He's made it his mission in life to become soooo handsome that that french cunt will ask to fuck him and he'll decline her and fuck Brad and Leo instead.
He just ruined his career by becoming fit, damn.
Becoming fat and thin in a cycle of two months again and again can't be healthy
Holy shit, the guy in GTA 5. That's pretty cool.
Hasn't he done this like twice before and both times the siren song of Subway brought him back to the fat?
He looks fucking superb, I hope he can stick to it this time.
I am looking forward to Sup Forums aka the crabs in a bucket express voicing opinion about it.
why did he even become friends with leo? like, didnt he know it would only fuck with his self esteem?
Its healthier than being fat but his body is composed of lose skin and stretch marks
he needs to be thin for the 21 Jump Street movies and fat for literally every other movie
Has he done a movie while slim before or does he always bulk up for roles?
It's actually not that bad as long as you're being monitored/taking supplements and getting about 10g of protein and carbs. There was a 500lb Scottish dude back in the 70s who ate nothing for a year aside from two tablespoons of brewer's yeast a day along with a saline drip with vitamins and minerals while under medical supervision and had no long term health issues from it. As long as you're getting that along with a small amount of protein and carbs (what the yeast did for the fat Scot), your body is perfectly happy to live off its own fat stores until you get down to about 3% body fat as a dude.
His insecurity is adorable
Leo is genuinely ugly as fuck now and i'm serious when i say slim Jonah in OP's pic is like 10x better looking than modern Leo
Why can't actresses do the same transformation ?
Good for him, that fat fuck lost weight, I'll be damned,
That's pretty much all to it.
Seriously with all that money they ought to be able to, like Amy Schumer could be in really good shape with a good trainer but she's lazy
the problem is that he has a naturally fat face and head and there's nothing he can do about it. he can get as fit as he wants to be and it won't make a difference
now he's thin but he has the same face as when he was fat so it looks comical
You'd have to be blind to think his face hasn't changed.
They're never required to. Fat women will play the "sassy fat woman" comedian role and they can find a billion skinny women to play other roles. Basically no women are good enough actors to be required to be different weights or sizes to play different roles.
nope, it really hasn't. still has the same disgusting fat cheeks. he should probably just kill himself desu
It does, but he CAN do something about it. Right now he's skinnyfat. If he'd became swole the sum would look just right
Cheeks are still puffy, but the comical double chin is gone and there's a clear difference.
It's easier to get thin (stop eating food, retard!) than to get swole (work out eight hours a day!) but it would be easy for fat celebrities like Schumer and Kaling to lose weight if they wanted to. They don't want to because being fat is part of their fierce woman (who can't climb the stairs without panting) brand and appeals to fat America.
Hollywood is far more brutal on the appearance of women than the appearance of men
>be typecast as the fat funny jewish one
>loses the fat
>suddenly unemployed
what did he mean by this?
I know it's because he's rich but fuck me it must be good to just go from fat to normal whenever you want.
Oh wait
>to get swole (work out eight hours a day!)
Uh, nope. Unless you're aiming at something like The Rock or prime Arnold, and I doubt even they trained eight hours.
But yeah you'd have to be on more gear than a mountain climber to work out that hard
Is that Leo DiCaprio on the right?
no gear just S C O O P Z and S I P S my friend
yeah, we can count fat female celebrities in one hand