How did such a small dent in the building at such a height cause it to collapse?

How did such a small dent in the building at such a height cause it to collapse?

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>1 post by this ID

try harder next time

It was brought down by controlled demolition at just the right moment.

Google it retard.


holy jesus look at 21:57

>1 post by this ID

Fire bends and makes steel weak, building can't support itself, falls on top of itself. I was in NYC at the time and it was the most horrible experience I've ever had in my entire life.

Think about it almost every day and can't stand loud noises or explosions anymore.

nice digits



>small dent
He actually has the nerve to call that "small"


>1 post by this ID


21:27 - People start to jump from windows of WTC1 west face, at 95th floor as fire had reached the west side, around 10:06:08 a.m.. More jumpers can be observed between 21:56 - 23:04 (10:06:54 a.m. to 10:08:10 a.m.).

>small dent

you have PTSD from it. These morons who say fire doesn't melt steel are not engineers, they don't understand physics. They just believe what they want to because it makes them feel important, like they have secret knowledge that makes them smarter. Of course the opposite is true. They sound like retards, one step below Forest Gump

not sure if serious or just a typical shitposting leaf

actually those are the aliens transporting themselves to the mother ship.


> 1 toast by this ivy

Was visiting a friend at the time, was in NYC for less than two days and just left my hotel to go meet up with them. Grabbed a coffee when the first plane hit, didn't hear anything about it until someone ran in and said a second hit. Went outside and could just see droves of people jogging towards the WTC. I stayed until the South tower collapsed and at that point I had to go back to my hotel and throw up for the rest of the day.

>Google it retard.
This generation man...


He is mocking your post about heat melting steel. He thinks that mocker is a good substitute for intelligence.

Forest Gump was likeable though

Floors were held up by trestles with metal hooks into each wall - and everything was fireproofed very poorly. One floor collapses, then everything pancakes. Only concrete in the building was used for the outer shell and elevator shafts - built poorly and quickly - very surprised victims never sued building designers. Almost think that controlled demo/other conspiracy theories are leaked by building designers to keep eyes off of shitty design.

Is there an official thesis about the collapse?
I've heard several, and in the end I still don't know.

I've had people tell me to my face that the planes were holograms, truthers can't piss me off anymore.

can't believe people still have trouble with this


and he knew a few good recipes for shrimp. These conspiracy theory idiots can maybe tie their shoelaces... except that the damn Jews keep untying them.

heat travel up you idiot

You're a massive idiot. How did fire melt the steel on the lower three quarters of the structure? Don't you dare say the weight of the top caused it to buckle under the weight because that's a load of horseshit.

Wrong, retard.

What happened was the top started to collapse. This started a domino effect, since the structure was built to withstand static loads, and not dynamic loads (a thousand tons of falling concrete and other shit).

>heat travelling downwards

Pic related

Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.

Inside job confirmed.


0.1 IQ

>See Flag

Jet fuel, bro.

>people still believe in the official explanation for 911
Am i the only one who finds this hilarious?

It's scary because there are people on this board who were born when it happened.

What about fireproof foam around every steel beam in WTC? Gypsy buildings from 60 years ago didn't had that and could withstand bigger holes standing.

But user, the weight on top did cause it to buckle.

Well sort of. More like the weight of all the floors above the plane crash falling down on top of each other.

It's not just the weight of the floors, but the impact from the pull of gravity on all those floors.

Basically what this user said.

I don't know if that makes it better or worse. On the one side they are young and ignorant but on the other they haven't been force fed with the MSM explanation when it happened.

their fragile minds can't withstand the truth so they reinforce their self delusion and display cognitive dissonance

It's not the fire that "melted" the beams, it was the force of impact from the planes that weakened the steel. You can prove this to yourself by taking a metal coat hanger, bending it back and forth until it breaks, and notice how hot the two ends are. Then consider the heat the plane impacts caused.

I'll give you a hint. Pic related.

If you can't work this one out, kill yourself.

Also, cherry picking.

In order for the steel to buckle that badly that it would collapse, the heat would have had to be far more intense than what we saw, yet we see photos of people still alive around the impact hole of the planes. The fire alone would not have been sufficient to cause the towers to collapse, let alone liquify steel.

>that women was one of the jumpers.

What the hell happened to that building?

I'd rather jump than be crushed to death.

Go to your local library, or youtube,
look up solid mechanics,
buckle or yield
you will find all of your answers there.

yet fule

>here, take this envelope of shekels
>go do shady shit
>Oy Gavalt
>muh zionism

Or you can just look at the videos of the event, closely.

>plane crashed into building
>just so happens a plane uses fuel
>jet fuel drips down
Jet fuel isn't hot enough to completely melt the beams, but will weaken the beams enough.

I can figure out you are changing the subject. 2 WTC buildings worth few billions gone into ashes, while nothing such happened before or after, unless controlled demolishing. Your picture is totally stupid. Google war areas where they bombed buildings, nothing just falls into itself.
Hint: building don't simply fall into itself by having a hole or fire. If anything the building becomes lighter if it all burns down. Now decide already
if it was fire or heavy material, can't be both. If steel beams melt, if offices burn, then you get lighter building, so why would it collapse on itself if it got lighter, those beams under fire are still like always.

>what is thermal expansion
>fucking boeing crashing into concrete
>small dent
The steel structure expanded and got weakened, making the top floors collapse unto the lower ones. I'm a fucking poorfag and even I can infer this.

