Do cops really need guns?
Why dont they just use tactical pans and maybe a taser?
Just because you are a cop doesnt mean that you need a gun. The top priority needs to be to prevent harm and not even cause more.
Do cops really need guns?
Why dont they just use tactical pans and maybe a taser?
Just because you are a cop doesnt mean that you need a gun. The top priority needs to be to prevent harm and not even cause more.
Other urls found in this thread:
>tactical pans
>tactical pens
They need katanas, something I and other warriors carry
Skip to 7:18
> Tactical Pens
>tactical pans
cast iron right?
>tactical pans
This must be a thing. There's tactical everything with mallninjas. I'm sure "tactical pan" is an actual thing.
I've seen fucking tactical memo pads, nothing will surprise me anymore
holy fucking shit
I agree
In the US, any criminal can potentially have a firearm (even though they're aren't allowed to legally -- there's just a massive market for gunz).
So, they need them.
i hope you have a license for that u fat fuck
why are tactical pants still not banned? especially in black. the only time you'd need black tactical pants is if you're trying to kill people. only the police should have tactical pants.
Ban assault pens
Just got my OF license from the sherrif's department. That means Open Fry.
looks like you don't have a license for that tactical pan grip
busted m8y
I don't know if you are trolling or not.
Either way, look here and watch in order
No, top priority is for people to understand that if they attack police they get fucked up. if they don't have respect for police they're not going to stop what they're doing either.
Also police respond to actual crime, including violent crime or potentially armed assailants, not fluffy pandas.
I don't know about you, but there's no amount of money you could pay me to police niggers without a gun.
That'd be like sending a zookeeper into a lion exhibit un-armed, nobody would be a zookeeper.
Proxy fag slide thread.
> Disarm all police
> Fully arm the general populace
I support that.
>tactical pan
>for all your high speed low drag sautéing in covert operations
They brought that shit on themselves.
They all had guns, yet they didn't use them until after they started getting stabbed. He had already tried stabbing two officers a few minutes earlier, yet they aren't even pointing their guns at him except occasionally and they got right next to him. The first guy who got stabbed had a fucking AK, but instead deiced to cross the fence and stand next to the guy, wtf?
You are naive
Forgot about this
>guy sitting in front of camera for several minutes
0/10 will not watch
the problem with this is that the general populace has no vested interest in keeping you alive and may have higher priorities than protecting you, but a cop is literally paid to and legally obligated to protect you. so MUH RITES aside, it's just more cost-effective to have police.
or rather, this is what should be the case, but as far as i understand it police in the us have no duty to protect civilians, soooooooo
so yeah maybe its time for the US to return to the wild west for a bit until they can figure out what police are actually for