Leaving Sup Forums

German user here signing out of Sup Forums for good. they raided and jailed the first germans today for "hate speech" online. and i don't want to end up in the crossfire. wtf i like refugees now. Good luck.

Other urls found in this thread:


Please fight back soon

just don't break the german law when here?

you can get your point across without using "hatespeech"

You'll be back. They always come back.

United Kingdom accepting skilled refugees for a limited time. Ethnic Europeans only, get out while you can! Offer ends 14/07/2018

First domino. God bless the USA.

well. it won't stay like it is forever, that much is sure.

that's the point. who knows at this point what is normal and what is hate speech.

yeah, well...

Good luck, Hans. o7







And lastly,


"Hatespeech" is criticizing politicians in Germany

Holocaust never happened


just read the law

Excellent law and good choice to sign off.

You're proof hate speech laws are working and help to stop the distribution of hate.

>wtf i like refugees now

B-but it's all satire.

Btw: i love refugees.

>wtf i like refugees now

>they raided and jailed the first germans today for "hate speech" online
but the Stasi was disbanded, did you idiots let communists back in power?

Don't give up senpai! Keep shitposting until Merkel is in prison!


If they try to arrest you for "hate speech", just tell them you're protected by the 1ST AMENDMENT and they can fuck off.

>t. Berliner

Hitler did nothing wrong.

ban assault speech, the first amendment was never intended for such hate.

it always depends on who interprets the law..

yeah, the satire part is something. actually imagine some govt official going to Sup Forums and seeing all this shit. fucking kek.

>wtf i like refugees now

i want to believe

so become a lawyer and be the interpreter?

Godspeed noble white man. Hispanics have your backs fuck the jews.

Cripplechan only follows US law and doesn't log IPs

don't kek fellow leaf cause we will soon face the same fate

This isn't facebook, but your position is still understandable.

I actually think that's what happened with the French intelligence guy, he spent far too long on Sup Forums and then revealed his power level in the French Parliament by calling for a race war.

Theresa May just became PM and it turns out that I also love refugees

Send love not hate 2k16 #believe

Good Luck user

Be strong and know that there are many out there like yourself

>implying you would get anywhere by going against government guidlines

based spic bro

Theresa May will make Britain even worse than it already is. Sup Forums / Sup Forums will probably get blocked by all ISP's, along with any other websites deemed inappropriate by the government.


Use a proxy. Use all the proxies.

And plead the fif if they ask you sth. Works everytime!



E ̠̲͜U̜̦̻͙̳ ̮̰͠R͕̩̯̭͎̦̲ ͕̳O̭̖̱͡ ̜̟͠C͓̭̗̹̙̙̝͠ ̤̟̙̣̞͙́U̢̻͕͚͓ ̨̺̻͓̯͈C̜̦ͅ ̛̬K͢

it's funny. on tv, the speaker said we must "be watchful" for hate crime around us implying we should report it

fucking wow

i really like what merkel is doing in germany. we must stop racism and xenophobia.

# nobody is illegal

being a defeatist will get you nowhere.

It's kinda true.
I was a Sup Forumsirgin and 2 years ago I visited Sup Forums to ironically be like "DUDE NAZIS LMAO" and make funny jokes...

...They are not jokes anymore.

It's not difficult.
Anyone who uses these pattern of speech don't want to have a serious discussion anyway.

Hitler sure overestimated you bastards didn't he

>"Refugees all have expensive cell phones" is hate speech



Hitler said in the end the german people turned out to be too weak and for that reason deserved to be extinct

same. I used to come here for the satire. Now I'm looking for kike mischief irl.

Don't give in to your tyrannical government's "hate" laws Kraut.

Fuck them, Germany is your fucking country not those shitskin pedos. Fight for your land for Christ's sake.

>tarnung als humor oder ironie
is also punishable.

Well. Fuck. Not even shitposting is allowed anymore in this god forsaken country.

And it will come to this, because of cucks and SJWs.

Translate this to English and I'll send it as a fb message to whatever German politician is causing this rule

Yeah go on the street yelling how all jews need be exterminated. Good luck with that.
And this ain't no facebook, kiddo. This is real life.
And they have been doing that for quite a while now but the rapid internet access of the population was not within the boundaries of the police so there was no chance to catch 'em all.

>born too late to colonize the earth
>born too early to colonize space

>born just in time to get arrested for hate speech 70 years after 1984 was written

I need more pepe pictures btw

What the fuck. No one will tell me how to speak. Fuck these faggots.

we have a good thread here, cuck, get out

Forgot to add this:

>pic and file name very much related

pictures of wehrmacht... very bad. means nazi immediately.

Hate speech is not punishable as long it's not "Volksverhetzung" (incitement of the masses).

I'd be proud to be descended from National Socialists or those who fought for them desu Jerry.


Volksverhetzung is like racism these days. It means whatever they want it to mean.

that's why i'm officially a #merkelmissile now

I think it's pretty clear what it means:

And yes, the government does not care about your little shitposts on Sup Forums.

