This remains today one of the most disturbing things I've ever watched.
This remains today one of the most disturbing things I've ever watched.
Other urls found in this thread:
The coverup of mossad involvement in 9-11 redpilled me.
If you've been red-pilled by one video, you're just as bad as the gullible lefties.
Being red-pilled is a slow acceptance of all of the facts and evidence supporting various unpopular opinions.
It does not happen in one day, much less one year.
I had a slow process of blue to red over the course of about 5 years I can't really pinpoint a moment or video. Over time I just gradually realised how disgusting the world is.
It had been a long time coming, but this video was certainly the tipping point.
not entirely true, there's usually that one thing that was a real eyeopener which birthed your redpilling.
This, it may be a slow process, but when you realize it, it hits like a ton of bricks.
It had been building up for a while, but that was the one video that definitely pushed me over the edge.
>tfw the guy in the middle was allowed to have radical islam speeches in my town and the mayor approved of it.
im so fucking high rightnow
what the fuck is this
niggers please I've been repilled since I was 5 and knew everything wasn't as it appeared
the red pill
Good thread idea but people need to green text some basic I do about the video. Don't be lazy, the minority group you hate is lazy.
That video is a great fucking time.
At some point, it clicks. Some little chunk of evidence can be the straw that breaks the camels back.
Why do you think the censorship is so fucking rampant?
Wow. This is what I basically knew, but the media reports lies constantly. Share this video to everyone you know.
wtf I hate Christianity now
I am a #Islamissle now
Seriously, my views have changed so drastically in almost all aspects of life since I watched this video
This video is so insignificant looking back, but it was the very first "redpill" you could say, that made me realise I'm being force fed complete horseshit
After this I realised it wasn't just the double standards of feminism, that was minor shit, I don't even care about that issue anymore honestly. It's why I don't watch Sargon or any of the other similar types, they're still wrapped up in something I realised was only one symptom of a greater issue years ago
So, yeah this video was the catalyst you could say
I actually agree with the speaker in the video.
I think normal, law-abiding citizens, should be allowed to have politically incorrect views and ideals. They should not be deported or silenced for their views.
Islam is just trying to retain the non-cuck aspect of the world where we stand up to degeneracy. Sure, they may be doing it in ways we don't like or agree with, but I think their ideals meshes with our ideals. It's all in the way you execute your ideals.
lol fuck off
That lying cocksucker chuck schumer is why I'll never trust the government.
My dad showed me this when I was ten.
This is true, but there's always a catalyst. For me it was Trayboon.
Seeing this on t.v one fateful Halloween night as a kid was the beginning of my redpilling.
I am redpilled and have been for years.
Doesn't mean I'm right on everything, but at least on most.
But watching the vid you linked... it fucked with me on another level. To have this right there in the open. It should be mandatory to view for every kid in school.
There is another 'article' that helped red pill me, it's about the Belgian elite involvement with rape groups of kids.
Enter with at your own peril. It's a long read.
I have zero idea what to believe or trust anymore. And I'm young. I feel like I am going to be messed up in the head for life.
I do not know what to believe.
Let's go deeper.
The Edward Snowden leak was what did it for me. I was bluepilled as fuck before that. From there I gradually became redpilled.
>I do not know what to believe.
play MGS2 and take everything with a grain of salt
Wish TJ had progressed intellectually since videos like this. It's fucking depressing checking back on his newer stuff.
Believe in yourself
Nazism isn't redpilled
For me it was 4 years of depression:
- Feminism
- Gynocentrism
- Media
- Food
- Medicine
- The Elite
- The Left
- Consciousness awakening
Time and attention are the spiritual currency.
this is a bait post, don't respond to this
When CNN started pushing polygamous relationships... I swore I'd cut the throat of a thousand moderate Liberals if need be for the Fuhrer, to stop this madness.
Before I was an avid enviormentalist. Vegetarian too, but I need to keep strong to crush Commie skull, so sacrifices must be made.
it's the iron pill
Moose dropping the bants on the media...
Who else /born/ redpilled?
I remember my babyhood and I feel like I haven't changed in my actual way of thought since then. I am 26 btw.
The '''''refugee''''' crisis and how it can completely shake up Europe redpilled me, but this is a good one for typical blue pilled people
nazism is babys first "redpill"
its really just a catalyst
Yeah. TJ was my toe dip into the much bigger picture. I remember watching this video for the first time, and little did I know all the horrid things I would come to know as a sort of butterfly effect would stem from this.
How does this video prove that Islam isn't a radical religion? Doesn't it prove exactly opposite, with majority of common muslims being against the core principles of western civilization?
How the fuck do these people think that it was good idea to put this on display?
rly makes u think.... .
Muslims have such a foothold in the West that they no longer care at this point. They have organizations like CAIR or FIOE that do internal subversion. They themselves can cry islamaphobia or racism at any point if they feel threatened to get the masses on their side. At the same time, they're able to openly express Islamist ideology and no one seems to care what it represents.
