This thing was way more terrifying than xenomorphs.
How do you defeat it?
This thing was way more terrifying than xenomorphs.
How do you defeat it?
No oxygen is my best guess
step on it
Fuck it to death. Guarantee no one has ever thought of it. I doubt it would even know what to do.
liquid nitrogen bath
Hydrochloric acid
Nerve Gas
whats that
Kelvin :D
I imagine that's the look it always has after growing a face. Just a perpetial =D even as it rips people apart.
How did Ryan Reynolds die? The current trailers show the thing going into his mouth, but what happens then? Does he just keel over?
Calvin eats all his internal organs and he pukes blood before dying in zero gravity.
Does it show him getting hollowed out or something? How do you know it was the organs?
Whatever the little rascal did to him, it had him vomiting a large amount of blood. What else besides tearing up his insides would cause that?
Oh I'm not disagreeing. I'm just not going to be able to see it for a while so I want details on how people die.
Well, in order, death by swallowing an alien, death by drowning, death by leg being eaten, death by neck snap/outer space, death by aggressive expansion, and death by outer space.
Absolute shit design, the thing wasn't even scary. Fuck whoever described the design as good the other night - shilled me into buying a ticket.
>I'm not going to be able to watch a movie for a while so I want things spoiled
Subhuman scum.
How does it eat? Does it just wrap around stuff and dissolve it, or are there teeth?
Maybe he edits Cinemorgue.
What telekino is this from?
Ryan Reynolds' character blasted it with a flamethrower. It didn't end well
It wraps around stuff for most of the movie, but grows enough to develop something resembling a face close to the end. That face has teeth.
> aggressive expansion
Tell me more.
why don't you fucking shil your movie properly you stupid fucking cuck nobody wants to see that shit so why make people search for it with your autistic screenshots from the trailer and useless fucking clues. fucking kill yourself.
Picture a starfish. Now imagine its five legs sharpening into a knife edge. Now imagine it explodes outward to impale you from multiple angles.
Haven't seen the movie, just the trailer. Also have no idea about science. But:
>every cell is a muscle, and a nerve
Is it explained why this makes sense, or is more efficient than having specialized cells?
Why didn't it kill jake at the end? And how did it get big without consuming him?
no one cares about your cringeworthy Alien clone
It's basically a starfish/octopus shaped brain.
utilizing the power of wheat
I dont know a whole lot about science but I would imagine having specialized cells is actually more efficient than having jack-of-all-trades cells. Evolution seems to support this, as single celled organisms eventually evolved into more complex lifeforms with specialized cells.
Shill thread.
Fell asleep during this shit movie and when I woke up the chink was dead. Also people in my theater actually clapped at the end, fucking white folk.
are the torrents out yet ?
The fact that it cannot exist. It grew at a fucking retarded rate considering it was not consuming any biomass despite growing. At least the Xenomorph does this slightly more realistically.
>What is the THING for 100$ Alex!
>It grew at a fucking retarded rate considering it was not consuming any biomass despite growing
But it was. It spends practically the entire movie feeding or attacking.
why it have two pusy???????
Why didn't the nigger say anything when Calvin was feeding on its leg?
Which is why The Thing is utterly retarded, B-grade trash as well.
Because muh fatherhood.
I was thinking he was unaware since he was paralyzed, but I think he touched his leg or something when he was trying to explain that Calvin was just trying to survive. So he was probably just a cuck.
One of the best parts of this movie was the creature's design. I'm sick of all these recolored humans which pass as aliens these days.
rate this movie, is it worth watching on the theater?
Really? I mean I didn't think it was a completely bland design and it was fun watching it move, but I certainly didn't think it stood out against all the other space squid monsters out there. The little head at least gave it a little more personality, but it also didn't make any sense since it was well established that Calvin's entire body served as sensory organs and he used his body to digest prey.
Worth it if you're just craving a creature flick really bad and/or just want to make a trip to the theater. But otherwise might just be worth waiting for.
The thing looked like the Little Shop of Horrors plant for fuckssake.
I must have seen that ad where the alien crawls into Ryan Reynold's mouth at least a dozen times. why would they spoil his death in the trailer?
I saw the movie thinking the trailer was misleading but Deadpool indeed died 2 minutes after that happened. Really fucking stupid. He was in the movie for like 15 minutes.
Head and Shoulder shampoo
In its anus
I saw it this morning and most of those things never happen.
Its all either being squeezed and eaten, other than the drowning.
I guess I was really not paying attention at the trailers because I was convinced he was the main character. I was pleasantly surprised when he actually died right away since I didn't expect it.
Calvin is truly unstoppable. even crashing the ship with no survivors was not very painful for him.
you crashland the space station to the antarctica and let the Thing take care of it.
With the xenos
Which movie are you guys talking about?
Does anyone have a free, reliable stream for this movie?
sent. ;)
leave it in L.A. so it gets mugged and then shot
Spider-Man Origins: Venom
>At least the Xenomorph does this slightly more realistically.
Nigger, he literally grows from small puppy to Shaq in a matter of one hour... out of thin air.
>it was not consuming any biomass despite growing
>glucuse is not a nutrient
Nigga do you even fucking microbiology .
On a scale of Alien, to The Last Days on Mars (or less). How does this fare?
This, he didn't know it was there the whole time but he eventually figured it out when the damn thing crushed his leg and he lost so much blood that he was on the verge of passing out.
>mfw the ending
My guess is the atmosphere change put it into suspended animation and it assumed the new form as part of the process.
Removing oxygen apparently puts the thing to sleep. So it has one weakness at least.
Whole grain wheat enemas was the cure all along.
Fucking gooks.
The ending was the best part of the whole movie. Imo made the whole thing worth it. And they were definitely Chinese
I have no idea what movie y'all are talking about