TWoW is never coming edition
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Modern day Isaac Hempstead Wright
First for Jonsa.
Anyone else here a ham enthusiast?
the most egregious part of the whole thing (afterall, no one can prove that Cersei did it besides Qyburn) is that she has herself crowned upon Tommen's death. Absolutely no one at court would be ok with that. No Lord still sworn to the crown would see that as legitimate. She could get away with running Casterly Rock, but she has absolutely no business on the throne.
On that subject, how fucking retarded is the whole Tyrion thing. He was found guilty of murdering the king, and even if you wanted to ignore that, anyone in King's Landing (and beyond, as a matter of fact) knows that he killed Tywin. So not only is he disgraced and disinherited, he's also an admitted kinslayer. Now go back to the speech about Jorah "you cannot have this man by your side when you go to Westeros!" Yeah, Jorah Mormont, a small ass minor as fuck house, 20 years in the past. Barely anyone outside of major players would even give a fuck or know who he is. Shit writing. Shit plot. Shit shit shit.
Stannis the faggis
Reminds me of this
Remember the retarded excuse they came up with that couldn't give him a peach.
Best character coming through
show version
>Khaleesifriend here guys tee-hee. Mother of dragons? More like mother of BADASS, am I right? ^_^
truly a mind trick queen and an intellectual to be reckoned with
only if she's a blackfyre. otherwise meh
stannis the faggis
>the best set of tits in GoT never got shown
Why live?
Azor Jaqen
when will this garbage fire start again and how bad have they fucked up this time? Any juicy leaks?
I want to cuddle with her... don't care if ded
Azor Sam.
Second for JaqAry.
just realised that a peasent psycho got an onscreen death and their body shown a whole season later but they didnt do that for a major character of one of the central noble houses
who cares..fuck faggis baratheon
Reminder: Bran, Theon, Quentyn, Euron, Davos, Jon, and Victarion are all in service to The Great Other.
Double reminder the Iron islander's religion of drowning people is just a false pretense so that The Great Other can contract more people to her services by making as many people go under near death experiences at once. Also this is more than likely how The Others were made.
>w-what do you mean, my Lord, we are not getting married anymore? have you found a better woman than me?
what do
Jaqenposter got 2x trips!
Azor Jaqen confirmed!
This the third time!
The Many Faced God.
Also, Euron Greyjoy has partially transformed into an Other. The eye hidden beneath his eyepatch is blue.
No it's not. It's black, and apparently red at times too, though that could have just been part of Aeron's shade of the evening trip. I forget.
Also he wears a set of Valyrian armor. If anything Euron would try to imprison and rape an Other
Roose too or he may be half and half or is staving off the transformation in some ways. There's definitely a connection between him and Craster somehow.
Azor Stannis
More likely Craster is descended from a bastard Stark.
Why are there so many retards in this thread?
An cute cold immortal being? Roose Bolton or should I say: Bolt-on?
she was so qt, pure and innocent then.
now she probably believes the patriarchy made her do this
Bran, Jojen and Euron 100%. Others are speculation but definitely have gained interest since you've mentioned them.
I see Bran and Jojen as unknowing due to not understanding what they're really dealing with but Euron is one of a kind. If he didn't have a near death experience it wouldn't surprise me if he sought it out, wilfully is working in service or looking to one up and use the great other.
But can definitely say with certainty he wants to cause armageddon so he can rule over what remains aka a feast for crows.
Trebuchet Sansa away, marry Kennelfu
How is Jojen in service to the Great Other when he was murdered by the Children and fed to Bran in a ritual ceremony?
Imagine if he causes a grand mass apocalypse event like the Doom or what happened in Hardhome, would The Great Other be able to take in people who are facing destruction and subjugating them into contracts with her?
All depends on how many people would be left for Euron to rape. Don't think he would go for it if we're talking complete destruction.
