Other urls found in this thread:
you wish you had his life tho
I'm still taller than most Vietnamese men and can easily defeat them so kiss my guns you little pencil neck faggot and continue to watch me and admire my fucking tight little bod
He's undercover. Trying to blend in with Charlie
Another tragedy needs to happen so Peter Berg and Marky Mark can profit off of it!
>looks up Peter Berg's next film he's directing.
>Untitled Rihanna Documentary
Wat. I actually enjoyed his film The Kingdom, too.
manlet detected
waoh all doe s movies and he only has 1.75 million.
>posting metres on an American board
173cm is a normal height
For a short girl it's normal height.
For a girl
it's only 4cm shorter than average it's a very normal height
>> still measuring in applechords and bugglywinks
jeez I can't believe I'm taller than marky mark, I always thought I was bordering on manlet
midgets and microdicks skew the average whick sadly lowers the manlet and dicklet suicide rates
I'm 173cm, am I ok?
pls say yes
5' 8" is not a normal height for a girl you autists the average girl is 5' 5"
it is solid middle height
you are absolutely ok user, it is average global height
for a bong yes, for a real man, aka an american no
>I look up what 173cm is in feet
>its 5 foot 6
its the average height in The Shire maybe.
He was pretty good in Boogie Nights
Mark Wahlberg is one of the shittiest actors to ever disgrace the screen AND he's a manlet? My fucking sides
Now where could my pipe be?
It's 5'8". Poor bait.
i used to think this guy and matt damon was the same person
1.73 meters is that like 14 feet right? You foreigners are so weird with your funny number systems.
>when his height starts with 5
it's GLOBAL average height
stop height shaming you shit
manlets, will they ever learn?
>comparing yourself to the global average
that's 13cm taller than me at least and I am one of tv's more prevalent and admired posters.
shut up you FREAK of nature
we manlets are the normal ones and we have been up until this era of FREAKS
there's a reason it's called middle height
you're literally the only country who uses the shitty imperial system, its an affront to sensible measurement
>1cm taller than me
>I cant cope with any measurement system that isnt childlike in its simplicity.
do people pat you on the head and call you "special" a lot?
you wish you were middle-heighted you little cockroach
can confirm, this guy's story checks out
5'6" and just below middle height you shit
At least spell it right on the graphic if you want to be taken seriously
Would you say you're a big guy?
>i cant cope with the idea of admitting my shitty country's system needs to be changed to match the other 6.7 billion normal people in the world using a scientifically accepted and logical method
stay shit murrica, we all truly hate you
Then why are you so obsessed with us?
Maybe research the English language there friend, it was developed by the English people, who spell correctly
>color instead of colour
>meter instead of metre
>americans actually think this is correct
you make good films
>be America
>invent the English language
>foreigners mess up all the spellings
the American military, NASA and our scientifc community use the metric system, you're just too stupid to be aware of this.
>mfw i said america use the imperial system
>mfw NASA(an American Space agency), the American military and the American scientific community are all part of america
goddamn americucks are dumb
Oh dear Sup Forums
will you ever get your shit together?
Hay Mark, nice movies. The Other Guys was a funny flick well done
>implying I couldn't live comfortably with that money for the rest of my life
It's how you spend the money that matters. Or you get actors who just end up taking any role they can for the paycheck.
>mfw op is a Vietnam fucking shit
i don't get it? what about mark whalberg is 1.73 minutes?
holy fuck
imagine being indonesian, you have literally no chance to get a girlfriend if you leave your country
It's mecakilos I believe. It's metric or something, they're saying he's fat.
what a bunch of retards then, he's in no way fat
>it's a lanklets making up for their failures by laughing at multi-millionaires episode
Anyone taller than 5'8 should be gassed desu. Literal abomination.
>OP = 1.74m
0.6 feet is not 6 inches.
Honestly though, 173 is short but it isn't short to the point it should make you self consicous
Maybe in netherlands but what the fuck is that country anyway fucking lankets
yurop was a mistake
This isn't a mark wahlberg meme thread
No, this has become something much worse: a manlet thread.
They're so little but there's so many of them!!!!
all great intellectuals and spiritual teachers were manlets my friend
jesus was a manlet
The average height was probably smaller around that time, though.
Vietnam fucking shits are manlets so it's no surprise
meanwhile successful 1.90 m OP still living in his mother's house...
hehe, I've seen a lot of tall losers. Keep thinking you're superior though.
>The average height was probably smaller around that time, though.
do you honestly think that if jesus was alive today but 5' 8" that would make him a shit teacher lmao
tiny lanklet brains
if your not asian your leaning towards below average height, max average human height genetically is around 6'0-6'1ft (183-185cm). Thats if we have proper nutritional diet.
>max average human height genetically is around 6'0-6'1ft (183-185cm). Thats if we have proper nutritional diet.
did you pull this out of your retard ass
middle height people exist because middle height people reproduce not because they're fucking malnourished, i'm not fucking malnourished
>great intellectual
what fucking marxist are you referring to
Sartre obviously. Are you an idiot?
>tfw Dutch
>tfw 177cm
You're on here laughing at his height while he's making millions
sure send's wind to my windmill
sartre was a fucking turbomanlet not a manlet you brainlet so obviously i wasn't talking about him
>American board
You mean Japanese
Christ, you're embarrassing.
>replying to shitposters
If you keep doing this they will continue to spam this board
t. turbomanlet
Did you even finish primary school?
>using so many let's
Money cant buy genetics
In his case he doesn't have to. He's there and you're here. Do the math
5'11 is the perfect male height. You may not agree, but that is what peak proportions looks like.
>hohoho 7 inch penis is small
>hohoh you are 5'9
Get cancer. Really. Sup Forums is the biggest piece of shit board of all.
Why aren't designer stilts acceptable?
Since this is a shitposting thread I present you with this. A tale only for big guys
>be on some random shemale site
>enter a profile of one of them
>her height says 5'4
>her dick is 7inch
>You may not agree, but that is what peak proportions looks like.
Reality does not agree, but I guess that isn't your concern.
Would you rather be 177 and Greek? Not fucking likely. At least you can go for them turkish qts.
I thought nips were supposed to be short. They're like the giants of asia.
>Reality does not agree, but I guess that isn't your concern.
*Anglosphere does not agree
Life's fun with 194cm
good thing I'm not a mongrel manlet tho