The Walking Shit

>show about zombies
>95% of the show does not involve zombies

>best character of the series only appears once every third episode or so

>retarded fat lesbians in an apocalypse

>fat muslims in rural america

>zen niggers, medieval niggers and token niggers

>gay man named jesus

how is this show still so fucking popular

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The comic is leagues better but that's not saying much.

It's one of those shows where you have to be actually braindead to watch it. The people watching are literally zombies, that's why it has lasted so long.

Imo if you can make it through a whole season you should be clinically declared a vegetable.

>cliche soap songs
>cliche lines
>cliche drama soap
>cliche moments
>boring and cringe music and soundtrack
>idiots plot
The Walking Dead in a shitshell

Why do they insist on having 16 episode series where nothing happens rather than a far more interesting and exciting 8 episodes

please tell me, that the actors are good, and its not just in my head that all of them suck at acting and are really cringe. ( with a very few exceptions)

Most zombie genre stuff is just zombies tacked on.

>better than expected

I think the woman that plays Carol and maybe Negan are ok

the rest are awful

Negan on TWD show is really disapointing. I miss the comic plot and storyline.

Fuck you AMC

% of the show does not involve zombies

The whole point of the show (including the meaning of the title) is that the remaining survivors and themselves are the biggest problem they face. How could you miss that?

But yeah, it's shit.


What do you mean the show is "about zombies"? Are you really this stupid?

>show about zombies
wrong, the zombie apocalypse is just the setting, the show is about the characters and how they survive this scenario, just like the comic.
>best character of the series only appears once every third episode or so
I prefer this than having him in every episode and turning him into a joke.
>retarded fat lesbians in an apocalypse
what about it?
>fat muslims in rural america
what about it?
>zen niggers, medieval niggers and token niggers.
>gay man named jesus
is not his name, just a nickname because of his looks, and he's gay in the comics too.

not saying the show's good, but the arguments you give are retarded.

Well most of us (TWD fans) don't want a constant focus on zombies. No Way Out had more than plenty. If you do want more zombies then maybe one of the hundred zombie movies will satisfy you. Or you could play one of those survival games (inb4 "videogames are too embarassing even though I watch capeshit and Refn movies").

This. The show is about people talking about maybe doing something, possibly gearing up for a big fight and then maybe getting some other people to help and then talking about it a little bit more until the last episode where they do it

Can't wait for
'A Tale of Two Cities: ZOMBIES'

>show about zombies
>95% of the show does not involve zombies

They had to change that formula. It would've dropped it if was 7 seasons deep and they still died from random bites by zombies. No shit they introduced evil leaders.

TWD is completely ok show. Its not even overrated, nobody thinks its some top shit, its just the most watchable because its soap opera tier.

The show was always about the survivors. This isn't a copout. This isn't a change. It's you being a fucking idiot going into a series that apparently you never really wanted.

Typical AMC bullshit

>Things happen in the first 10 minutes to get you hooked
>30 minutes of boring drama, and filler
>action packed final 10 minutes to get you excited for the next episode

The only AMC show that doesn't apply to this format is better call Saul because there is no action or excitement at all.

what kind of snek is that?


I watched the show for several seasons but only season 1 was really captivating. It had an atmosphere that they could never maintain with any of the later seasons. That and focusing way too much of soap drama bullshit.

I stopped after the season episode where Daryl and that blonde sister from the farm burned a house down together.

Tell me what happened since then and what season I was even fucking watching.

Season 1 was great and the show goes downhill from there.

They did nothing for a series in a prison, and then in a housing estate

How can niggan's guys expend fuel to collect 12 fucking watermelons weekly?

Do they have their own refinery hidden away somewhere?

To be honest the show is utter shit and I just watch to see how even more shitty can become and how much is gonna change from the comics

The only thing the show did right was making Rick not lose his hand

As every episode goes by, these communities are more and more close. In the beginning it was like a 4 episode quest between 2 characters. Now its just "hey we're going to Alexandria, then to Hilltop, we'll be back in like 20 minutes"

>and then in a housing estate

Wow we are finally safe in the suburbs with a wall around the city and everyone is civilized. Let's fuck all that up because because people won't watch this shit show anymore without zombies being killed.

does anyone have that gif or webm of the CGI deer?



