DC Fans crying to Justice League Trailer

>yfw Zack waited until the one year anniversary of BvS release to release the JL trailer

Absolute POTTERY.

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surprise, surprise
it's an autistic nigger

He is the epitome of every DC fan. Deluded and mentally unstable.

Why are there so many "autistic black nerd reacts to things" channels?

i really do not understand how people STILL get hyped up for these fucking awful, pointless movies

its going to be another 40-50% DC movie which will later come with a directors cut which will make everyone on reddit say GUYS THE DIRECTORS CUT FIXES THE MOVIE! ITS GOAT NOW!

fucking retarded fanbase

I still can't get over the fact that everything in the movie is shaded either black or blue

And nonwhite

What the fuck is wrong with capeshit fans? They're actually just as fucking bad as anime fags and bronies

>Star Wars hoodie
>Looks like he lives in a basement
>Emotionally unstable (cries because of a trailer - not the content but its very existence)

Fucking hell, I thought pop culture was supposed to be a spice of life not its entire meaning. Why do people care so much about fiction?

honestly this whole social media attention whoring over emotional bullshit is the greatest fucking example of everything wrong with modern pop culture and society in general

I rarely cry even during super emotional scenes in really good films. My eyes get a little damp at most. And these motherfuckers are crying, sobbing on camera to some shitty action movie trailer and RECORDING it?




The last film I actually shed a tear at was Logan when he buries professor x

>dc fans aren't white

wow shocking!!

>Also per PostTrak, the combination of African American and Hispanic moviegoers made up a huge 41% of the audience with both audiences giving the film a whopping 81% positive score.

>Suicide Squad has a 73% total positive score


It was ok-ish, but how the fuck can you cry over the stupid explossions and mindless fight shown in the trailer?

Did you actually cry tho or did your eyes get moist and damp

cause I can't even remember the last time I let a tear out. Maybe I'm emotionally retarded

Why are most reaction channels black guys

Any type of video that has facecams/reactions is for viewers who want friends.

what kind of name is "pajeet" anyways?

muslim or something

Jesus Christ this is the most cringy shit I've ever seen. The dialogue is absolute garbage, worse than fucking Marvel.

>We want the Avengers audience


Is this an RLM parody vid?

You know, sometimes I wish god was real so that he could end your miserable existence.

i don't fucking get it either. isn't crying a sign of weakness? why would someone record themselves crying and post it online?

its to signal he's not a typical toxic male

I'd rather be a toxic male than a little bitch

This, honestly

Is it wrong to be physically repulsed by even the thought of this shit?

I'm not even a stereotypical chad or strong or super masculine or strong or anything, the guy in that video looks more masculine than I do and I just find the entire idea of it physically repulsive

would probably legitimately die than cry on camera and upload it

I cried when Charles remembered what had happened in Westchester.

"And I don't deserve it, do I?"

To be perfectly fair, though, I also got pretty emotional during Superman's death and funeral.

looks like he is faking it, desu.

Because SJW culture has basically turned weakness into something that gains attention and sympathy. You're no longer a pathetic bitch for crying but brave and strong for showing your emotions.

the autism is real, internet is an outlet

Nice source nerd

no friends irl :(

if you are not a hood nigga you are DOA out here

>Sup Forumsediit is so autistic they can't tell it's staged acting.

>everyone here talking about manliness
>everyone here talking about what makes a male manly

kek, you people are hanging out on a board about movies, spending most of your life with nothing but watching movies and you are trying to tell others what manliness is? fucking pathetic

I watch movies with my girlfriend

After I get out of the gym every day

why would you lie on a mongolian feather market website?

the difference is user, I'm not broadcasting my pathetic misery to an audience and expecting them to enjoy it

Do you want me to livestream myself browsing Sup Forums and fapping 3 times a day to waste time and spending hours trapped in my head trying to figure out exactly what's wrong with me and how to fix it

because if someone wanted to give me shekels to do that I'd unironically just leave my camera on all day for anyone to see what I'm doing

People don't lie on the internet. That's just not a thing that happens.

It's comfy. Ever heard of a feather mattress?

The difference is crying about an emotional and well written scene, either for it's sadness, or it's beauty and crying about a movie EXISTING. The fact that the movie exists and is coming out is enough to make him fucking cry. He doesn't even wait to watch the movie. If anything, he wouldn't even have to watch it to have the same smug satisfaction of being "in the know" about the "nerdy" and "geeky" franchise coming out.

He buys pop culture graphic tees and enjoys every popular movie and video game. He gets hype for everything. He has no personality and exists only to consume media and buy products. He will never create anything, or live a meaningful life.

>worse than marvel

Sorry prajeet, no one likes marvel flicks

>Samurai Jack premieres
>Go to twitter and type "Samurai Jack"
>Any twitter profile that mentions it, and has a real picture of the user, is 100% some black guy.

a lot of assumptions there based on a few seconds of webm. he's just a kid.

you just made me want to kill myself as another person

I got to the point where a tear could've come out, but it didn't. Watery eyes for sure at the end of that movie... Just over 16 years watching the dude play that character, and it ending in a sad/happy way for me, got me a bit emotional.

The worst part is that these people have had literally years to prepare for this eventuality and still they fucking weep. It's not like it was a surprise.

The CGI looks so shitty I can't believe it.

That's what makes the cuck spam across the site so funny. The only type of black thats going to browse this site is the kind that other blacks make fun of all the time for being "too white" and autistic

I just watched the trailer. I'm surprised they didn't use a dark brooding female singer to sing "Come Together"

>That one normie friend who told you he cried at the end of The Fast and the Furious
>"Oh don't worry, you can see it online because I uploaded it to youtube!"

oh jesus im sure they discussed it though

>surprise the superhero genre is filled with nerd losers
Doesn't mean it's a bad movie


>Is it wrong to be physically repulsed by even the thought of this shit?

No, these people are disgusting, and you should be repulsed by them.

>It comes out
>Make a bit of money
>Then Star Wars Episode 8 comes out and crushes it

It wont even break 800 million

This is why Snyder is one of the best in the business today.

he's able to evoke these emotions from just a trailer alone. marvel flicks on the other hand bring on nothing. they offer nothing to film or art. they bring nothing new to the medium, they are brainless. they exist solely to pander and make money, they appeal to women, nu-males and children. literally just turn your brain off bro.

but the normies make it seem like such a normal thing to do

the number of reddit comments about how they literally broke down crying over some mundane popculture shit is insane

I want Justice League to crash and burn just so I would be able to say "We live in a timeline where a Power Rangers movie got more critical praise than a Justice League movie".

>makes movies so bad that people get angry
>"wow Snyder is able to evoke such emotions from his audience"

But the films will produce thought, discussion and analysis for years to come. you can't put a price on that.

marvel movies are forgotten almost immediately after release and onto the next one.

>it was shit
>no it was good
>it was total shit
>not you should see the Director's Cut it's much better
>that's shit too
>no it's good
>"thought, discussion and analysis"

Only pic related, Grapes of Wrath and The Sopranos have ever made me tear up.

Cant wait for their tears when it gets a 45% on RT

It would be kino if Snyder was intentionally out to make people angry, but I doubt he thinks that far ahead.

Wouldn't JL being good create even more shitposting material?

lets be honest critics are worthless today. they refuse to open up to anything new or different, if it doesn't have quips, or a diverse cast with a generic plot and no stakes then it's bad according to modern liberal critics.

i make my own opinions.

>quips, or a diverse cast with a generic plot and no stakes

That's exactly what JL is though. At least based on the trailer.