>One of the greatest films of all time can only be viewed after watching a 26 episode series
>All those fans of cinema who will never be able to view it due to how inaccessible it is
>One of the greatest films of all time can only be viewed after watching a 26 episode series
>All those fans of cinema who will never be able to view it due to how inaccessible it is
They would never appreciate it anyways.
They don't deserve it then. It's an anime so one episode is like, what, 20 minutes, that's about... maybe 8-10 hours of watching before you get to the film itself. That ain't a biggy.
So don't break your heart over shit like that mang. But now that you mentioned it, i watched this show 10 years ago when i was a kid. It would be a pretty good idea to watch it now again with a fresh set of eyes.
Normies are pure cancer
They can watch shit like breaking bad wich is far longer than a series that can change your perception of reality like Neon Genesis Evangelion and when some watch it they don't understand its real intent and start buying action figure and shit like that
They are disgusting.
>One of the greatest films of all time
>Is only available on a Japanese blu-ray without subtitles and a shitty out of stock Manga Entertainment DVD
It should be in the fucking Criterion Collection
anime is shit fuck off weeb
>26 episodes
That's it? Nigga, I can watch it all in one day lmao, "inaccessible" my ass.
Yeah but the anime is so fucking shit that it's a chore to sit through.
In that sense, it is inaccessible.
honestly, this. fuck off back to Sup Forums with your shitty weebshit
>Is only available on a Japanese blu-ray without subtitles and a shitty out of stock Manga Entertainment DVD
Why does Sup Forums keep spamming this thread?
why is Sup Forums so shit?
I'd agree with you if this wasn't evangelion. Probably one of the only watchable animes next to cowboy bebop.
You're over eighteen, six foot tall+ and you still watch anime? Seriously?
There are some good blu-ray rips out there, but still, would be good to have the real thing.
The first thing I saw of Evangelion was End Of. Just rented it from the video store because it looked cool.
One punch Man is pretty great. Ditches all the kawaii uguu bullshit and pet fucking penguins.
From what I understand its because you have nothing new to say even though they love this pleb trash too?
if they really want to see it they will watch the show, if not - plebs
you just know people discussing anime on this board don't even watch movies outside of the occasional capeshit
No shit. They all play videogames too
got to make the best of it with what you have.
>it is inaccessible.
No it's not.
It's just that you don't want it to be accessible because you think it's 2deep4u.
How good can it be if they haven't made a live action adaptation yet?
The ending of the anime aka episode 26 is pure personal kino, the movies are literally Michael Bay edgy shitfests for the idiots that think that flashy and random images make something deep and impressing.
But they have.
>Be me
>16 in first year of sixthform
>there's only one girl in any of my classes not my type but I still try talk to her
>end up talking about our favourite movies
>Bring up EoE
>She seems interested
>Mention it's anime
>never speaks to me again
Also probably doesn't help that I'm friends with some guy who's obsessed with her, but fuck me do normies have shit taste.
>flashy and random images make something deep and impressing.
like episode 26?
Yeah I can't stand anime neither, but Eva is one of the few i like, just ignore the waifufags. If you are/were depressed, you probabily will like it. I watchet it when i was 14 and pretty depressed, so it's not a surprise it became my favorite series. I watched it again (at 25 ys old) in bluray, and still loved it.
I'm sick and tired of Hollywood having to import franchises to shit all over them because they ran out of local franchises to ruin. First they ruined Dragon Ball and now they got Death Note and GiTS. Hollywood can fuck off with it's anime live-action adaptations
>things easily impressed plebs say for 500
>they ruined Dragon Ball
Japan was going to do that on their own. did you see Super or the two movies?
What is so great about this movie/show exactly?
I didn't really get it I must be a pleb
Episode 26 is better when you don't realise they are just repeating footage because they had no money. Kinda takes away from the message.
>How good can it be if they haven't made a live action adaptation yet?
How stupid can you be to think that only live action movies can be a great achievement for humanity.
You know that's a myth, right? They didn't run out of money, they ran out of time
Tbh it is only really enjoyable if you're a mechfag looking for a deconstruction of the genre like me or are depressed or some shit.
It explores the human condition in a way no other work of fiction has ever done
25 was the one with most of the reused shots. 26 mostly only shows the production delays in a couple shots that didn't have finalized art in the alternate school life sequence
No you are a normie
The layers. The robot fights are just the surface. Deep down it touches stuff like puberty, abandonment, self-hate/love, sacrifice, life in all its meaning, and more.
The biggest message you should probably take from it is "love and accept yourself despite your flaws, and others will do the same". But this is just one of the big messages it conveys.
I honestly can't even imagine how Anno wrote this - the characters and all the thought he put into it. I know his depression fueled it, but it really is a lot of layering in this show that must have taken months or years to finish.
>One of the greatest films of all time
are you 15?
Mods, please don't delete eva threads
I don't want to have to go to Sup Forums
Its relevant, no matter what stage of life you are in.