There it is again.

I don't really enjoy it anymore but I've sunk so much time into it that I can't just leave it. The first few seasons were great, it wasn't over the top, it had a real emphasis on survival and believable group dynamics in a SHTF situation and most importantly the characters were relatable to the audience, unfortunately they killed off all the interesting characters and replaced them with over the top zany shit like Michonne, Ezekiel and Jesus

Don't forget

Season 1 will always be GOAT

A nigga named Negan? More like a Stephanie

The only decent season was season 1 and even it is pretty flawed. I stopped watching after that because I had already overdosed on zombies in my teens.
wew lad

>I've sunk so much time into it that I can't just leave it.
You're a fucking idiot.

Andrew Lincoln is pretty based, tends to overact a bit though.

the first couple seasons I really liked, now it's garbage and has been for a long time

First episode of season 1 and the camp scenes were good, session 2 was best, season 3 had okay parts, butt of season 4 was good, season 5 was great, and 6+7 have been terrible

There's a handful that really shine when given the right material but there's only maybe 4/5 I guess. The rest are just average to bad.

I'd say Rick, Carol, Morgan, Eugene and Gabriel.

That was the second half of Season 4.

They all finally met at the Terminus place they were going to. They find out it was a trap and they were actually cannibals luring people with the promise of a safe place so they escape and destroy the place. Some cannibal survivors hunt the group down but Rick and co are such savages now that they didn't last shit and got brutally murdered.

The guy claming to have a cure reveals he was lying all along but end up going to DC anyways because it seemed like the safest place. There they find a guy that takes them to his safe zone that turns out to be legit. Rick is suffering mayor PTSD from all the shit that went down and can't settle down in this normal life again, he was batshit crazy and tries to take the place over for himself but they all make peace in the end.

One day Rick and Daryl find some other guy who tells them he also has a safe zone and wants both communities to work together. Rick's group finds out the other safe zone actually needs their help because a group of evil survivors are taking their food and stuff and they can't fight back. Rick's group agrees to kill the evil group but they turn out to be stronger that they though and Rick's group ends up also being the bad guy's little bitches who can't fight back and have to give them all their food.

Currently there are like 4/5 safe zones all under the bad guys' power and they are thinking about teaming up to have enough people to fight back and retake their stuff.

That's basically the important stuff. Season 7 is about to end


Ad infinitum.

I went into that with zero expectations and it was actually fairly entertaining.

>Not A Tale of Two Zombies.

You fucked up

>leaving the safe place

God, finishing the second half of season 4 was just brutal. I feel bad for anyone who had to wait every week for that.

Not really though. They'll be there for the next 3 season easily if the comics are anything to go by.

They should have just given Carl to those two bandits.

It turns out the walking dead were the viewers the whole time

>retarded fat lesbians in an apocalypse
>fat muslims in rural america
It's DC.

>the best character is dead
what is even the point in watching the show anymore?

*watches season 2 while bitching the whole way*
*same for season 3*
*repeat for season 4*
*and season 5*

Comic is almost back to going to the road after 5 years.

Glenn stopped being a good character in Season 2.
Rosita la Mamacita is currently the best character, because everybody else is boring as fuck. Eugene is entertaining too.
Sad how Abraham's sidekicks turned out to be the only 2 characters left.

Reminder that people will be making similar complaints 3 seasons from now, asking why people still watch it now that X bad thing happened even though the show fell apart in season 2.

my mother tries to talk about this show to me and I tell her I dropped this shit 4 years ago.
it is not interesting or entertaining in any way.

>mom tries to spend time with her autistic son
>he spergs at her and she gets sad

There's a reason most of them aren't developing careers whereas a lot of GoT actors have.

>whereas a lot of GoT actors have.
Emilia Clarke and who else? Sophia Cokeface isn't going to be in another X-Men flick.

>Rosita la Mamacita is currently the best character, because everybody else is boring as fuck
Why is it that the 2 most stupid characters are women? Do they not see that when they're caught they're gonna get everyone else killed

You could argue that it really brought Peter Dinklage to the forefront as a serious actor, before that he was just wheeled in for comedic value such as in Elf and Death at a Funeral.

