Kino is back on the menu boys!

kino is back on the menu boys!

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damn thats hell epic,bigboobiefan07

Why didn't Bruce just drive into the town in a car through the road there?


My first thought as well.

At least this is in service of a cool view

He's rich

Who's Bruce? That's Rich.

God this movies gonna be good

Maybe he wanted to sneak in instead of rich dude driving into the town and everyone immediately being like "The fuck's he here for?" and potentially spooking Aquabro

He's a rich guy

Are you retarded or something? He's the goddamned Batman.

>unironically using the goddamn Batman
Go back to bed, Frank. The nurse will be by with your pudding soon.


>Just like a bat, I take it
What did Arthur "Aquaman" Curry mean by this?

wouldnt look as cool for the trailer

Why didnt he bring some eagles?

The mad man is doing it again. Marlels on suicide watch.

Holy shit!

He's rich.... For you!

>Why didnt he bring some eagles?
eagles are taught to not talk to masked people

Did anyone else think for a second a 'FOR...YOU' was coming when the trailer did a FOR ALL?

Holy shit it's different goggles bravo, Zack!


This just might be the GOAT trilogy boys

How can we prevent this before it spreads further?

fucking DCshilling never ends

Burn the patient zero aka Hack Snyder

Power Rangers RPM is indeed kino

>no 'it ain't me' at the bottom

>It's a "bitch sings a cover of something upbeat in a dreary fashion to make it seem more meaningful and dark" trailer song

um what?

>capeshit having consistent director, with a overarching vision of the story and characters making good movies

Really activates the Super neurons

Good point, could this be one of the only trilogies to have a GOAT third movie? As far as action goes, probably. And that's great.

Origin story, dark middle film, lighter action climax.

Bra fucking vo Snyder

Because logic and realism must give way for muh imagery. Hence why every image from the movie is a declaration of war on colour.

How many levels of irony are we at right now?

>pestering your child to watch movie trailers
Did you threaten him with rape? all he wanted to do today was watch Pewdiepie.

>marvel wins again

I'm on post-irony so I unironically enjoy these films. I appreciate their artistry, I suspend my disbelief, i don't just try to look for flaws to crack wise and fit in.

>"dressed like a bat, I dig it"

reality is even worse, user

>amazons vs aliens
why isnt the real military there?

i think i'm going to vomit that GoT episodes looked better than this.

No need. It's hollow and forced, and already tired.

Sort of like Marvel's catalog.

It's not a trilogy or the third movie.

>it ain't me starts playing

>GoT episodes looked better than this.
then you're gonna love quip league lad

>Because logic and realism must give way for muh imagery.

Nolan/Kubrick babby who's too autistic to look beyond the surface level of a film if it doesn't meet his expectations.

Daddy where is iron man at

>by the guy who did the battle of the bastards episode

Yeah, i know it's not the proper MoS sequel and such, but it's still one single director on three successive movies on the same property.

The PoV is way too close. It gives these scenes a claustrophobic feel that runs entirely counter to what's intended to feel like a large-scale, epic battle.

Sadly, I can't help but be aware of it, and aware of the possible reasons for it - either budget or a director who doesn't know how to epic. Either answer is pretty much equally sad, because I've always loved Thor.

Because it's the prehistoric war.

Logan came out three weeks ago

Will DCEU introduce its first gay hero?

I thought that was bruce...

Doctor Pavel, I'm Rich.

shouldnt they have done individual/origin movies for each hero before doing this JL movie?

it feels very rushed.


It's his Dad. Same actor for Doctor Manhattan.

Are you guys retarded?

No one cares enough about Cyborg, or even Aquaman and Flash, atleast not yet

>shouldnt they have done individual/origin movies for each hero before doing this JL movie?

No you fucking idiot. Not everything needs to follow the Marvel formula.

Literally worse than CW, bra-vo

Probably the first time he sees him in costume? Is it really that hard?

I don't much like capeshit, but from what I've seen, Marvel is for kids who don't mind being distracted with shiny things and explosions. DC seems to be aimed at amore mature audience, and given the shots I've seen, actually give a fuck about cinema.

>Not everything needs to be successful

Someone get this poorhead out of here

>that g rated level of violence
what the fuck is even going there everyone is just falling over

makes sense, thanks


>3 movies
>2.3 billion in sales
>already got one Oscar

Would you be so kind as to remind me where the MCU was three films in?

BvS was really shitty.

>the aliens have guns and are shooting at something
>good guys show up
>they fight with swords
That's retarded even for capeshit


>half of the shots is fucking cgi porn

of course, DCEU is not for kids or for those who don't like to think at cinemas

Gay people have dads too.

>Mexican dad in prison

Snyder isn't afraid to show T R U T H

>Billy Crudup

how many memes will come out of this movie?

So basically it is not bruce?

>CGI is bad

You have to go back

>Nolan/Kubrick babby who's too autistic to look beyond the surface level of a film if it doesn't meet his expectations.

Snyderfag who'll forgive the most basic and egregious storytelling shortcomings so long as the movie generates kewl cinegrids and pseudo-intellectual callbacks to classical art and/or religious scripture.

You do see the extent of the battle from afar though, just not in that scene.

It's all unnaturally dark and blue. Visually very dull and boring.

Which hobbit movie is this?

i can't get past snyder's big hardon for god references

Yet again Batfleck seems to be doing most of the heavy-lifting in the movie alongside with Momoa. Fuck, I just can't shake all the depressing images of Ben from my head. he's so fucking good. I liked BvS a lot, but I want JL to be something we can all enjoy together. DC, WB and Affleck need a fucking win now more than ever.

Fuckin snyder using the entire watchmen cast in his newkino. Pure pottery. Im excited to see what he has planned for jackie earle haley.

>billy crudup
>dr manhattan
>"god is real and he is american"


That was a KINO trailer alright

Not in general, but thit looks bad

Zack please stop, this is embarrassing

Just watched the railer, where the hell is superman? is he going to come back to live at the last moment to hit darkseid or something?

I read this post in a drunk voice.

Also, this movie looks fucking great. I'm already excited about the Lethal Weapon style relationship between Batman and Aquaman.

Looks fun as fuck.

i dont know how to tell you this user

>aquaman stabbing parademons

Why is DC so alpha?

Someone stop this mad man.

Capeshit is supposed to be amateur TV-rate trash, not passionate work of the soul.

but that is tv rate trash

>battle of the bastards
I don't even need to watch the movie, I already know it'll look better than marlel

So far this movie has good (unfinished) effects, but cinematography wise, this one is almost as bland as SKWAD