Its been found

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What is this?
Are there missing episodes of Mister Rogers?

Yes 5,The cold war episodes

Holy shit I remember reading about these years ago, I always love when lost media is found again.

Was Mr. Rogers a racist? His show was unbearably white

The 1980s were "unbearably white" you filthy kike

>The book ‘Dear Mr. Rogers, Does It Ever Rain In Your Neighborhood?’ revealed that the quirk’s origins lay in a letter that a visually-disabled 5-year-old girl called Katie had written to Mr. Rogers.
>Dear Mister Rogers,please say when you are feeding your fish, because I worry about them. I can’t see if you are feeding them, so please say you are feeding them out loud.
>Katie’s father noted that she was blind and would cry if Mr. Rogers didn’t mention he’d fed the fish.
>In response, Mr. Rogers began to mention whenever he passed the tank that the fish would be getting a meal.

Because coke amirite?

He really was too good for this shitty world.

Everything went to shit after Mr. Rogers died

Fuck off, neighbor!

fuck you i wanted giant chickun


Has anyone who's ever met him ever had anything bad to say about him? With every celebrity that I read about, there's usually at least one anecdote of them being an asshole.

He hated fags so sjw talk shit about him

need a proper source on that

Not that user, but here's a video of him talking about how it's optimal for a male and female to raise a child

That automatically makes him hate homosexuals? really makes you think..

I never said he hates gays, that was the other guy. This was just the closest thing to anti-homosexuality that he's said

nice save

>anons shitposting lying on internet

stay in /mlp/ little girl

this was COMFY AS FUCK

Talk about grasping at straws.

What a wonderful human being,

I'm glad that cunt is dead

Every time we succumb to our baser instincts, we fall just a little bit further from the person we could have been.

"I'm glad that cunt is dead."

20 years from now, you will lose someone who you care for, and you will remember the day you posted this, just because you craved attention and sought it here instead of seeking it from the people who really should have mattered to you. You will recognize it as one of the milestones that marked the road to where you find yourself on that day.

He's just fishin' for (You)'s, pay him no mind.