>implying Mossad didn't fucking crash a plane into the building
>howdunit more important than whodunit
Retards. It can be a inside job regardless of howdunit, yet people sperg about howdunit instead of asking why there wasn't a single fag capable of intercepting those two planes.

Where the fuck were the MANPADs, AA batteries and fast movers when you needed them? Why didn't anyone react? These are far better questions than memeing about thermite.

Then why were there pools of molten metal at ground zero immediately after the attacks?

You do know that a relatively small aircraft would not cause a structure of that size to either buckle or yield.


Looks like Hiroshima Genbaku Dome

Hint: static loads are not the same as dynamic loads (falling debris).

any source of that? i am interesed

It was a controlled demolition.

Buildings don't just collapse inwardly unless the demolition is mathematically calculated beforehand.

1 million dollar idea: parachute lease on the first floor of the towers.

Sup Forums

I though it melted, so now it's falling debris. All this time you were saying it was so hot it melted even the steel. So thx for proving it was controlled demolition.
A hint: when you have an explosion, it goes boom. Look at picture: and figure out how much debris is left with common kitchen gas explosion. Now lets count the debris that is left with temperatures that melt steel, nothing. This is what controlled demolition tries to prevent, because they turn certain sides of steel into nothing, so it falls into itself.


Well, ya see..


Melting has nothing to do with it. I never claimed that.

Read my first post. That is what happened.

Except for the fact that they're designed to fall inwards in the case of serious damage so they don't fall over and take out half the damn city you fucking moron.

The new generation of conspirotards is heeeeere! They were three years old on 9/11. Now they're ready to reveal the truth on what really happened that day!

doesnt need to melt dumbass, just get hot and weaken

Actually, buildings like the twin towers that are built with steel frames have fireproofing material on all of the metal frame/skeleton, every beam and column, so that in case of an incredibly hot fire, the metal won't warp or break and you can use it to rebuild the building.

t. I've been an ironworker for years

what the fuck weakened the support then? the bottom 3/4 of the structure just gave way because the upper floors are on fire?

the foundation and bottom floors continued to support the weight of the building after the impact so there is no reason they should have just randomly fell. think about it, why would a fire 60 floors above you have any impact on the load bearing capacity of the beams on your floor and below.

There was zero jet fuel to burn after the impact. It aeresolized and ignited instantly and blew out the back.

What was burning was office furniture.

It was built in new york
The city is known for construction projects being built over budget, late, and embezzled the fuck out of.
Half those steel beams were likely chinese "steel" with hollow cores. Theyre right when they aay jet fuel cant melt steel beams btw. That they melted suggests there was more than jet fuel at play, or what i find more likely, that they werent steel beams

Other building burned for several hours and didn t collapse , explain this you fucking leaf

Snowball effect, the floors hit by the plane are the weakest and the hottest, when the top 20 stories fall all at once, each floor below it will fall one by one because they simply can't support the weight

>nobody has mentioned wtc7 yet

There was a massive gold repository there they stole. Insurance payout double. It is hot x 3 months on thermal scans cause they used a Nuc. Ground zero is radioactive. All the dust was the building that evaporated. No planes 911. No planes Pentago. No plane in Pensylvania. They killed all the people.

We tend to forget about pentagon too, since pentagon has no cameras.

The Boeing 777 is not a "relitively small aircraft".

The smallest version of the aircraft, the 777-200, has a fully fueled take off weight of 545,000 lbs. Max speed of the aircraft is 587 mph.

Each plane would have struck with 137 thousand tons of force. As in 137 kilotons of energy striking each building and ripping into its structure.

The WTC towers used a curtain structure where the outer latice work bore a signifigant portion of the weight. The impacts alone would had cause multiple microfractures thought the steel structure. Even if they hadn't collapsed in short order, both structures would have been deemed damaged beyond repair.

As the fuel burned it would have softened steel already fractured and buckled by the impact. As the internal structure collapsed, the outer curtain structure would have maintained integrity long enough to direct the collapse inward and downward.

Who on here was old enough to have watched it live?

i wouldve jumped too. better than burning and its exciting

t-thank you bro, this knowledge is Jedi level.

It is a terrorist attack yes or not? Terrorists use explosives in 80% of cases yes or not? Why you are all searching weird scientific scenarii?

sandniggers live through 10,000x worse and dont turn into pussy bitches, toughen up leaf

The other building wasn't the same building. They're not all made the same.

Funny how the steel warped and collapsed, huh?

Yes, I know. I had hoped getting the words out of order would indicate sarcasm.

It's 2016 faggot! if you still don't understand how controlled demo took down the building, then you really need to contemplate if you should still breath. really. jesus christ faggots! how hard is it to wrap your head around this?

What the fuck has Sup Forums turned into? Is there a thread in reddit "troll this thread >>>" ???

You fucking retards seriously believe 9/11? It seriously takes 1-2 hour of videos to debunk it.

Pic related. Talking about pentagon 9/11 now. How did the plane create such a big hole in the twin towers (you can also clearly see the parts where wings entered), but failed to create anything so massive in pentagon?

how to weed out minors

Because Muslims.

We need the Final Solution to the Muslim problem.

Sandniggers are sandniggers.

Caught on fire and collapsed. You do realize that fireballs literally flew out of the towers on impact with the plane, right?

>Because Muslims.
>We need the Final Solution to the Muslim problem.


I was 33 when it happened. I didn't see the first plane hit. I had just gotten off work (third shift) when a friend called and told me to turn on the TV.
>what channel
>it doesn't matter
A few minutes later the second plane hit on live TV.