Why don't Asian-Americans commit more crime?

Why don't Asian-Americans commit more crime?
Why are they so economically successful compared to other minority groups?

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higher average iqs, even higher than whites

They weren't influenced by the Jew

Because Asians tend to be a lot smarter then other minority groups

Low testosterone is the result of there low crimes

A discussion about race vs culture with no clear winner will obviously happen in this thread.

I bet in culture.

Hard working, respectful, familiar, traditional and positive values.

Disregarding IQ (since it's a really unreliable measurement) what else contributes to orientals being so successful on a global scale? They have faced discrimination like all other groups have but why the fuck don't they bitch about things like the internment camps for the Japanese or the pseudo-slavery they went through building the western United States?

too beta to not follow the law

>asking this question on Sup Forums
>not knowing race realism
Hello newleaf

And whites apparently, you dumb fuck. how old are you? THAN MOTHERFUCKER

Their low crimes you cunt, THEIR. For all the minority bashing on this site, us whites don't look too smart when we've got idiots like you two running around

they know their history.

asians have been part of society for 3000+ years


If this is the case why are so many Asian countries so impoverished?

This is true. Why the fuck can't anyone write English properly?

typing english correctly isnt a concern of people in the modern era. you have smartphones and auto correct.

i also dont find a need to type properly to get my point across on an anime image board t b h.

Asian culture generally puts more weight on benefit of family and society than that of individual.
Fucking shit up and breaking law wouldn't help the society in the long run.

Don't you think that you ought to know how to write your own language, though?

Asians get arrested at higher rates for gambling in the west
Its their culture and they dont give a fuck, and i dont either because its non-violent crime

East Asians commit tons of white collar crime, tax evasion and fraud being the chief ones. Asian business owners get popped all the time for labor law violations. Not very violent, although, occasionally, they enjoy a good old fashioned rape:


South Asians, Hindus and Muslims, are also big in fraud, tax evasion, and other white collar crimes. Lots of south asian doctors are not just notoriously incompetent, many of them enjoy fondling patients. Do a search for "Patel arrested" and see what comes up.

Of course, both South Asians and East Asians come from a culture of corner-cutting, cheating and lying. They cheat so successfully and so often that something like at least 75% of college applications made by Asians include bogus transcripts and records.

This epic thread at MPC goes into specific detail about Asian cheating;


One fact, Asians underperform professional exams (bar & medical) by 10% of the value predicted by their SAT scores. Meaning, the cheating is so bad that East Asian SAT (and IQ) scores seem to be inflated by 10%.

Fucking. Facepalm.

What's wrong with saying orientals you fucking nigger

They do crime it's just extremely organized and semi-legal

>Disregarding IQ (since it's a really unreliable measurement)
It's really not, it is a reliable predictor of success on average

Check out the results of a simple Google search "Dr. Patel Arrested".

Lots of pervy physicians and incompetent dentists.

If you remove the "Dr" from the search string, you get lots of liquor store owners cheating on taxes, labor law violations, and motel owners who tolerate/promote prostitution.

Asian criminality is not violent. However, in some ways it's worse, because a lot of what we do is predicated on the idea that most Americans will seek to do the correct thing. (Tax evasion is very low in USA in when compared to elsewhere.) If our society moves from high trust to low trust, which it's doing thanks in part to Asian shenanigans, then we'll all live shittier lives.

Not PC enough

He's Canadian, how do you know English is his language?

>us whites
Guarantee that guy is a shitskin

Because in general Asian-Americans are LOW TEST BETAS

t. 2nd generation indian-american

They are blue-collar criminals. People forget that there is more crime than just violence.

The ones who move here raise their kids with the typical cold, robotic Asian structure.

Then those kids grow up and produce kids who become SJWs.

Happens every time.

Sometimes the second generation kids even grow up to be SJWs.

I come from a heavily Asian-American neighborhood and literally 90% of the males are anti-SJW while about 50% of females are anti-SJW/feminist (Surprisingly)

I mean the 2nd generation children**

>Disregarding IQ
You can't just disregard the single most important factor.
>(since it's a really unreliable measurement)
It isn't at all. IQ is very predictive of behavior and financial success.

Is the "Asians are inherently more collectivist" idea accurate or no?

North Asia isn't the same as South asia.

They've assimilated into white culture.

Unless they're like Pinoy, in which case they're more like hispanics.

I think it's oversold. Confuncianisim and Hinduisim are definitely more collectivist though, and combined they're a strong influence on 3/4ths of asia.

90% of second generation males and 50% of females are ANTI-SJW?

Those males are only "anti-SJW" because they're the impotent betas complaining on the internet about white guys stealing all the asian girls.
They'd probably all still vote for Hillary.