>You could argue that it really brought Peter Dinklage to the forefront as a serious actor
I guess. We both know no matter what he's just the "yeah a midget would be cool oh here's the only decent midget actor on the planet let's call him" guy.

whats so unrealistic about a fat muslim woman of color who farms melons?

Even if it's crappy movies they're at least getting leading roles or high profile ones. Jaime, Brienne, Jon, etc.

Rosita is getting bitches killed while actually showing emotion. She's moving things along, even it annoys viewers.
Her kill count is probably higher than the Saviors by now.
Everyone else is boring.

Underrated post

I feel like Kit Harington could be the next big thing if he makes some smart choices and doesn't keep doing ancient/medieval stuff like Pompeii.

Yeah she gets her own fucking people killed then complains that everyone else isn't doing anything while they are in the fucking process of getting shit done
This is why all the women should be killed off

The fish face cunt is terrible even by Game of Thrones standards so that would be annoying. He's no more deserving of fame than the jokes that play his siblings.

This season has got to be the worst of them all. I swear they blew 90% of the budget just to get JDM to play Negan.

>Rosita la Mamacita
Haha kek


Resting bitch face is not an emotion

Harrington exuded heroism in the last season in every scene he was in. I'm completely sold on Jon Snow as a heroic figure now.

Oh and I forgot about the little frog boy who helps Brann get to the magic tree with his sister, he's one of the main guys in the Maze Runner trilogy which has a legion of fanatical teenage girl fans.


So the missing zombies in the show are the audience? This actually makes sense user...


I have watched every episode of this show from day 1. Maybe I'm just burned out or something but this show has been legitimately awful for for the past 2+ seasons. The season finale of last year was bretty good, but the bat scene was just terrible,
>muh cliffhanger

I honestly don't care about any of the characters anymore, and I genuinely hate the majority of them.The two characters I actually started to care about (carol, and morgan) they turned into the biggest pussy faggots ever for no reason at all. carol seems to have come around in the last episode, but her whole passive arc was pointless.

I really wish i wasn't so invested in this shitty show.

Glenn was the best. >Muh Maggie ruined him.

I wish Maggie had died instead so he could be based again. Punished Glenn would be way better.

I'm dreading how they'll ruin The Whisperers, there's no way they can fully show how horrifying they are on screen, right?

That first episode is so fucking good. Granted he doesn't show himself, but when glen makes that call on the radio it's just terrific.

I know I'm with the majority here, when I say that season 2 was great. There were some absolutely retarded scenes but I honestly think season 2 was one of the best. Mainly because of the whole power struggle between Rick and Shane.

*I know I'm not with the majority*

>Tfw Michael Cudlitz in this shit instead of more Southland

>implying we'll ever get there

They're not horrifying. They had a creepy intro and that is it. Maybe on TV the big guy can actually be menacing. Size difference doesn't really matter when it's a drawing. In fact I think Negan's height is inconsistent. He looked 2 feet taller than Rick in one standoff.

Yes? It's AMCs golden goose. You're not one of those

Nice underagefag Twitter meme.

Only reason to watch this crap show

If it's so terrible how come millions of people lose their collective shit every time a major character dies? Just look at the reaction videos to Glenn's death. A bad show doesn't have so many people that insanely invested. If the day comes when Daryl dies you know the shitstorm will be like nothing we've ever seen.

Literally no other show has this level of engagement from the majority of audiences. Clearly they're doing something right.

>the masses are ignorant fucktards

Relevant 13 second clip

These desu
Also Reedus when he wants to,not always though

I totally fucked up the link hahaha

Sup Forums will say they only watch it to laugh at it even though it's very obvious that they aren't having fun they're just frustrated girls.

I honestly don't know why they didn't even try to make Daryl a major character in the show. He was probably my favorite character in the show, with his hunting skills and backwoods knowledge and whatnot. But they have done absolutely nothing with him as a character other than he might have a secret boner for carol.

My guess is that the producers didn't want Daryl to become so popular that they would have to pay the actor way more money.

>voted for the nazis
Damn are brits this dumb?

>I think the woman that plays Carol and maybe Negan are ok

Carol might actually be the second worst actress on the show right after Andrea. There are so many scenes where I actually cringe when she talks.

Negan's aight though.