I've watched it three times now in last 15 years and every time i've connected in different way
>26 episodes
That's like, a day for me. Do Americans have a hard time paying attention that long?
how shitty is Sup Forums exactly. last time I was there, 90% of the threads were waifushit.
Yeah, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones and Vikings and are normie shit and retarded as fuck
Breaking Bad was good until Gus's death, then it became terrible. What's that bullshit, stallone-film tier ending?
Game of Thrones has one of the most retarded writing i've ever seen, normies only watch it because le kill all characters meme
Vikins is like GoT but you get bored even faster
you watched it since birth?
Its a hive mind. Everyone is a newfag and trying to appear like oldfags so they always pick whatever opinion is the most popular. I once got banned because I said I didn't like moe.
That's nothing compared to the horseshit that weebs watch. Seriously, when 95 percent of anime every season are awful, not the mediocre kind of awful, but horrendously unwatchable kind of awful, you have to have an unimaginably bad taste in fiction.
This isn't even good bait. End of Evangelion is so blatantly fucking awful outside of the Komm Susser Todd sequence.
Any decent discussions relating to older anime? I have given up on modern anime, but there are still many good late 80's/early 90's anime worth talking about.
That's because what you mean when you say moe isn't what they mean. They get ultra-triggered by all the bakas not knowing the actual meaning of moe.
This. Can't listen to those emphatic japanese voices without cringing.
Why don't you just go fucking look instead of waiting on other people to tell you? It takes like 30 fucking seconds to just open up the catalog and skim it.
>he didn't like Shinji fapping to a comatose Asuka
>he didn't like part where SEELE infiltrates NERV
>he didn't like the /ss/ Shinji-Misato kiss
>he didn't like the Asuka vs MP Evas
>he didn't like seeing Asuka losing and being ripped apart, that ungrateful bitch deserved it
>he didn't like Res rebelling against Gendo and chopping off his hand
>he didn't like the gay shit btw Shinji and Kaworu
there is a thread about Eva on Sup Forums right now
>dude im an a angsty depressed middle schooler and the last 30 minutes are just meaningless sakuga lmao the movie
really jogs the nog
The animation/music in the scene where Asuka fights the EVAs is pretty decent. It's the only other part of the movie I'm willing to defend. The dialogue between characters is just fucking atrocious.
I've watched the entirety of the series and a few of the rebuilds, as well read the manga about 4 years ago...
I have yet to watch EoE
calm down man.
I know the concept. I don't like it's omnipresence in anime, I don't like the mod-blob character designs, I don't like the cookie-cutter, lazily written characters. But saying that is heresy on Sup Forums
There is always a thread about Eva on Sup Forums. Anything else?
>one of the greatest films of all time
Fuck off back to Sup Forums you child
It's hard to have decent dialogue when 70% of it is technobabble, vague and cryptic religious allusions/references and self-aware psychobabble
How was it with such blind eyes?
Which of these films is more kino?
>using btn for anime
A lot of movies manage to bypass this handicap by focusing on the facial interaction, bodily language and the tone and volume of the voices. So that you can understand the situation without understanding the technobabble.
Relish in this fact OP, that you experienced what so little ever will
are you saying that Eva didn't have that?
imagine being an adult and watching cartoons
this is deep
That doesn't make it good. The show was great. EoE is garbo.
I sometimes try to imagine a middle-aged man watching MLP or Rick and Morty. I get shudders down my spine
Is it really worth it?
I've seen in spammed here forever.
I'm not a weeb, though, so my exposure to Nip kinema is strictly limited to live action Naruse, Mizoguchi, Ozu, both Kurosawas, Miike, Soni, etc.
Never marathoned an anime.
Should I dive in? How long until I end up buying an Asuka body pillow?
tried watching this garbage, its just trash weeb shit
They're both massively overrated. I was genuinely surprised at how uninteresting Breathless was.
why not just watch it you retard
thats the joke you dumb nigger
I'm sorry baws.
child please. kobayashi's human condition trilogy?
Once I realized all the symbolism and allusions are there because the Japanese think it sounds deep and mysterious, I saw that it's just a weird show about whiny teenagers.
But I don't want to become one of those "best girl" weeb fags.
From what I understand, watching Eva takes you down the slippery slope of degenerate anime
you have to go back
if you're worried about becoming a weeb, here is what I propose: watch Eva, Cowboy Bebop and Legend of galactic heroes, in that order. It's especially important that you reserve LoGH for last since it is the pinnacle of anime. Every other anime is shit in comparison. Those are the 3 anime that you should absolutely watch before you die.
Its both of those things, and some actual depth which only comes out in its 11/10 aesthetics.
this desu. they should watch the series anyways, it's still one of the best anime ever, just not quite good enough to transcend anime as a medium and be one of the greatest series ever.
The contrary actually, after you watch eva, monster and Legend of the Galactic Heroes, you will dispice 99% of anime
Actually, I was on a downward spiral into weebdom. I was watching sao and other shit, then I watched cowboy bebop and evangelion and realised what trash I'd been watching.
Is is actually about Eva or is it just bitter Reifags screeching again?