Going to the theater. Is this worth seeing? I've seen Godzilla and will probably see King Kong vs. Godzilla, but is this middle movie worth it?
Going to the theater. Is this worth seeing? I've seen Godzilla and will probably see King Kong vs. Godzilla...
it's worth it, but it's not great. plot too simple and stupid, characters are mostly shit
tfw Samuel L Jackson did nothing wrong
Thanks, is Jackson's performance atleast entertaining?
It's a schlock b-movie. If you like that sort of thing it's worth a watch.
SLJ and john c reilly are kinda entertaining, but they could do more with them.
>Brie Larson's erect nipples during the finale
My dick
It's a monster movie that understands people want to watch monsters and not boring people, as in godzilla. It's big, loud and stupid fun.
it's was pretty fun i loved it
it's a problem when you literally don't care about what's happening. and the action wasn't even that spectacular.
Watch it. Understand from the very beginning, though, that they try to make Jackson's character a villain even though he did nothing wrong.
i care
It's pretty damn good. But oddly it would have worked just as well (possibly better) if they just completely removed King Kong from it. Which is odd as he's the titular character.
The island seemed fucking huge and not covered in a dense jungle. I liked the ISLAND in Jackson's Kong better.
not as good as 2005 King Kong
John C. Reilly's character was funny. If I could go back in time and get my money back I would.
So where is the screener of this bad boi
Jackson and Rielly are the driving portions of the plot.
As it is, Kong was a 6/10
If they left out the SAS guy, the pointless photographer, and the biologist, it would have been a 7/10
If they did all of the above as well as expanded Goodman's role, it would have been an 8/10.
The primary driving plot is Samuel Jackon's characters conflict with Kong; the ONLY character who would have or should have been cared for Kong was Rielly's character
Right here homeboi
the cinematographer who worked on Kong, worked on most Snyder films; Larry Fong.
2005 King Kong was a top tier kino masterpiece compared to this.
I wouldn't say it's stupid, but I wouldn't say it's profound. It has some symbolism in it that is interesting and amusing to think about. It's not as dumb as a regular episode of Spongebob or much of the Transformers movies or something like that.
Me and my friends just watched it
It was absolutely GREAT, OP
Way funnier than I expected, some scenes were so hilarious we literally burst out laughing in the theatre. Doesn't help that we were a little high, but fuck...
More of a pulp movie than a King Kong movie but I fucking loved it all the same. Worth the watch