>Islam isn't a radical religion
Islam isn't a religion m80. Listen to what the hipster looking speaker says;
>Islam is the truth, christianity, judaism isn't so that's why media doesn't like our ass backwards views.
ASAIC a codified philosophy with a presupposed truth = ideology.
what a retarded quote
>embrace confirmation bias, that's how you find truth
Read the description of the video on youtube. Islamist believe both Islam is a religion of peace and stoning adulterers is not just OK but a moral duty to do. So, they hear the media say "Islam is a religion of pace that this radical cleric perverts" and they natural take offense. How dare the media or Leftists say that a man of Allah is radical just for following the will of Allah. Of course you kill homosexuals.
Buddha just got you with it though
Consider suicide.
holy shit...
good point
Bite me you degenerate arab faggot
Ok muslim women are really nice but muslim men especially in that pose seems really aggressive. I do not like them at all. Its time to fucking conform to western society and be nice.
No it's not. The natural order of the """"redpill"""" is as follows:
First: Women (their very nature is corrupt)
Second: Money (in that there are people who want yours and people who will take yours and let you die if they have to)
Third: Crime & Race (in that it is always the same people committing crime)
Optional: History & War (history has been changed to suit the winner and sell more to losers, you see through the obvious bias)
Women are the major catalyst for anyone who considers themselves "redpilled", you can learn almost everything you need to know about this world through a women and their antics.
Men, for thousands of years, have probably learned this way. Some don't until they're 40 years old... it's too late then, though.
>not posting MM's best song
This. I don't thing Islam as a whole should be removed from western society, but it definitely needs some kind of reformation. We can't have this many "normal" people in society who actively subscribe to the idea that gays, women who commit adultery, and rape victims should be fucking executed. These things are literally the antithesis of what western society stands for and stupid, uninformed liberals and SJWs still stand with these people for some inexplicable reason.
wrong. You are simply changing your boogeymen and thinking you have broken free from the matrix.
This was the video that finally helped me go full NatSoc:
If that movie gets to you, follow it by reading Ambush at Ruby Ridge, including a wonderful foreword by Dean Koontz. It's redpill 101.
>be a killer with a gun so they call me a hero
This is actually really, really applicable to what's happening in America right now.
Yeah, no it's not faggot. I didn't become ""redpilled"" from a fucking internet site like you.
fuck off mate its just a thread for sharing red pill videos
i was red pilled way before watching this video but i think it's relevant
had the same experience with this video, was my first indication that I was being fed bullshit
what is the straw that broke the camel's back?
Taking the bait, fuck it. Main point that's interesting about the documentary is the other point of view that's not commonly told and fact that Hitler had Hindus and Muslims with in the Wehrmacht as well as Blacks and Asians.
>Yeah, no it's not faggot.
fuck, now Im convinced!
If you want a strong red pill about Islam watch this:
>hitler used niggers as cannon fodder
so what? How does this mean nazism is right? You are literally using liberal cucked talking points of minority quotas to show how something is good
“If you win, you need not have to explain...If you lose, you should not be there to explain!”-Hitler
I got redpilled when they were showing a boat of """"refuges"""" in the Mediterranean sea and the reporter said "mostly Lybians" when they were all sub saharan black
He's as oblivious to how the world works as nazi sympathizers who post on Sup Forums. Both view each other as enemies yet they are peas in a pod. Islam is self destructive and they can never conquer anything because they fight with each other just like niggers.
what the fuck is this real?
I have never believed in racial egalitarianism because I have lived around Arabs and blacks all my life. I'm also from one of the most conservative areas of my country.
With regards to (((them))), it was probably when I independently researched some of the infographics floating around here on established sites like even Wikipedia, that I thought "damn, this is real, these infographics are not fake."
Also, this single sentence:
>Because Jews are historically parasitical people, it's in their best interest to promote in their host countries an idea that everyone is equal.
Paraphrased from some blog, but it hit me like brick. So logical, without any conspiracy theory stuff.
>Islam is just trying to retain the non-cuck aspect of the world where we stand up to degeneracy. Sure, they may be doing it in ways we don't like or agree with, but I think their ideals meshes with our ideals. It's all in the way you execute your ideals.
you mean apart from the fact that they're literally trying to invade and conquer our land, and violently subjugate our people?
>the video that redpilled you
teacher in school show us video how jihadis behead russian soldiers in chechnya i have being 11 year old
You two are such fucking cucks, lmao
I searched privillege something and found this video of these niggers running over each other for housing coupons. If someone know the one and could post the link, I would be so happy.
My life every fucking day after realizing Satan is real.
far more disturbing... have you ever seen videos of muslim porn? eewwww. No wonder their men are all insane. They have to fuck cows. If I had to fuck them I would want them fully covered too. I guess I understand why so many of them are secretly gay.
around 7:00 onwards about pornography being used as a weapon in israel / palestine was quite a big red pill for me
For me? It was seeing the With Open Gates video, which alone didn't do it, but by some act of God the very day that I watched it later that night (in PST) the Paris shootings just happened and it all came together like it never had before. I watched the video again and it really clicked.