Why don't they just freeze him?
Why don't they just freeze him?
Other urls found in this thread:
For what purpose?
What is that?
being obese is illegal in the future
>that bulge of rotting ass meat
>all these triggered fitslaves
Sure feels good to live life to its fullest and enjoy all the tastes the world has to offer while you slave away like lab rats on your rowing machines and eat raw kale
Jesus I just saw that
exercise gives you a much better high than eating
Because then they'd have to discuss the bonus situation
>Sure feels good to live life to its fullest
Sure feels good to walk.
im a doctor and i dont even know what the fuck is going on with those skin bubbles
so you're not a very good doctor then
Could somebody explain to me how he is not dying from this infection when his legs are literally rotting away?
That's dead skin crust
>im a doctor
prove it faggot
enlighten me doctor Sup Forums
my ass bleeds when i shit what do
praise nurgle
is he dead yet??
why don't they just stop feeding him so much?
dude seriously how the fuck does anyone get this FUCKING FAT? WHO KEPT FEEDING THIS FUCKING SWINE WHILE HE LAY IN HIS OWN MESS?
I am fucking triggered with this pic, someone should kill him
you're the one with 8 years of medschool
Just ignore it, eventually it will stop
The circulation is so bad that the bacteria can't actually reach the rest of the body.
I'm full of shit by the way
How does he take a shit?
He literally just shits over his open sores. They show it in the episode.
cellulitis , rampant bacterial infection exacerbated by his obesity induced diabetes
not a medfag
Feeders gotta feed
the answer is lymphedema with superimposed diabetic ulcers and cellulitis.
we're going to need a bigger oven
oh shit, that puss
its quite an accomplishment when you stand out in a show all about 800lb monsters
you probably have hemorrhoids
i had too, you should take care of that
really makes ya think
>enjoy all the tastes the world has to offer
>all he eats is egg rolls and crappy store-bought cakes
it all started when i took a monster crap and tore the ass hole
now it bleeds
all bleeds eventually stop
Why do they have two hanging clocks?
stop shitting!
Link to episode pls
because he's so fat he takes up two time zones *ba dum tsh*
thank you, please visit my comedy subreddit
>half a litre of gravy on BREAKFAST
uhhhh WAAA im SO FAT pleeeze halp
his wife should just hurry up and kill him
>Oh we better censor his penis we dont want to disturb our viewers with graphic content
The one that came on the week before is even funnier. The guy has to hose down his wife on the porch because she won't fit in the bathroom anymore.
That got a cure? Or they gonna cut a limb?
Why even bother to keep this thing alive?
that's horrible, i used to poop really hard turds that hurted my asshole so i changed my diet, eating fruit and drinking water helps to make soft poop
but what really cured my hemorrhoids was aloe vera and taking walks every day
Has the fat literally broken out of his skin on his love handle?
American TV, nothing is worse than nudity.
>His wife
for what he got? fuck no, cut it off
Just put a bullet in him, what's the point of existing at this stage?
I don't understand how you get this fat. And I'm huge myself. I went for years not paying attention to what I was eating and just eating like shit all the fucking time and I'm nowhere close to this.
what the fuck is that shit coming out of his ass? and that milky shit all over his legs?
That's puss user
Imagine squeezing that rag on your mouth
More exercise, more water, more fibre
Eat less, so you poop less
The humans of the 21 century are the most perfect beings that have yet come to be and are nearly in the image that Jesus describes Yahweh himself, truly we are living in the wondrous times of the "super human"
>his fat has started to become moldy
Fuck. I want to throw a bucket of ethanol at him and hear him scream for help while it burns his open sores.