Why did Rhaegar name both his sons Aegon?
the great other appears to people on the brink of death and engages in a faustian deal with them for extended life.
jojen was dying of greywater sickness when the great other appeared to him. he was living on borrowed time.
the nights king lost his soul when he gave his soul to the nights queen. as did bran. read brans chapter after the tower fall and he's in some other dimension being propositioned to either fly or die. he feeds his seed to the crow and is then able to fly. but the crow drills into his forehead and opens his third eye so from there he has dreams etc of the crow which can then manipulate his path.
jojen was on the brink of death but was given second life. his goal was to get bran to the children. he was living on borrowed time and when he succeeded in his service there was no longer any use for him so he is killed.
those that are unknowingly recruited are recruited for the cause of the apocalypse. those recruited aren't aware that they're in service of the great other but I see it as a master of puppets trying to bring an end to life while the lord of light is around for life, warmth etc.
the lord of light being a bastardisation of the old gods / fertility god.
lord or light masculine force
great other feminine force
because you're a retard
Why do you post this in every thread?
>the nights king lost his soul when he gave his soul to the nights queen
according to myth.
>he feeds his seed to the crow and is then able to fly.
forced connection
>so from there he has dreams etc of the crow
there's a good argument to be made that the crow is in fact future-Bran.
In his first vision, the crow is present, but does not have three eyes, until the crow "opens" Bran's third eye, then the crow has three eyes. In this same vision, the Weirwood tree is present, and gives him a "knowing" look. The Weirwood is Bloodraven imo. When Bran gets to the cave, Bloodraven does not say he is the three-eyed crow. Bran asks him, and he says he's been many things, and a man of the night's watch. He never says that he is the three-eyed crow.
crack ship and nothing more.
Jaqen H'ghar, born in the free city of Lorath, was a Lorathi criminal who later emigrated to Braavos to become a Faceless Men. After getting the Braavos citizenship, he began the training in the House of Black and White.
Jaqen H'ghar is Lorathi-Braavosi former criminal turned Faceless Men.
But why was Jaqen a criminal?
Why did he emigrated to Braavos?
Why did he became a member of the Faceless Men?
Does Jaqen still have relatives? Other H'ghar brothers and sisters?
Does Jaqen H'ghar work-out? Hobbies?
I dont know why but I kinda like Roose Bolton, he is one of my favorite characters. I hope he survive the siege of Winterfell
House H'ghar
the most notorious rapist across planetos
Arya Stark
yes! that is a character in the story! good job retard!!!!!!!
Dumb frogposter.
>"you cannot have this man by your side when you go to Westeros!"
wasnt that about daario, not jorah?
Thanks alot faggot
shut your whore mouth
>Dumb frogposter.
Are you blind or stupid or both?!
Do you see any Pepe, dumd virgin.
Daily reminder that Preston is a introvert virgin fuck who invests his entire life into a fantasy series.
His first encounter with a female:
"I stole a woman's Ironborn soup because she didn't pay the iron price for it, and she in turn stole mine""
The only people who watch Preston are people who also unironically browse Sup Forums and think its a great place for rational and intelligent discussion.
Weekly reminder that it was confirmed that Preston browses the /got/ generals. (unironically obviously.) Sad!
Bad (or sick) guy!
Lurk more newfag.
Jaqen H'ghar
Newfag? Been posting on Sup Forums since December 2015. Cry more homo
>since 2015
>not a newfag
You obviously haven't been posting in /got/ for very long.
Like I give a flying fuck, stay mad butthurt TVfagposter
jaqen r'aper
So Arya killed Poliver, Meryn Trant, Waif, Walder Frey, who else was there on her list.
I'm checking in here every couple of months to ask the same question:
>he thinks The Winds of Never Ever will get released in our lifetime
Author, Author, Author, Author
Mar. 25th, 2017 at 3:08 PM
We love writers at the Jean Cocteau Cinema, and April is going to be one of our biggest months ever for author events, with no less than four of them scheduled.
First up, on Sunday April 2, we'll be hosting the editors and contributors for the GUNS, an original anthology about... yes, you guessed it, guns. Editor Gerald Hausman will be joining us for the evening, together with writers Trent Zelazny, Jane Lindskold, M. Scott Momaday, Rebecca Godfrey Poe, Peter Lauritzen, Peter Eichstaedt, Jim Terr, and Alice Carney.
One week later, on Sunday April 9, we'll once again be hosting one of our favorite people, the one and only CONNIE WILLIS. Connie's got a new book out: CROSSTALK, her long-awaited romcom, and as usual it's a delight... as is she. Of course, we'll have her other books as well, the many Hugo- and Nebula-award winners, and the one or two that were only runners-up.
