Is there any hope left for our civilization?
Is there any hope left for our civilization?
This money needs to go to Jamal LaShardigan because he can play football instead
Completely and utterly shameless with average or below average intelligence and good looks is by far the most favorable position you can be in in a capitalist society. This is nothing new. Pewdiepie, the cast of Jersey Shore, the Kardashians, and countless others are proof of this. Consumers are entirely to blame.
that entire article is a lie
i wonder what her agents name is
She'll be broke and thrice out of rehab by the time she is 18.
>i follow celebrity gossip and watch jersey shore
You are human garbage
cash me ousade
Is that the weeknd?
>Consumers are entirely to blame.
I agree wholeheartedly
Nice job mods
By reading that shit on snapchat op you are part of the problem
Just don't look, just don't look
Remember that
1, she has 13 years old and DAT BODY
2, nigger boyfriend
No. The market is the most efficient capital allocation system.
What's wrong for someone getting paid for providing entertainment?
I wonder how much Ty Lopez paid her for a blumpkin
Her parents will have that money long since spent before she can get her hands on it.
>become a meme
>make millions
There's still hope for au/tv/ists.
Maybe the mods can deal with that after they permanently ban all of the alt right pussies crying about literally everything, you stupid inbred cunt.
Any definitive shots of her?
She's a lesbian dating a girl dumb dumb
sup reddit
>meet and greets
who the fuck would pay for that
Britfag here.
I hope she LITERALLY becomes fucking president.
It's Idiocracy: the movie over there.
Yeah, it's also been hijacked by kikes.
>spam the same image image for 6 months straight even after losing
>y-you guys are crying
This is your life, the by-product of everything your parents raised you to be:
>now wanting to be bros with pauly d
t. Alt right pussy crying about literally everything
asalam alakum my british brother
rappers are so easy to buy and turn into your puppet. man those record companies can make money so easy.
>be at a bar
>all white people
>hear this dumbass bitch "cash me outside' shit repeatedly all night
>every girl saying it over and over
>i'm sick of this shit, it's like 1 AM and I'm drunk
>some 30 year old overweight ugly bitch turns to her friend at the table next to me
>Says she is going to smoke a cigarette
>"Cash me ousside"
>they both start maniacally laughing, knee-slapping
>walk over to the 1 friend
>tell her she's fucking retarded and so is her friend
>has an incredulous look on her face
>can't even respond
>call an uber and leave all my friends at the bar
How was yesterday's win? Have you realized that you got conned yet or are you still on the train?
You were the retard in that story, just sayin
I thought this was a silhouette of a Da Vinci grotesque drawing or something, then I realised what it was
I hate dumb drunk bitches too, but you're an autist for doing that
Calm down, Akmhed
She does have a rockin body
Hope she takes care of it. Looks like she might have put on a couple pounds recently
around beards, never relax
>calling out the horrible people in society is wrong
Hello Idiocracy
>Elliott Rodgers: Origins
>cash me ousside
what the hell does that even mean?
I supported Rand Paul's plan so I'm pretty happy it died, Trump shouldn't have supported that Ryancare bullshit. It still feels good.
>hey schwartze, if you give me exclusive rights to your music, as well as a percentage of all your performance earnings, i'll let you have this stainless steel chain with rhinestones glu-, i mean diamond chain hehehehe
>my cousin jacob appraised it at 6 million shekels, and remember, diamonds are a great investment
>sheeeeeeeit, how i spell my name again?
they're just trying to make younger girls sluttier and sluttier so they can sell more makeup its disgusting. Most of my friends all thought she was like 17 and when I told one of their friends she was only 13 he went on saying how big her tits and ass are and how he really wanted to fuck her and that "you know you would too bro" I had to stop myself from stabbing the slimy fuck in the throat right there disgusting fuck I had to literally hold back my rage at these gross ass pedos she has the body of a fucking little girl. If you find her attractive whatever that's just nature I guess but don't fucking talk about it just keep that thought between yourself and your dick
Knowing when and how to reveal your power level =/= muh idiocracy
what does this even mean?
this board spams the shit out of this fucking girl
I had no idea who she even fucking was until this board spammed her
>referencing a movie that was making fun of you for being a psuedo-intellectual jaded fuck
>muh power level
Antagonizing garbage people is one of the more entertaining things to do while drunk
I gat wun million dallars you aint got shit howbow dah?