They hate each other in Asia. A lot.
You can see why them killing each other isn't made a big deal of.

Work and don't cry about da white man lol

>not following law
>not risking years of ass rape

>I think it's oversold. Confuncianisim and Hinduisim are definitely more collectivist though, and combined they're a strong influence on 3/4ths of asia.

What happens to Asians who leave Confucianism or Hinduism? Do they adapt well to individualistic cultures?

Fuck no. Asians that come to America are the opposite of collectivist.
Let's remember that collectivism delineates (more or less) that you ought to put the needs of your community ahead of yourself, and that working as a group/supporting other people is essential.
Asians come from a dog-eat-dog world where they needed to slog their ass off to come to America. Often times Asians have to stab others in the back to get an upper hand to even be able to get a chance for a better life.
Collectivism increases by generation, 2nd generation Asians in America are far more collectivist, probably at the same rate whites are, but from what I experience, immigrants from Asia to America are very non-collectivist

They are taught to learn respect at a young age.

Not really...my high school was 80-something percent Asian and our symposium forum club had this hilarious week where we all talked about /r/AsianMasculinity and it was just a bunch of Chinese dudes ragging on Asian guys on reddit (of course /r/theredpill was mentioned too)
Everyone hates Hillary around these parts

?? That's what they're fucking called

What do you mean?

They cause more crime since they're the least targeted minority

>Drug importing and exporting
>Drug distribution
>Weapon distribution
>Credit card fraud
>Cheating in school and university
>White collar crime, bait and switch, Ponzi schemes
>Tax evasion
>Money Laundering
>Human trafficking

A majority of asians are involved in crime its just not reported as much.

More or less, the most hardcore anti-SJWs I know from work are all 2nd generation Asian-Americans. I'd like to add that every time some annoying faggot says that using the word "oriental" was inappropriate and offensive, there WILL be a hound of oriental guys telling said faggot to stop being a sensitive queer.

Some effeminate nu-male from Xheattle did this recently in front of me and he got roasted alive by a bunch of chinese lads

Why would they commit more crime? They can get pretty much everything they want without it.

A lot of asians that became wealthy in the states did it through breaking the law and cheating the system. Then after accumulating a decent amount of capital they try legitimizing it by investing it in real estate.

>Do they adapt well to individualistic cultures?

Nothing wrong, but it's out of date terminology, like the word oxidental. It triggers the fuck out of bitch ass motherfuckers though.

Think of it this way. Confucianism says that getting along with your community is very important. And if the community has a high priority on being individualisic, then you should be to, to fit in.

See how that works?

How much of that 1st generation attitude of Asian American immigrants is generally true of Asians? Could it be the particularly cutthroat ones are the people who are driven to immigrate here?

Kind of like 1st generation African immigrants (who I do know of first hand). African immigrants in the US are smart and work their asses off. The
They fight to come here because intelligence and work ethic make them misfits in Africa. We see a special subset of those people. They're not representative, but compete weirdos to their people.

>Could it be the particularly cutthroat ones are the people who are driven to immigrate here?
Yes, this is exactly it
>How much of that 1st generation attitude of Asian American immigrants is generally true of Asians?
I couldn't say for sure

African immigrants to the USA are really nice from my experience, all of them I know are good hardworking Christian people who definitely don't fit the "OOGA BOOGA GIBSMEDAT" paradigm.

Do you have a source to illustrate that Asian-Americans do any of those things at a higher rate than other ethnicities (other than cheating in school and uni)

Because "other minority groups" is a fancy way of saying feral apes.

Because Asian cultures are more strict on education and the parents are especially strict here because they want their kids to have success in the Americas.

>Could it be the particularly cutthroat ones are the people who are driven to immigrate here?
True to a degree. They have to get the money somehow to travel and stay here, you have to be successful and that might include doing cutthroat business to get the money. Though most of the poor people who do stay here are on expired visas or on work visas working shit tier jobs.


>“The Asian population puts a lot of cash and jewelry in their homes. They want to see the money every day. It gives them comfort,” Law said, explaining why the burglars have been so fortunate as to find $40,000 lying around someone’s house. “It relates back to their culture. They don’t trust the banking system.”

They asian community doesn't trust the banking system because they get their money by breaking the law


>“We conducted these raids and made these arrests because the good people of Bay Ridge and Bensonhurst are sick and tired of these dens of prostitution, masquerading as legitimate businesses, popping up in our communities,” said District Attorney Thompson in a statement.

Theyre entire community is involved in a fraud, robbery and breaking the law.

They do, it's just not armed/aggravated crime.

My question is why the fuck do Asian Americans vote democrat? Most own their own businesses. Is it because it's in their nature to do anything their government and media tell them to?

