Let's play the anagram game, Sup Forums
We take proper names and rearrange the letters to form a description of that person.
Starting with the obvious: Jeremy Irons
no cheating
Let's play the anagram game, Sup Forums
We take proper names and rearrange the letters to form a description of that person.
Starting with the obvious: Jeremy Irons
no cheating
Re Irony Jems
Enjoys minors?
Fuck, I'm bad at this
I, Mr no jeers
Spare: y
Christopher Nolan
art necropolis hhn
Nol's patrichn hero
Christ, No Plan Hero
Chris "No other plan"
Very good
Terrence Mallick
Michael Jackson
Re: I'm Jyn Erso
Mercantile Clerk
cancer mill kremet
>Michael Jackson
a choice jams kiln
"Shame, no jail" - c*ck
Daniel Day Lewis
ideal lead in sway
obese orange daughter-fucking manbaby
a wild, sinewy lead
Stanley Kubrick
Inscrutably kek