Why is this board so obsessed with pretending they like Snyder movies? You realize the normies you're bitching about don't even know Sup Forums exists, right?
Why is this board so obsessed with pretending they like Snyder movies...
The problem is this board actually likes that trash, they're not even pretending.
Go fling your poo somewhere else, Pajeet.
>this board
But we don't. It's confirmed crossposting videogame players that are praising any capeshit related material on here
Reminder most capekino posters are nu-males and shitskins. All capeshit is trash.
how's it going, Pajeet?
It was ironic at first. The issue with pretending to be retarded though is that eventually retards who aren't in on the joke think that they've found like-minded people and integrate.
The only good Synder flick was 300
OP got triggered by DCucks, go killyourself for reals
The biggest pusher of it is literally a swede cuck
I legit enjoyed Batman V. Superman
This. I used to just pretend to be a pedo. Now I really am one.
>I legit enjoyed Batman V. Superman
No you didn't.
You sincerely like Nolan movies I take it?
Sup Forums only pretends to hate capeshit so they can seem "cultured" and not be seen as "normalfags". 24/7, this board is filled to the brim with petty marvel/DC threads.
because they're underrated and I enjoyed them at least as much as marvel shit
I genuinely think most modern capeshit is boring shit but you're right. It's obvious most of this board secretly likes this garbage.
I legit enjoyed Civil War
That's fine. There is nothing wrong with liking any movie.
The problem comes when people endlessly fucking go on about the film being a masterpiece.
t. One of the retards who fell for the "Zach Snyder makes good movies" shitposting
You know that Snyder sincerely likes Nolan movies, right?
It was better than civil war
There's nothing wrong with liking these movies desu. What annoys me is the faggots who constantly scream all this "capekino" bullshit, like shut the fuck up, you sound like a fucking retard. What's pathetic is that these idiots aren't even being ironic, they actually buy into this "kino" garbage
>There's nothing wrong with liking these movies desu
t. Sup Forums and Sup Forums
I want to believe you, but how is it confirmed?
The board is filled with marvel cuckolds this morning because DCHADS are still in bed with their respective girls
This is a hilarious lie Sup Forums loves to tell itself. If this place had any real criticism of that movie, they'd talk about it, not post the same 5 webms endlessly and ONLY bitch about cherrypicked parts of the airport fight.
Legit looks like a video game cutscene
The brand war shit is happening here too because redwood shuts it down on Sup Forumsmblr
normies are the fucking people that go watch this shit
Snyder is a mediocre film maker but in the realm of capeshit he shines in a pile of shit. I mean look at the people making superhero movies.
What snyder movie doesn't?
t. One of the retards who fell for the BRAVO NOLAN shitposting
Go praise Bale's dorky Batman and Ledger's Hot Topic "Joker". Oh, and of course be sure to call Tom Hardy's Bane "badass!" hahahahaha
>Ledger's hot topic joker
This Snydertard sure is mad.
>If you like Snyder you have to like Ayer's (Warner's) Suicide Squad
You admit you like Hot Topic Joker, yeah?
I'm confused, is "admitting" that someone likes an Oscar winning portrayal supposed to be worse than admitting to liking Zach Snyder?
looks amazing
Why are Snyderfags so autistic?
Just because Nolan put the most effort into making this fastfood genre into something more doesn't mean that on the grand scale of capeshit, Snyder is bottom of the barrel.
The bottom of the barrel is Marvel shit like Fantastic Four.
See you fell for the meme that The Dark Knight's Joker was an Oscar worthy performance. Only reason that dead guy won it over RDJ in blackface is because he died.
kek you mad marvelcuck?
Whether it's Oscar-worthy or not is semantics. The acting, directing, script and whole shebang is was a step ahead the competition.
This legit looks great. superheroes brought to life. marvel flicks on the other hand look like straight to dvd.
The Dark Knight's joker was better than literally anything Snyder has ever put on film, which again isn't really saying anything.
>Ledger's hot topic Joker
Hot Topic literally had this. Please go fuck yourself to death.