>She has the body of s fucking little girl
Her body is better than most grown women's
that what they're calling it now?
You shouldn't harass people that's not righteous but I think you can make the case that those people are literally soulless they're basically like mindless dogs at that point
This is so untrue. These are a few select cases. Majority of the people who fuel this mess are those people just the bulk of unsuccessful ones which is a sheer majority.
Idiocracy was mocking anti-intellectuals, not supposed "pseudo-intellectuals." You're fucking retarded.
i just can't stand humanity in general. especially young people. i don't really know what it is, but they just annoy me and make me feel anger
no i'm not, getting into 'fights' is hilarious. you should try it sometime.
i'm not an autist
i'm blonde with blue eyes and 6'2. not to mention my fwb came over afterwards. nice try though.
hehe so funnie
She's jewish
A million dollars is not that much money these days though. Besides, that little demon and her retarded mother will spend it all on stupid shit and will be broke or in debt within five years.
She's actually p q-t.
Hear she's being offered model contracts too.
>not getting that it was making fun of both of them including the main character who was the most average dude in the world before being sent into the future
>Calling drunk bitches retarded will prevent the further moral and intellectual decay of society
Wow who knew being noble was such an easy task? This world truly isn't good enough for you user
Her body is slammin' you fag, she can cash this dick nawmsayin.
Good for her
Gets humiliated by that scumbag Dr Phil and turns around and profits from it
Sauce on that pls
I bet you thought this story made you sound "cool" as opposed to the autist you really are, didn't you?
it's something commies can't understand dont worry about it
yes exactly. i keep to myself 99% of the time. just sometimes people need to SHUT THE FUCK UP.
no i felt indifferent about it. i'm glad to see nu-Sup Forums white knights out in full force though, faggot.
what are you even defending?
Wow, that's such a sick story. You should start a vlog, your life is really interesting.
It was making fun of stupid people who watch reality TV and think memes are funny. The joke with the main character is simply that he goes from being an idiot to the smartest person in the world, which serves as a barometer for how badly society had degraded. There's no commentary on "pseudo-intellectuals" at all. You should learn what that term means as well.
the term is making fun of you for thinking you're smart for watching a film by the guy who made Beavis and Butthead
People that unintelligent don't experience humiliation.
>White knights
>What are you even defending
I don't see anyone here defending anything other than you defending your autistic behavior. Calling you a faggot doesn't equal defending random drunk whores.
He didn't behave autistically, there's nothing autistic about insulting someone, especially people who deserve it. You're an idiot.
Famous people getting money for nothing has been around for a while, but social media definitely has a lot of kinks to work out in terms of business model. I would argue the privacy based around social media is more dangerous than people getting money for contributing to society in a near meaningless way.
Yea I get you man sometimes you just reach your limit and you just react without restraint it's something these low-T fucks on Sup Forums don't understand it's not good to act impulsively tho
>making up things no one ever said
That brain damage
>There's nothing autistic about insulting random people who aren't talking to you for being social in a social setting
These are elite people skills.
Your "friends" were glad that you left, trust me.
I bet you don't visit the bar much now, amirite?
>Is there any hope left for our civilization?
Advanced technological civilization was formed on the basis of plentiful and easily exploited energy resources. Those resources are being rapidly depleted and becoming more difficult to extract. Billions of people depend on the smooth movement of goods globally to survive, and once that is no longer possible starving populations will turn on each other in a worldwide holocaust exceeding anything before seen in human history.
Autism means not knowing how to act, it doesn't mean deliberately choosing to act in certain ways. You're a clueless dumb cunt.
Trumps America, everyone
Hi, Tumblr. Feeling TRIGGERED today? Feeling UPSET? Time to die.
>cash me ousside
what did she mean by this?
Meanwhile I struggle to make some of my artwork while shitting out CVs weekly in order to find a job
kill me now
Because the rest of the world doesn't have vapid do nothing social media stars too.
Sug a dig how bow da?
good for her
What are some good films about failure?