I hate immigrants. I hate muslims. Get the fuck out of my country you disgusting, smelly, big-nosed satans...

I hate immigrants. I hate muslims. Get the fuck out of my country you disgusting, smelly, big-nosed satans. And to those who vote for these people to come into this country, I hope you get raped, attacked, robbed, or stalked by a car of somalians like me yesterday. I want you to feel the pain victims of mass immigration have felt because of your dumb, brainwashed thoughts that "not all those immigrants are bad". Yeah, just had to let shit out.

Other urls found in this thread:


while i'm at it, what are some experiences you've had with immigrants?

even if this post is true then your approach is wrong.

get an education, become as succesful as possible. subvert from within brother.

you're from sweden. you should know how it is.

found the jew

Don't let it slide


- youtube.com/watch?v=johM4IPTWT0

jew tactics work

>while i'm at it, what are some experiences you've had with immigrants?

Fuck Mexicans. Chinese chinks don't speak a lick a fucking English.

Only good immigrants I've ever seen are the Somalians in Minnesota. Because they're fucking grateful. They don't cause trouble because they came from literal civil war.

i hate all non-whites, they all need to die.

>like me
nice try shlomo, we hate what they look like and do. Hating their basic acts are stupid, most are similar. We just want our culture and race to survive, stop trolling this board you faggot.

Didn't Somalians rape a 5yr old girl in Idaho?

Somalians are shit


I find it kinda weird that you choose to hate the chinese instead of the somalians

>what are some experiences you've had with immigrants?

at least ur not stuck in sweden.


"..one of the alleged perpetrators, a 7-year-old Iraqi refugee, continues to live next door to his victim despite having been served with an eviction notice.

Two older boys, both refugees from Sudan ages 10 and 14, were also charged in the incident. "

wtv i heard bad shit from Sweden
we don't need somalis

alright here's a quick synopsis of every mexican ive met: they refuse to learn english, and they can get away with it because everyone in california fucking knows spanish. theyre very loud, they walk around with $20 speakers blasting either mexican music (idk wtf its called), or mexican rapping. they ride $500 cars with $200 stereos. theyre troublemakers, breaking glass with rocks, throwing full cans at people. all around, i have no idea why the fuck they want to be here if no one else wants to do that shit with them

I realised you meant like me as in a bad experience you had, and not meaning you are a somalian pirate. I have had mainly good experiences with migrants, but im bored of most of the people I see not speak english. Seriosuly, a few years ago I would rarely hear that, only in central london. Now, most of the time I hear some random foreign language, what a joke it has truly become.

How's your anus doing, OP?



Sounds miserable. There's no way to find strength and happiness in a non-nazi occupied country.

These aren't Somalians you retard

Hey there, everyone. Swedish comment police here. Despite this being obvious, it's still my job to let you know this person is an idiot, and part of the reason us Swedes are in the situation we're currently in. Don't do what he does.

Have a good day.

You could allways visit nordfront () net and contact them. Network, get to know people and motivate yourself. Spread facts to your normie friends that are normiefriendly. Like Most of our "refugees" are from stable countries, about a dousin of them have found work over a couple of years.

>look at all that haram

>muh izzzlam