American Dad jokes

>His dad doesn't talk to him, and his mother left before he was born
> could she do that?

It took me an embarassingly long time to figure that one out.

Other urls found in this thread:

>They called me Stan Frank, because I was always hiding and writing in my diary.

>I know a jewish girl who wrote a diary once. It didn't end well for her. Her name was Fran Drescher. Hahahaha, you thought I was making a Holocaust joke! SHAME ON YOU!

Not sure what you could have possibly figured out. The statement is supposed to make no sense. They explicitly let you know this with Stan's response.

my personal favorite is when Stan is staring out the window and accidently calls Haley over to talk shit about her.

I got that it was a joke, and a play on the typical "guy walks out before child is born" trope. It just took me a while to realize that it would literally be impossible for her to walk out before he was born, because she had to be there.

>Steve, shooting a gun is like being intimate with a woman. First, you inspect it to make sure it's clean. Then you grab it on the butt and jam the magazine in. If it doesn't fit, make it.

>Steve, part of responsible gun ownership is disposing of bodies you kill by accident.

Is this show actually funny?
or is this just another Sup Forums meme?

There's a sweet spot in the middle of its run, after Seth stopped writing and before it went to TBS. it blows any family guy, any bobs burgers, any futurama, and any 2000+ simpsons out of the water.

It started out as pretty lackluster, but the later seasons are legitimately good.

>american humor

>Here's my mobile, my home number, and the number of the women's shelter where I'm either volunteering or dropping off my bitch wife

Not necessarily. I remember this scene pretty well and Stan is more emoting that he's distraught that a mother would leave her own child "how could she do that (that's so horrible!)"


episode number?

Seth never wrote it.

100AD I believe

It's moderately funny, but I feel that it's overrated here. Most of the jokes that people quote only got a mild smirk from me when I was watching it. I think the main reason I don't like at as much as people here is I don't like the shock humor they have, even if it's light.

I don't get it.

The earliest episodes are 'dude, republicans! Lol' but the show quickly grows out of that. There are even good episodes in the first season.
The later seasons are still entertaining, but pretty over the top.
Seasons 2-6 are pretty amazing, and there are still great episodes beyond that. For me, the show's run starts with Joint Custody and ends with Hot Water.

Dr Pavel, I'm CIA

It's actually above average. Maybe even good.
The first and second seasons were not so good though.


It's fantastic. Later seasons are a bit much but man the stuff in the middle is just great.

He wasn't alone
You don't get to bring friends

Have they ever referenced the plane scene?

Futurama is far better in its early seasons and I like American Dad.

And *I* was that baby

Stelio, Stelio Kontos


First one to find the reference to the plane scene
Gets to stay on my aircraft!

shut the fuck up already

Damn kids. Sometimes, I think I should've just stayed in Peru moving coke. Machado was a cold bastard, but he was good to his men. Once you drew blood for him, you were set. Hooch, blow, girls. Not women, GIRLS. Little bitty things...


> Are you crazy pushing me in the pool?! I have forty hits of ecstacy in my pocket!
>Buckle up, kids.

>Rogers a dirty cop? He's been on the force for three hours!

>Is Chaz gonna be ok?

He Didn't fly so good, Who wants to try next!

Yes. There's a lot of nods to bits and pieces like that, usually from Rogers outfits.

He's dressed like CIA on two occasions, and there's another when he's dressed as Paulie from Sopranos. He's dressed as Gordon Ramsay in an episode about Stan opening a restaurant.

The one where he's wearing the dress that changes colors was great.

CIA has a big plane

Honestly, it's alright.... I wouldn't be surprised if I laughed occasionally
Futurama and Bob's Burgers are both actually funny though.

We've had this exact same fucking thread before and I'll prove it

OP with the same jokes and picture

Klaus post

Post about gag where Stan accidentally calls Hayley over

Is this a bot thread?

you know too much, delete your post or suffer the consequences. this post will be deleted in one minute.

What the fuck. Keep up the good work.

