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lindybeige pls
nobody ever said that audio had to be realistic
*teleports behind you*
Reminder that if you dislike sound effects like this and punch contact sfx then you are a faggot and need to leave Sup Forums
*pulls gun from holster*
>It's a Glock or some other DAO/striker fired gun
this shit annoyed me in Hot Fuzz
>10 seconds onwards
why though? it was obviously done on purpose
>fight scene
>generic stock punching noise when someone gets hit in the face
>soldiers running
>[gun clicking noises]
Yeah theres no way thats not intentional.
>Pick a genre-send up as an example of what annoys you
good job user
Try me kiddo
>semi-auto Handgun
>cocks hammer as a threat
What's the problem?
Why wasn't the gun cocked at the start of the situation that called for a gun?
>Semi auto handgun pointed at another person's face
>chambers a round to prove that they're serious
Makes my blood boil
>Not having a sharpening stone in your sheath so your sword stays sharp
Because you could have it in double action, but when you want to have an easier trigger pull you could cock it for a lighter single action trigger pull to show how much closer you are to shooting them.
It's usually shotguns that do this more and are more annoying.
Especially when they do it more times in a row than there are shells in the magazine.
>Nuthin' like a little girl-on-girl
>Shitty forced laughter
I love this movie so much.
>Because you could have it in double action, but when you want to have an easier trigger pull you could cock it for a lighter single action trigger pull to show how much closer you are to shooting them.
that's fair. but coking and threatening is usually abused with a shotgun.
>coking and threatening is usually abused with a shotgun
As a non gun expert i always wonder about this. Isn't cocking the pump action type shotgun repeatedly basically ejecting ammo?
Yup. It ejects the currently chambered shell (usually empty as you just fired) and loads the next one.
Ironically, that terrible parody movie got it right.
>its a leather armor episode
>The leather has studs