Illinois man runs over BLM

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About fucking time. He wasn´t even going that fast and the crowd are pissing themselves.

How can liberals even compete?

Black Lives Splatter

Reginald Denny stopped.

Tap the fucking pedal and just slide through them. Not worth stopping to potentially get ganked. It could be a setup gangbang robbery masquerading as a protest. Fuck that.

Fucking this. That video of him getting head bashed in should be required viewing.

Oh no! Are they okay? D:

>My sides



>stand in the street
>get hit
why would they get angry? they're just asking for it


>Stand in the street
>Don't move when a car is coming
>Cry when you get hit
Everyone should just run them over anyway

lmao they literally jumped in front of the car



What's hilarious is these niggers actually think what they are doing isn't illegal and the driver isn't protected on Castle Doctrine.

"Quick! Get his license plate number so we can turn him into the police!"

What's the point of these threads if not to post webms of protesters getting run over?

Good, although it was unwise to get out in the first place, if you see a group of niggers blocking a road, fucking floor it. They're basically asking for it anyways

>protest police
>call police after you play frogger irl

hope he covered his licences plate

Legally you can do this.
If you feel stopping would threaten your life, you can just not stop.

omfg, my sides, they are in orbit....jupiters fuckin orbit

KEK will kill people with cars tonight.

>Castle Doctrine.
It's castle doctrine, m8, not carriage doctrine

In nearly all states withe the CD the car is considered an extension of the castle.

Castle doctrine only applies inside of your house and only if somebody breaks in. You're thinking of stand your ground.


He has a right to be in his vehicle which is considered his castle.

This had to be last night, right?

It's not even dark in New York yet

> they keep running after the cars
> as if their obese ass is ever going to catch it

So it is. I thought otherwise.
Is that mainly for movable homes rather than an actual car?



>standing in middle of road
>uhhhh ee jus hit somebody

No it doesn't. Nice try though retard. Maybe graduate HS before you start trying to cite shit here with the big boys.

It is for anywhere a person has a right to be and shouldn't feel threatend. All personal property including a car. Also your place of work is included.


It's OK they want to be martyrs.

>Not somebodies

Oh well, there's always next time

probably. but it is storming here in chicago

Who's Reginald Genny?

We need to congregate and spread to everyone that when people are protesting on the road they are illegally stopping traffic. Handout leaflets to the drivers that if they are to get through, to continue driving towards and through the crowd so that damage doesn't come onto their vehicle/s.

Does anyone have the video of someone running over BLM people with 'Real Human Being' playing?

Someone post the Real Human Bean video. You know the one.

shit made me weak famalamalam

And the only requirement is that you have to be in 'space' that you own and are thus defending?
Doesn't CD essentially allow you to jump straight to deadly force if you feel genuinely threatened? Seems like it could be abused rather easily.


That boy gun need a new hip and pelvis


During the LA Riots a truck driver stopped for people in the street, he was pulled from the vehicle and beaten severely.

He looks pretty kikey to me. Nonetheless, who gives a shit about ran over niggers?

It could but unlike the media shows and protrays MOST Americans arent out trying to pull shenanigans on each other.

Most people just want to leave you alone and be left the fuck alone.

If you look, they started banging on his car on the right side right before he floored it.


virtue jogging


I am unsure about it counting while at work but I believe it is related to mobile homes, some people live in cars. Every state is different and it honestly is judged on a case by case bases. As an example, in my state we do not have stand your ground laws but there have been cases of people being shot in public in the name of self defense. Those people got away with the murder.

Oh shit, thanks 'Meribro


oh boy


whoever has that Kate Steinle handle you got my sides

Faggots trying to censor truth. Why is this deleted?


this right here.

Thanks, fellow burger

You better feel threatened enough to subject yourself to expensive litigation and gamble your life. You better be able to prove without a doubt you were in danger. Otherwise the prosecutor will fuck your shit son.


>AWD for bumpy surfaces

>run them over and plead The Hillary



I live in Oklahoma and it specifically says work included but you're right probably depends on state

It'd just be what a 'reasonable citizen' would consider a dangerous situation, would it not?
Dangerous enough to warrant the use of lethal force, though you could say the only form of self defence you had available to you was a deadly weapon.

>car passes through at 5 mph
>their reaction

what a bunch of drama queens, fuck BLM

Do we know what happened to the driver here?

I live in MN and Drive a Subaru (pretty great for cruising for lesbos at St. Kates desu). I want to make sure my rights to run over degenerates isn't infringed upon.

I wish it were true here, I work at a school and I often worry about the safety of my students.

These protesters are nig nogin too much around to really care about that, they would rather put all their hatred on the piece of metal

See, they are afraid of cars once they're close and gain speed



>do we know what happened to the driver here?

It's called the BASED SUBARU OF NO INDICTMENT for a reason, bruv

The Subaru commercial with this added is needed


lol its just like my video games

You mess with the subaru and you're bound to get a Boo-boo

>people legitimately think castle doctrine matters in illinois where political correctness rules the shitass court systems
in b4 death penalty for offending the noble negro without appeal delivered by district court judge jewbags mcshekelstein

Why didn't they just get out of the way lol


Generally (Or at last here in New hampshire) the person has to be threatening you our someone else with serious bodily harm, rape, or death, and have the means to do it (a knife, gun) then anything goes until the threat is gone

Castle laws apply to vehicles in many states.


Generally speaking, if you are in fear for your life anywhere you can react accordingly. Naturally Leftist don't want this to be the case and want to outlaw self defense

TJ Sotomayor is the most redpilled black man in existance

Like if some Abo pushed you doesn't mean you can just plug him. If you're pumping gas and some Abo approaches you with a knife(10 foot rule) trying to drink it and try's to cut you. Shoot that motherfucker IF you live in a stand your ground/CD state. Otherwise you have to flee and can only shoot as a last resort. The general rule to think of is can you personally convince a jury you were fearing for your life.

Have you ever dealt with niggers before, personally?

They do shit like this all the time. It's like watching those nature documentaries where an animal will puff out its hair and get on its hind legs and beat its chest in an effort to scare away the opposition. But they're too fucking stupid to understand the difference between when acting big and tough can actually work and when it will get them killed. Same thing as all the nogs that get killed (or at least make the situation worse for themselves) by physically resisting the police and just acting like aggressive chimps. Oh yeah, you really showed everyone how fucking hard you are when you struggled against a cop giving you a parking ticket and got your face blown away.


Depends on state.

But for castle doctrine no. In some states if someone breaks into your house you may go straight to deadly force.

In other states that person must be a direct threat (inside your house) and you must try and retreat before using deadly force.

It's the Tueller rule and its 21ft.