Maybe just a dedicated autist? Like 25% of all Sup Forums threads are just the same thing over and over anyway.

>tell me about bane
>what did he mean by this
>dc btfo
>vague reference to pedophilia
>"body of work"


Jesus fucking christ im not botting at all man. Weird

Did you forget there was an entire episode about "It Ain't Me"?

Nope, just a lazy OP

What the fuck it goes even deeper

The newer seasons are weak but it's a good show.

If you like the one type of joke they make, you'll love it.
>new scene
>characters back and forth a little of the "story" that's supposed to string together the jokes
>any character, usually stan or roger, will continue talking and changing the subject little by little in a monologue that finishes where they're completely off topic
And that's it.

>there's a bear in the house!
>i was in a house once. this was before we met, i was dating a celebrity at the time, this was before we met. she had these steve buscemi eyes. it was steve buscemi. i was dating steve buscemi.
some bullshit like that, constantly, every episode

it's too late for you to stop anything now

There's a small bit in an episode where Francine is much older, and she sees her future self, with the white streaks in her hair. "When did I get Paulie Walnuts hair?"

In its prime (seasons 2-9) it was every bit as good as the other animated Fox comedies were in their own primes.


Seth MacFarlane get off Sup Forums

why is American Dad so good while Family Guy is so shit?

Seth shouldnt be allowed to write for his own shows

>and his mother left before he was born
>before he was born

I guess that's the joke

She left before she even gave birth to him - I don't rememeber this episode so I'm not sure who they're talking about but if this is the joke then it means the person doesn't exist

Seth doesn't write anything at all whatsoever anymore. He MIGHT have been involved in the pilot episodes, but all he does is get paid to come in, voice, and sing.
The only joke he contributed to The Cleveland Show didn't even make it on. he wanted to call the show "Black Family Guy" and they wouldn't let him.

His mother 'left'(died) before he was born.
Meaning that his mother died in childbirth.

The joke is that a mother can't leave her child before he's born. It's ridiculous.

Nope. The joke was that the statement is impossible. A play on a father leaving before the kid is born.

Only way for that to be possible is if there was a surrogate.

American Dad has always been at it's best when it combines random surreal humour, social commentary, extras and their characters and biting Political asides that allude to deeper CIA/Intelligence/US Geo Political satire that most Americans wouldn't be aware of.

Still better than Family Guy.

Also their film homages are brilliant.

>why is American Dad so good while Family Guy is so shit?

It's not. You rejected a popular show because the popular kids liked it. You saw American Dad was the less known show and decided to pick it up as if it was your lonely baby.

This is the best porn parody - it's legitimately a funny episode of American dad with some occasional fucking (yes, Rodger's dong is spray painted grey)

>why is American Dad so good while Family Guy is so shit?

It's not, really. Family Guy peaked really early, American Dad peaked in the middle, now they're just both mediocre.

They were on back to back for years. People can easily watch both and pick witch one they like better.

OP decided to make a whole new thread from one joke in that thread. What a little fag.

I been rewatching all 13 seasons lately and I legitimately consider this show in the Top 3 adult oriented animation shows of all time, right behind classic Simpsons (undecided on 3rd). Roger, Stan, Steve, Francine, Bullock, Klaus, Principle Lewis are all grade A character personalities and are consistently funny, even in weaker episodes. I can't even think of an episode that is outright bad.

They're prejudiced because you can get Stewie themed pajamas at Spencer's but not Roger

>there's a special place in hell for people like you, right next to the child molesters and the sexy children that seduced them!

What does Sup Forums think of the hot tub episode? I liked it, but I've seen a lot of people on the internet really hate it

Contrarians would hate anything from Seth. Family Guy did get pretty bad for a while. They don't do the chicken fights on Conway Twitty stuff anymore and is it better.


