Dawn Of The Trailer edition
Pic related, KinoMan.
Dawn Of The Trailer edition
Pic related, KinoMan.
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Man Of Bats:
Black Man with Powers:
Woman Of Wonder:
El Flasho:
Was it that hard to use yellow lightning? Fucking dumb.
White fits with the theme of the movie.
Who changes the tires on the batmobile?
Who the fuck cares
>Who changes the tires on the batmobile?
Alfred or Bruce probably, might even be an automated system by this time.
>Who changes the tires on the batmobile?
Bruce or Alfred.
They might even have a machine for it.
Justice League: Dawn of Kino.
It's just something so simple to display idk why they chose blue/white instead. Itd give more of a Flash vibe now that the costume is so different.
How many hours left?
It's Saturday now, who knows?
Maybe it'll drop in a couple of hours.
WB is releasing 4 more videos today. So we get trailer, international trailer and??
Why are you shilling this shit here? Go away!
>mfw been refresing this page for the last couple of hours
>WB is releasing 4 more videos today.
>wrinkly green frog image
Fucking worst
The mechanic, have you never owned a car?
>Fucking worst
There's an entire movie for her before JL.
And so the nitpicking starts.
That was so fucking great. God damn.
loos BvS tier
>that perfect blend of music and video at 1:10
Kino is back.
>muh quips
>muh songs
disappointed desu
Fuck Geoff
>Superman dies for THIS
>founder of the league isn't present
>2 sarcastic jokes
What? you want poop jokes, mousecuckteer?
why does Sup Forums want this movie to fail so bad?
It's time to stop this Marvel bros!
Tell me about Apokolipsian advance troops. Why are they not parademons?
but seriously, does anyone know why... WHY gal gadot? everyone else is ok or perfect (ben)
she gave an amazing casting couch
Shock Troops senpai.
Why did they turn it into suicide squad?
>pop music
This is not Snyder kino. (((they))) just had to get involved
This place is overrun by Marvlel shills just like any other moderately sized Internet forum.
i see no difference between Justice League and Power Rangers. both are movies for kids about people wearing costumes to fight bad guys. i've yet to read a convincing argument otherwise.
nice boob window
I like how the Flash looks and how the speed force is presented.
hmm... not a marvelcuck by any chance?
No sign of Superman. I honestly expected them to give us a glimpse of Superman. Like the final shot of the trailer showing that he's back.
Either he really won't appear in the film or they learned from the Doomsday spoiler thing and won't show him in the trailers.
What do you guys think?
I hate this fucking trailer.
It delivers on NOTHING.
I can safely say that now I detest all modern Cape movies, and will hence cal lthem CapeSHIT.
This is the MoS trailer.
It was Majestic.
This is the BvS trailer. It does not give away much but still established the moral conflict in the movie.
This trailer does absolutely nothing. It hints at no overarching plot, or at any well-developed conflict. It's just a CGI quipfest from yours truly, marvel (AKA DC).
Fuck this gay-ass shit.
Might pirate it if I get the time.
fuck Geoff Johns and the DC execs
>90% of the trailer is action scenes
Post yfw they already spoiled a shot from Lois and Superman's Reunion.
they spoiled most of their movie with trailers last time. I think they're going to keep it as a surprise
both companies are equally abysmal. why anyone would side with one over the other is childish.
dare da kimi wa?
PffffftthahahahhaHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH damn Gal Gadot looks like THAT?
>people complaining about quips and action
>in a fucking Justice League trailer
You can't make this shit up, the shills are real
How does WB shit on Disney in the CG department so hard when they own Pixar?
Why is it that everytime anyone gives these movies any criticism whatsoever they are labeled as a fucking Marvel shill?
pixar is its own studio
zacks action sequences are literally all at night
For you
post yfw "I'm rich"
Nobody is complaining about the presence of action, but the quality of it.
It's shit.
Has the cyborg guy always been a member?
How come no one's ever heard of him?
Minority addition becaue of minorities and >muh injustice
it's considered racist not to have an african american on your team now, even though this movie has a mexican flash israeli wonder woman and a half native american/polynesian aquaman
Probably a fake out. Like she looks up hoping to see Superman and it's fucking Cyborg or something.
>Oh, just another flying nigger.
DAMN Gal Gadot looks like Braap?
I've had it with you cucks
At least go watch the cartoon or something it is kino
Damn this looks better than the WW movie.
>social media is full of bloggers and youtubers hating it for those clicks
didn't see that coming
wowee really funny dc
clearly you've got comedy down pat
his daughter or wife?
Awful. The best part about this is AMY ADAMS
Parademons=new stormtroopers
They miss all their shots
Literally there to provide a cool lightshow for le heroes to heroic
Someone make a webm of Batman at 1:04 and Aquaman at 1:15.
I also spotted lots of 4u potential memes but I don't know how to edit :_:
That was fucking great
>This is the BvS trailer. It does not give away much
You want (as is your right) the best movie trailer. After MoS trailer 3 and BvS comic con trailer its hard anything to compare.
Well the trailer was great
choker - black belt in sucking black dick
Hope she gets some roles in movies, she's too pretty to be just remembered as yet another white woman who loves bbc.
Also I hope she gets a better black guy...jaden is clearly not for her.
>t. shitposter
Yeah but they could have TRIED.
they broke up, appearantly she cheated
The jokes are stolen from Marvel.
I actually enjoyed BVS but JL looks awful in pictures but okay in video.
Stealing jokes isn't good though.
I wanted to hear Junkie XL kino. Maybe Comic Con. :/
well I hope it was with another black guy. Good. Fuck Jaden, god he's such a no talent piece of shit.
it's because snyder can't into colors.
>god he's such a no talent piece of shit.
I've actually been post-ironically listening to this the last two days
Jesus Christ he's so handsome..
Even now he's still fine as fuck.
Sarah Snyder, famous Sup Forums bbc lover
yeah no, his hopsin-tier. You can only listen to this to laugh at him, not because it's genuinely good