>disguised as humor
OR MAYBE IT IS HUMOR but what would germany know about that, right

I will hate twice as much online in your memory, tannedbro.
That shit will never fly in McClapistan.
If the Holocaust were real, I wouldn't feel half as bad for you as I do. But I'd still feel bad.
Also, nigger.

story behind OP's GIF

>wtf i like refugees now
I feel you

don't leave mate, no reason to other than this Marxist propaganda scare tactic of arresting people

>to insult, maliciously malign, or defame segments of the population in a manner capable of disturbing the peace
>literally saying nigger is enough

>not understanding Volksverhetzung aka racism is the West's counter-revolutionary
are you 12?

tldr: its all Sup Forums fallacies in one image, user who knows kraut here

row by row, not 1:1 translation

1. conscious / intended spreading of lies

>all refugees have expensive smartphones
>refugees dont have to pay for anything

2. disrespectful terms

old man (I think idk)

3. spreading stereotypes

refugee deluge
"the ship is full"
immigrants away!
islamification is a danger

4. generalizing

"all judges are wrong / biased "

5. them - us rhetoric

they endanger our woman

6. conspiracy theories

the state is brainwashing our children into homosexuality
the politic of our country is supporting islam

.. and that's the first half, translating is a lot more boring then I imaged but I hope you get the idea and maybe some kraut continues.

>not suing the bundestag for the clear violation of civil rights
>not suing for millions while spewing all the politically incorrect facts
>not being able to prove that pragmatism always defeats idealism. ALWAYS.

do you guys even german? a class action lawsuit?
you have entire groups within society being actively hunted, prosecuted and harassed. your women and children's safety is being neglected so that mass importation of foreign "labour" is enforced on the populace. you fuckers are going to rot from the inside out and take the best part of europe into hell.
just because you fuckers nurture such self hatred that you rather fuck senseless has a furry or with animals than marrying and raise a family, germans are doomed....

>the grand cuckning of the holohoax must have been really, really fucked up
>like brain wash and vassalization in a massive scale

Wise move, user. Don't get arrested for being a massive sperg online. Best to work on being a responsible citizen instead. Good luck and God speed.

>Being such a pussy

Do I have to go all the way up to Germany to wave an swastika flag on a Merkel rally?

Do you want me guys to do it? I am always up to do things for my Friends ;)

I swear I want to help you guys, even when I don't have any interest on leaving Spain, I would gladly fight up there if needed.


that's what 70 years of subversion look like mate

What part of "disturbing the peace" do you not understand?
Telling your friends that niggers are subhumans is not Volksverhetzung.
Standing on a public place, shouting the same things, make people act on it and thus beating the next black person to a pulp is.

From where u got that ? I would like to check out the site

Good. Such rampant hatred needs to be brutally suppressed.

just use HTTPS

i installed tor once but i don't trust it
maybe they have it all figured out

>Say nigger in public
>Nogs chimp out
You have to be another kind of stupid to think that commie Heiko Maas wouldn't consider this disturbing the peace.

It's from the lfm.
The original source does not work for me.
But here is a copy:

Followup: It doesn't even need to disturb the peace, just be an act CAPABLE of disturbing the peace. So after 1 (one) single event of chimpouts following someone saying nigger, it would have been proving that it is capable of disturbing the peace.

Just because they don't use it to the fullest extent yet doesn't mean they don't have the power to.

It's also pretty clear what racism means. It should be no secret by now that regressives use the words to silence differing opinions.

Holocaust never happened

The ride never ends, see ya tomorrow

But Sup Forums is Anonymous

Not worth the jail time amigo.

we ar ledgn

except us

I love refugees. I love Islam. I never want them to get the fuck out of our country. I think it rightly belongs to them. I'm filled with love as I'm typing this, not hate. This is love speech.

>tfw you're legit scared to say your opinion both online and in real life

I want off this ride.


Good luck gerfags

Your example is lacking. Also context is key.
We have plenty of hate speech currently in Germany, with Pregida and AfD at its front and the responsible citizens and politicians were not brought before court to my knowledge.
We're fine.

What's so difficult about racism? It doesn't matter how the population uses the term and for what purpose, at the end of the day a judge will decide whether is racism or not.


how did the missile thing start?

>Pegida and AfD
>Hate speech
20 years ago they would've been considered a left wing party kek. The (((media))) really did a good job on you Hans.

Saying "I don't want to have sex with you" is considered an act of physical violence and incitement of racial hatred by a lot of liberals here. Why would it be any different there? They intentionally misuse phrases like "inciting X" so that you mistakenly believe they are charging people for the actual definition you are normally expecting. The truth is they are using their own completely made-up definition to target whomever they like, and their phrasing makes it sounds like they've actually done something wrong.

We always win. Always.

same with Volksverhetzung.
Most people do not face a judge. So it very much matters how the terms are used colloquially. I am numb to any buzzwords. I've been called racist many times and I just don't care. Most people do. And that stigmatizes any sort of legitimate discussion about the very real problems we face. This is how the regressives win.

Ted Cruz
Cruise Missle
Cruz Missle

(Any politician's name) Missle