Not really a joke, but I just love how over the top it is

Also this

People hate that episode? That episode was fantastice

It's very good. I'd rather watch it from start to finish than Futurama or Simpsons.
The episode with Steve and his friends slow cooking the meat killed me at the end

>Stan taught deers and other animals how to combat CIA
>deers evolved and took over the Earth
I can almost hear a laughtrack and drums.

>The only thing Italian about this is your dirty lies

>Jeff you have no job , no home and your always wiping your face"
>No I'm Not.
>Sprays jeff with a water hose
>See told you.

>Steve: Your bald
>Stan: A team member on the football squad has cancer. And we all shaved our heads in solidarity.
>Steve: What?
>Stan: No that was crap I'm bald.

American Dad is incredibly hit-or-miss. When it's good, it's amazing, but when it's makes the new Simpsons look good by comparison.

I don't think it's a coincidence that the show got good when McFarlane started doing shitty Hollywood movies. That man is not funny, he's just a good voice actor who loves singing.

Dropped the series at season 7 (or whenever it went widescreen). Are there any good seasons to pick it back up at?

It's alright until season 9, then it starts getting a bit too wacky, at least for me

>Francine: All this sneaking around is stressing me out.
>Rodger: This might help.
>Instant snap of Francine's neck.
>Francine: That might have worked I thin
>Collapses to the floor.
>Rodger: I don't under stand I learned that move in that guys van.....oh I think I raped a guy......

So he's responsible for that shitty first season of Johnny Bravo

I feel like girls could get an infection from that

>Haley: What is castle Roodpart?
>Jeff: In this world Roodpart is some mystical
>Haley: Oh Crap Roodpart is Trapdoor spelled backwards.

Fucking epic.

>tfw no mommygf

>Rodger: Mike you ended the tour guide in my OFFICE! Unacceptable.
>Rodger: Mike fix my dam lair you thieving bastard!!! And don't send your 20 year old stoner son.......I KNOW BECAUSE I'M NOT AN IDIOT MICHAEL!!! Look Lily went through the same thing and she is it Yale now. Just talk to your son. And when i mean talk..listen. And fix my dam lair you thieving bastard.

Can someone bring up Rodgers trailer in Tear Jerker episode That is golden.


wtf are with all these American Dad shill threads lately

>Off line? - It's gone! - Did someone take your lunch too? I keep telling the brass, but they won't listen.
>Somebody on this base is taking lunches.


>Tell me who did this.
->Chinese mafia.
>I couldn't pay my gambling debts.
>I play high-stakes "ball-in-the-cup" thing.
>I bet you $500 I can get the ball in the cup.
>I don't have the money right now, but I can get it.
>I just need time.
>Just give me time! You have three days.
>Now, I need that drone! They took it.

>All right, people, I'm done screwing around.
>There's a human life at stake- a little girl.
>And until she's returned to me safely I'm gonna kill a passenger every 60 seconds, starting with this little boy.

>Where's the plane you stole? - Oh, that thing? >Yeah, we sold it to Tim.
>He's using it for his parade float.
>It's the Chinese New Year.
>Parade float? Idiots.
>That's a $50 million piece of military hardware.
>And I just renewed the parking sticker.
>Fifty million bucks? Tim got a great deal.
>Ooh! Ooh! Let's kill this guy and then go get it back.
>I can't believe we all missed him.
>Well, actually, not killing people is kind of my New Year's resolution.
>Really? That's your resolution? You sure there's nothing else you wanna work on?

are there still no good treatments for schizophrenia?
thats some actual autism you have

this is a board for discussing tv shows and movies kiddo

back to Sup Forums

>Boys Who would you say loves the calf the most? >Oh, I do! Rosey calms my dark places.
>Then it'll be you who kills her.
>What? A man kills what a man loves, before it weakens him.
>You can't make me kill Rosey.
>You boys sure you don't want some Rosey? - >Mm-mm.
>No, no thanks.
>I'm eating the face right now.
>Good cut of face meat.
>Her eyes said "Why?" Yeah, you can still see the look of betrayal.
>Can't grill that off.

>it's a Steve shows off his singing talent episode