Asian culture?
don't assume logic has anything to do with their arguments
Accessory as in it's just something that they use to make the white character seem cool. He's still completely white otherwise. So they take the good part and leave out all the parts they don't like, like being a gook.
I don't think you know what racism means, man. I disagree with the article, but martial arts has always been part of Asian culture
>He's still completely white otherwise
Okay? Then you just fall into "only Asians can do martial arts." What a story, Mark. BRB burning my gi.
Rand has a wealthy white background. His days in Magic China wouldn't undo that entirely. Whether the show handles it well is a different story, but that isn't, in my mind, sufficient cause to say an Asian-American Danny would be a narrative improvement. I'm not even going to deny that a more palatable Kung Fu story protagonist was the impetus for Rand being white, because it probably was. But motivations are one thing, the actual story is another.
That's new America for you liberal fucks shooting in the dark. I'm Mexican you think I was crying out hey make daredevil Mexican or Luke cage funk no danny rand is and has always been white
He should be but from watching the show I'm sure daredevil could have won those fights with half the effort
fuck off, faiza a cute.
Apparently this is how the totem pole of oppression works in the US. Ranked from those who apparently suffer the most to the bottom where they don't give a fuck about you.
- Straight cisgender white women are untouchable people
- Followed by straight cisgender non-white women who act as cheerleaders, allies, and pets
- LGBT. Doesn't matter what you ethnic or religious background is. (unless you're Milo Yiannopoulos)
- Straight cisgender black males
- Straight cisgender Latin American males
- Straight cisgender Asian males
- Straight cisgender white males (Considered the evilest of the evil by SJWs).
- Being Christian is an automatic red flag
It's like the gay dudes kissing in that new cartoon, no little kid asked for that kids don't care about that shit it was grown up queers boo hooing to the networks to be more open diverse, cartoons are for little kids leave it alone and then they say well they have heterosexual couples on cartoons yeah because that's normal understand being a fag will never be normal
I want to murder every faggot in that comment section.
>it's racist that a white man who lived in a monastery for 15 years lectures an Asian woman from New York about Martial Arts
That bitchesJapanese karate sucked rands Chinese kung fu was vastly superior
Real world has turned into a satire.
And some people fail to see it.
You sound like a sperg.
Ward's struggle and Harold's pure evil were the best parts of the show.
But still, Danny was the weakest character in the show, which is pretty damning. It wasn't the acting, it was the writing.
Punctuation is your friend you might be surprised how confusing you sound hope you learn from this
They should've just stuck with the revenge plot line like in the comics.It's fucking impossible to give a shit about Danny when he literally just does nothing for half the show. If it worked for Arrow, it would work for this pile of shit
>Punctuation is your friend
Says the man who needs to learn to use commas.
They should have never made Iron Fist, especially with Arrow season 1 being just a few years earlier. Choose a better fourth defender Marvel.