If you were a colonist landing on an alien world with unknown organisms residing on it, what weapon would you bring?
Can't be anything Colonial Marine issue.
If you were a colonist landing on an alien world with unknown organisms residing on it, what weapon would you bring?
Can't be anything Colonial Marine issue.
I'd bring the most powerful weapon
there might be wheat
What's the deal with the wheat meme?
muh dick
>no excessive recoil, high accuracy
not bad user
A fucking airtight hazmat suit with a helmet and oxygen.
Bio-weapons. Let them fuckers catch a cold.
Quality choice, user. My grandfather carried on in the Bush War.
>David is a synthetic who doesnt feel the cold.
>wears a hat
oh shit, its going to be Prometheus tier garbage.
English food.
For me, it is the AK-47. The most durable fast-firing gun. I would make a bow from native trees on landing too, to save ammo.
>in the fart far future of androids, space travel to other planets and aliens
>Still using M16
What was so bad about there being an axe? I would assume they would have multiple sets of various tools with them.
wtf is bread sauce
Why is it bowed like that? How is that any better than a typical axe?
It's the future, everything has to be different and qwerky.
AUG dumbass
english cuisine bro
>Ctrl + F
Gotta be kidding me.
My mum sometimes makes it for the Sunday roast, but I've literally never tried it. I assume it's mashed up bread with milk and maybe some spices???
how the fuck are the beans staying on the plate?
Sprinkle some cheddar on that and I'd dig in, 2bh.
Why do Yanks put cheese on everything?
is it really a question?
thats literally the favorite meal of the UK. not even memeing.
>mfw too brainy to use weapons
the pen is mightier than the sword, Pilot G-Tec
Why did they bring two homosexuals to a planet if the purpose is to repopulate and colonise
Its not actually in the *far* future, its like 100 years time
Aliens is set much further in the future hence pulse rifles and all that jazz