NuDC movies are dogshit. Your one critic who loves them, Activated Almond White, also praised fucking Norbit and Jack & Jill. All you can do now is shitpost endlessly on Sup Forums and Twitter about "cape kino" like some disgusting child that wants admission to the big kids table.
Marvel movies are also bad, but at least nobody's pretending they're anything more than what they are; mindless popcorn flicks for kids.
kek stop being so triggered marvelcuck
Ok enough with the shilling ok? I'm getting sick of this shit. I'm sorry that people like the JL trailer but you need to fuck off
Armond white is smarter than you, OP. Imma trust his opinion over yours 2bh
>Your one critic who loves them, Activated Almond White
Stop implying these Sup Forumsedditors actually care about based armond. These plebs for years have called him a pretentious hipster while real Sup Forums defended his saving of cinema.
Man of steel is arguably the greatest comic book film of all time though.
According to whom?
Arguable because it's a stupid fucking assertion. Raimi's Spider-Man is better by miles.
Experts say this man's opinion should be regarded as falsehood.
>the normies you're bitching about don't even know Sup Forums exists, right?
Go to the AV Club or io9 site comments or Facebook comments, it's a race to be as catty and cynical as possible to get the most upvotes.
Hating on these films IS a normie meme.
People who understand the art of film.
a dying breed today unfortunately.
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, twitter, children who picked up armond white after years of denoucing him as a pretentious cunt, the cinematically bankrupt who praise movies like John Wick and mad max fury road, imdb, poofs,
I'd agree that MoS and BvS are among the top couple cape films, easily.
There have not been that many good ones. Marvel's GoTG is their best, very good, but still not as substantial. Ant-Man and Strange also good, but just fun.
>Even at his most pedestrian or bombastic, Snyder makes a far more engaging film than Christopher Nolan (an executive producer of “Batman v Superman”) ever did—because Nolan presumes to know and to show, whereas Snyder wants to see. Even his slender philosophical world seems like he’s discovering it, not delivering it.
>The devil gets, as usual, the most florid dialogue, and Jesse Eisenberg dispenses it with exuberant intelligence. He steals every scene. In a recent interview in Le Monde, Eisenberg discussed his approach to the role:
>Luthor becomes a character from Greek tragedy. At least, that’s how I approached it, in accord with the screenwriter. He only talks about ideas, which makes him a profoundly theatrical character. I can also play on a paradox: rendering this individual funny although he behaves in an appalling way, also showing him prone to deep depressions because of his internal conflicts. I did everything I could to theatricalize him in the extreme. I had read lots of the adventures of Superman in comic books, but it was impossible to draw on them to find a way to play Luthor. Too schematic. Too much of a caricature. I reconfigured the character as if he became in fact the center of the film.
>Eisenberg’s gleeful and inventive performance suggests that he may be at his best in a tight framework that restrains his physicality and converges his acting to vocal inflections and turns of phrase, gestures and facial expressions.
Report and sage Marvel propaganda
>Too much of a caricature
>Proceeds to play him as a manic muppet that pisses into jars.
bravo nolan
The fact that Sup Forums praises the utter crap that is Batman vs Superman made me realize how plebeian this board truly is.
Then go back to Sup Forums and stay there with the rest of Marvel drones.
people hate what they don't understand.
maybe avengers is more your style?
Sup Forums doesn't
I thought normies were the ones that hated this movie.
Either way I unironically loved it. I don't know how well it will hold up to repeated viewings; I've seen it 3, maybe 4 times now and still enjoy it.
I understand that it's shit and the people who praise it are also shit. Not much of a mystery involved.
>I thought normies were the ones that hated this movie.
They do. That's why Sup Forums pretends these movies are masterpieces. Most of these posts are falseflaggers.
>someone has an opinion that is different to mine!
>must be bait!
If someone genuinely thinks snyder makes anything with more depth than a student film, then yeah, its definitely bait.
Not that user but you need to grow up.
>grow up he said while defending superhero movies
Yeah, you're still arbitrarily separating low and high culture. You've got a lot to learn about art.
>make exclusively high concept movies
>call it art
top laugh m8
Lol this is maybe, just maybe worst scene of DCEU and it still is miles better anything MCU have come up with. lmao