Just a few days later, on Saturday April 15, we will have the honor to host one of New Mexico's own treasures, JOHN NICHOLS, the author of THE MILAGRO BEANFIELD WAR. There's never been a writer who captured the soul of northern New Mexico like Nichols, and the Jean Cocteau is thrilled to have him.
Last but not least, JOHN SCALZI will be hitting town on Monday, April 17, with his new novel THE COLLAPSING EMPIRE. (And rest assured, we'll have his older books on hand as well, including his Hugo award winning REDSHIRTS).
Remember, the Jean Cocteau has only 130 seats, and some of these events are already filling up fast. To reserve a book, and a seat, go to the Jean Cocteau website
See you at movies... er... the booksignings.
Current Location:Santa Fe
Current Mood: pleased pleased
jean cocteau cinema bookstore, signed books, signings
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He deserves pain.
hope he gets stomach cancer and dies shitting blood in his pants
Reminder Winds announcement tomorrow
>Winds announcement
nope, it was when tyrion and jorah come back, and she exiles him
Can't wait
>April is going to be one of our biggest months ever for author events
Suffice it to say he won't get any writing done next month
>with no fewer than four of them scheduled.
>all the Stark kids will learn from and reject/surpass their teachers except Sansa
Jeor was Lord Commander but let Craster give sacrifices to the Others, Jon became Lord commander and is gonna fight the Others
Bloodraven was a Greenseer, but was too weak to fight the Others and died like a bitch, Bran is better and is the key to beating the Others
Jaqen was a great Faceless man, but only killed as part of his duties, Arya's free to kill whoever she wants and has all their skills.
Petyr is a political genius cause the iq of everyone he comes into contact with goes down 50 points, Sansa will keep believing in him and following him until Bran has to tell her she's retarded and then she'll need Arya's help to put him down.
>Theon is at the Kingsmoot
Fuck sake D&D, can you do anything right?
why did they push the ironborn storyline so far forwards? balon dies before the RW in the books
bloodraven couldn't do shit. the roots grew through him and drained him of his blood. all he could do was remain, acquire knowledge and pass it on. bran unknowingly gained second life but under the agenda of the great other faction and is the opposite of fighting the others. if anything bran is the key to the others coming success.
the faceless are working for the children and great other.
petyr over reached and now is his coming downfall. sansa is a noob, arya is fucked up and unreliable if it doesn't require death.
Fuck knows, I dropped the show at the S2 finale after noticing how much was starting to change.
They were going to cut that whole storyline but they fucked to Dorne so bad they decided to jettison that plot and replace them with the Ironborn.
stannis the faggis
>but they fucked to Dorne so bad
Cogman fucked Dorne up
>Daily reminder that Preston is a introvert virgin
he's married to a Yi'ti qtpi.
the faceless men are not working for the children, you fucking tard. Go back to your reddit or thread
>Hey guys I really care about finishing TWOW so I'm not going to as many conventions
>Instead I'm having events where I live instead that take up all my time
go to bed azor jon
Is someone proxyvoting this?
tywin winning over tyrion, oberyn over jon snu, LF over dany... The only normie choice that is winning is Sansa over Theon.
Translation: I'm sick of fans so I'm going to hist unrelated events, winds of what?
All make way to the rightful King of Westeros. King Stannis Baratheon First of his Name. King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men. Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm. The Prince That Was Promised and Azor Ahai Come Again.
Is this official. I'v been waiting for them to adapt the other books.
comes out in june apparently
>tfw no shireen daughter
It doesn't even seem real that this fat autist wrote these books. It also seems incredible that the publisher hasn't contracted out a ghostwriter by this point. If they let the show conclude and be forgotten by the general public before the final books come out, they're losing a ton of potential revenue.
George doesn't care, why should the rest of us?
Legitimate Question:
Does ANYONE that read all the books actually dislike Stannis?
Well Dabid supposedly read all the books
This, this right here. I came to the realization that if he had anything important, anything vital or worthwhile to say with this story, something he HAS to say as a writer and a storyteller, he fucking would have by now.
With how he let the publicity and newfound fame carry him out of his retirement cave, it's obvious this was all just to pay the bills and it went horribly right for him.
I like Bran.