post other fat kinos
"Just a taste, james," you say as he continues slurping down his gravy. "We both need our breakfast, correct?" Faintly nods his approval, you get eye level with the yellow crust flake on his toe. "An appetizer," you say. James eyes light up and he inquires, "where?" Ignoring him, you slide the tip of your tongue up the edge of the flake, a small piece breaks off and becomes soggy. Swallowing it, you tilt your head to the left and align your bottom teeth under the crust, moving slightly forward and shaving off the whole piece. "Mm," James grunts as the flake slides under your tongue, the oniony piece turning spongy. You swallow, but with an audible gulp - as large as it is, it didn't go down easy. "Now for the main course," you say wryly. James' beady eyes dart all over the room past his plate of gravy and steak, desperately looking for a fuller meal. Holding your nose up to the fold of his legs you take a deep smell all the way into your core. Cheese, mayonnaise and the smell of full rot enter your lungs. You gag, but you will not be denied your feast. Taking one of the leg pustules into your mouth, you bite down hard - thick, yellow pus shoots into your throat and strikes your uvula. With the taste of pure rot, your gag helps the half mouthful of disease get down your throat and into your stomach. This feels wonderful, as you haven't eaten in a day. Finally you pull apart the crux of his legs to reveal half an inch of incredibly thick paste lining the folds. "Laygs" was yelped from the corpulent James, but you barely notice. Sliding a finger across the goop, you happily place your finger into your mouth and suckle the sour paste down. No longer can you help it and you go hog wild, drinking mouthfuls of what used to be skin and fat down your hungry throat. Stomach full and picking your teeth of bits of stringy flesh, you kiss James deeply through the remnants of sausage and gravy lining his lips. Falling asleep on his huge fatpad, well, today was bliss
This. I was super skinny until I was 10 years old or so, then I started eating a crazy amount. That's been going on the past 10-11 years and the heaviest I was at was 300 even. I'm like 280 now and live an incredibly sedentary lifestyle. I have no idea how these people let it get this far.
kill yourself subhuman yank
It's really not that difficult to lose weight or keep it off. Why do Americans make it seem like such a struggle?
here's the screencap from last thread
i'll also post the episode from my seedbox if you guys tell me which one it is
No joke, but if I knew you, you'd be the fattest person I know.
How do you get to 100Kg and keep on eating?
"I'm transgender!"
78 kg
Super sedentary lifestyle, and then eating practically every waking moment, and then also eating when you wake up in the middle of the night because your body's fucked
that is literally a james trajectory, how much do you think he weighed in his 20s?
Kek. That's just a higher function of denial right there:
>I used to have a dick and don't anymore, so I must have changed genders.
which is most kino after james?
>all he eats is egg rolls and crappy store-bought cakes
Zebra cakes and those filled chocolate cupcakes are awesome.
You think the raw shame would compel these creatures into action to lose the weight, but they are weak and pathetic souls trapped in a feedback loop of their own worthlessness.
Once you start gaining weight it's a pretty deep spiral. Most of my weight I gained while I was in school and was depressed as fuck (300 was the heaviest in my Senior year). You keep lying to yourself about your weight and how it's (not that bad). I'm watching what I eat and I haven't went past 300 since. I've fluctuated a lot because once you live a super indulgent, sedentary life for 10+ years it's hard to get off of it. I don't make excuses for it anymore, I know I'm fat and it's my own fault, but keeping that weight off is hard. Losing it is super easy, it's just sticking to a plan.
That's scary, but I would kill myself if I went over 300 again.
I hate you.
>Why won't you have sex with me anymore
If this is the one I'm thinking of, his girlfriend kept feeding him so she didn't have to deal with him yelling for food
Is there a single individual on this show that doesn't have an enabler?
I eat all that i can possibly stomach and I can't break 180-185 pounds. How the fuck do these people do it.
76 Kg
>Laaayyssuhhh... I uh... I went to the bathroom, and I need to get cleaned up.
Instantly disgusted in the first 30 seconds. They don't hold back on this show.
lmao, dumb fucking hick got exactly what he deserved. Life as a fat, immovable disgusting lard of toxic fumes being shovel-fed sausage patties by his bastard daughters.
What episode of Tim and Eric is this?
I weigh 632 pounds, ask me anything.