King Nigger Offended by New UK Foreign Secretary

Obongo is offended that Boris Johnson has been made our foreign secretary because he once said Obongo was half-Kenyan and hated the UK because of it
>The President's foreign policy team read and was deeply offended by the Boris article that talked of Barack Obama as "incoherent, inconsistent and downright hypocritical...a part-Kenyan President."

Nobody gives a fuck what Obongo thinks. He's a fucking joke and trying to be as much of a faggot as possible in the short time he has left in the White House.

>At the height of his campaign to quit the European Union, Johnson penned an article for the Sun newspaper ahead of President Barack Obama’s visit to the U.K. He chose to take a swipe at the U.S. leader, who had urged British voters to vote to stay in the bloc.
>In the course of the piece, Johnson asked why a bust of Winston Churchill had been moved from the Oval Office. He speculated that it might have had something to do with his roots: "Some said it was a snub to Britain. Some said it was a symbol of the part-Kenyan President’s ancestral dislike of the British empire – of which Churchill had been such a fervent defender.”

is he really, or is it just news hype? if he really is pissed, you think he have learned to keep his yap shut after his back of the queue comments trigger nationwide brexit voting

Well Johnson did basically call him an anti-British nignog

lol anything that pisses off that fucking faggot is okay with me.

England yes!

Nobody cares what Obama thinks here. Opinions of him and his actions range from mild support to outright displeasure, especially when he tries to get involved with our domestic politics.

he is anti british and it is because hes half nog. how can sjws and obama moan about eeeevil whitey and their colonial ways, then cry when someone acknowledges their hate?

Unlike Obama, Boris was born in the United States.

>Obama intervenes in referendum
>leave surges in polls
Was funny tbqh

sick burn. please spread this far and wide

That's the thing, people with half a brain don't give a shit about king dindu, but the vast majority kind of does. Thank mass media for that. People behave like cattle, and they're really fucking easy to herd

Good Job Obama's out of a job in a few months.

>but the vast majority kind of does


Literally nobody values anything Obama has to say unless they either

1. are using him to push their agenda
>We should stay in the EU because even Obama thinks we would be in big trouble outside!
2. Knows very little (and doesn't care) about politics and get their info from BBC/Facebook

I'm offended that the Brits took this long to make him Foreign Secretary. Anyone that offended our "POtuS" is alright with me

Obama's claimed father is actually the number two or three man in the anti-UK faction of Kenyan politics (there is also a pro-UK faction). Steve Sailer discussed this but no mainstream US media has.

Well, this just means it's great for US-UK relations if/when Hillary gets elected, as apparently both hate niggers. Finding such basic common ground is priceless.

Well I was talking about American people but I get your point