Mind the typos.

The real redpill is, asians are ahead of law enforcement agencies when it comes to crime and a lot of it is left unnoticed when police agencies all over are fixated on Hispanics or blacks as being career criminals, when actually asians are the biggest criminal enterprise there is.

Ok, so you post one link that indicates some Asians prefer to keep liquid assets as some don't trust the banking system, then you post a story of a set of Asian prostitution rings fronting as parlors, and expect us to see a nexus between those two things and

>Drug importing and exporting
>Drug distribution
>Weapon distribution
>Credit card fraud
>Cheating in school and university
>White collar crime, bait and switch, Ponzi schemes
>Tax evasion
>Money Laundering
>Human trafficking
happening at a higher rate than other ethnic groups

I'm open to seeing how Asians do this at a higher rate than other groups, other than cheating in academic institutions, which is well known, but the argument will need to be solid.

>Is it because it's in their nature to do anything their government and media tell them to?
most asian-americans who are first generation are robots who keep their head down and obey authority, so yeah they are susceptible to media socialization

well desu asians usually commit white collar crimes or just sell drugs they never do it for the sake of it they do it for money then after awhile they go straight to college I knew a bunch of chinese gangsters that sold drugs and guns to nigs then end up in going to UC cuz "muh 4.0". For Chinks if you don't have money and don't have your shit together and married by 25 you are pretty much shitlisted in the eyes of every chink including family


They used to overwhelmingly, like 80% would vote Republican as of 1988, but because of immigration law changes there are more Asians coming in from SEA shitholes like the Philippines or Indonesia rather than enterprising Chinese, Koreans, or Japanese. The demographics of the Asian community are changing from primarily East Asian to South East Asian.

There's not gonna be new source. I witnessed many of these crimes first hand because I was friends with some and don't discriminate. If you want to do the digging do it yourself, I'm not going to provide you links for something I can care less to prove. A good majority of the Asian community in the states are involved in one criminal enterprise or another.

Are you fucking kidding? They are major drivers of the worst crime imaginable: race mixing

I think it depends from where in asia they're coming from.

As a rule:

Legal emmigration > overstay visa > smuggled in.

Taiwanese and Japanese people aren't smuggling themselves in cargo containers. They're not nearly as aggro as China for a simple example.
Prostitution is actually true, because of the massage parlor culture.

I don't have hard stats, but here's a look.


they are a small portion of americas total population. the ones who come here generally start a business or get their degrees in something

the ones born here probably dont find black "culture" to their liking more often than not

I Taiwan based or is it degenerate?

Asians usually have high IQ's and they are generally more interested in leaving a successful legacy, so they make an effort to do well.

They're like Hong Kong lite.

Because pinoys are master race


generations of working together to survive caused the innate desire to work together, follow rules and not to stray too far from the flock.

obvious positive and negatives.

Reality is their high IQs allow them to break laws and get away with them more often, compared to niggers and beaners who are retarded enough to post on twitter and bragging about doing illegal shit. Really, though, most successful people become successful through some law breaking or loopholes, minor or big. We just don't give a shit about Asians because they keep the violence level under wraps and to a minimum.

>implying race mixing with Asians is a bad thing

You would, don't lie.

oo yeah love it name please

Because they barely teach how to write in school anymore. Cursive has been off the curriculum for close to two decades in most places and millennials can't even sign their own name without childish block letters.

I knew a few asains growing up. Their parents pushed them to succeed. Also, their parents were very smart, like a scientist. Another one, his parents were owned restraunts.
Really it's the combination of intellect, parenting, and strong motivation.


They probably commit crimes on the level of middle class whites. When they do commit crimes, they commit, calculated, white collar crimes and are better at hiding it than niggers and spics.

They also have the benefit of the cultural/language barrier that insulates them from detection.

you dumbfucks so obsessed with thinking you're special. I'll be smiling when it comes to bite you back in the ass.

i bet you are fat pasty - white and still live with your parents.

>us whites don't look too smart when we've got idiots like you two running around

>us whites

It's "we whites" in that case, fella.



Procreate with?

Nah, senpai. 1 Elliot Rodger was enough.

>Disregarding IQ (since it's a really unreliable measurement)

Just go somewhere else. Like, take a walk or kill yourself.

>I bet in culture.

Which emerge in a vacuum and are sustained even when immigrant are transplanted into wholly different cultural settings?

Their will to not live in shame.

Your grammar indicates youre a gook shill

Over here, gooks commit crime all the time. They are just Johnny Tightlips about it, unlike dumb niggers and lebs.

There is no such word as "oxidental" perhaps you meant occidental. Just admit you got triggered you fucking chink.