Why are so many important figures of the alt right:
Why are so many important figures of the alt right:
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I'm not one supporting jews and degenerates.
Trump is a shill for Israel.
I keked.
Sup Forums was a Jewish psyop from the beginning.
it's whole purpose was to subvert the "Right" by associating it with loser social outcast porn addicts.
Sup Forums was the ultimate kike trap, laid by none other than Google agent (((moot)))
get off this site, Sup Forums IS the problem.
see by supporting Sup Forums you support the degenerate principle of "internet freedom" which is what enabled all the degeneracy you complain about on Tumblr.
Sup Forums is where it all started, with it's anti-authority , manchild, pro-chaos and filth attitude.
Chanology was a strawman attack on Christianity.
Sup Forums was an intentional place to spread gay and pedophile memes ("op is a fag")
and the worst part is "oldfags" are the most programmed of all. They worship this filthy site as if it's their home.
because the alt right is a silly horse, you tell it"you'll get all the carrots you ever dreamt of once we get there" and then shoot it in the head when you get there. THEY NEVER FUCKING LEARN.
Sup Forums itself IS the "alt-right"
don't pretend that it's any different
the "alt right" is just Sup Forums's very own culture, politicized
why Sup Forums users can never look in the fucking mirror and see THEY are the biggest degenerates and realize this beats me.
if anyone here needs motivation to leave Sup Forums this thread is it.
You should be ashamed of coming here. You're REAL conservative forefathers sure wouldn't approve it.
But you and I only come back because you're addicted.
Look at me. We are the big tent now
Sup Forums is literally a repeat of 60's counterculture.
People are drawn to this "different, alternative" internet culture because it makes them feel good for "fighting the man" while really being the biggest useful idiots of all, destroying culture, language and society. That's just what Sup Forums's "memes" are.
You like to complain about "degenerate modern art" but LOOK WHERE YOU FUCKING ARE. A place where literal nigger speak ("t b h f a m" " based") , images of frog demons shitting and pissing on people are considered acceptable discourse. Then you turn around and claim you're the moral ones?
you're no better than the hippies that produced your parents and the SJW's. You only think you're the good guys when you're just the next wave of bad guys
They are gay insomuch as to get you to hate them
Because in a modern, inclusive society gays have a place in every political movement. Moreover, wherever there is a powerful organisation the Jews are behind it. The last two answer themselves. Also, pls remember that we're here, we're queer, get used to it. We Sup Forums now.
why not realize the solution is to abandon modern society? Let it fall. Don't try to be a part of it at all.
the moment you "work within the system" you become part of the system.
honestly, Amish and Unabomber were onto something
Because the Jews normally have people on all sides of an issue. The last time they didn't things didn't work out so well for them.
people here should take a long break from Sup Forums and politics entirely , become apolitical and fix yourselves, your family and your local surroundings first
it's more important than any external problem.
they WANT you looking outside at seemingly uncontrollable corruption , to distract from the corruption of yourself.
I always knew Trump was a fuckin' jew.
>he's a christcuck
I would have never guessed if he hadn't said...
even pagans hated faggots.
the ones who didn't had societies that quickly rotted
If there was a viable alternative, I would. The American survivalist movement is incredibly appealing to me. However, I have a fairly useless skillset outside of the liberal establishment that spawned me. The only viable career path for me at this stage is English teacher. All I can do, then, is try to resist the incredibly prevalent culture of propaganda and leftist rhetoric and provide a more balanced view.
Bold claim
a good first step is stop identifying as a homo and become celibate. If you can't go with a woman, it's fine. Just reject lust completely
>tfw gay Jewish zionist for Trump
Let me tell you this: in my faculty straight men are in a fadingly small minority. Gays, women, the disabled and non-whites are an overwhelming majority. I doubt that I would even be able to get a job if I was straight. Moreover, I'm pretty fine with either/ or. I'm bi. I just go along with whatever stable, longterm relationship comes along.
Because the alt-right is composed of mostly disenfranchised former lefties and liberals.
Then just shut up with your special snowflake buttfucking and marry a woman
almost satanic trips good try goy
it's a weird place that contains both liberal moderates / fence-sitters like you say, and extremists
they fight amongst themselves
but I think OP was more getting at the politicians they follow, rather than just the people
are u salty that ur a piece of shit loser? not all of are fuckwad
Nah. What a stupid waste of money. Marriages overwhelmingly end in divorce, typically with the woman stealing all that the man has built. You'd have to be a real idiot to get married today. A man consenting to marriage is just asking to be cucked and robbed.
Because Jews, whether they are leftist/Marxist or red-pilled, always seek influence in society. They are ambitious, type A, powermongering people by their nature and by their cultural indoctrination. Jewish mothers are nagging bitches because success is overwhelmingly important to the Jewish psyche.
In a way, it's admirable. I have known VERY few Jewish NEET types in my life...in fact, that I can think of, two. One of each persuasion. I love my NEET Jewish Republican friend. He is so fucking red-pilled that he polices MY commitment to conservatism, kek. But that's a Jew for ya: total intensity of commitment. In all honesty, white people could stand to relearn these things from Jews--and their loyalty to their own tribe. We need to stress being loyal to our own again too.
As for the gay thing, who knows, except that gays have always been a part of society and if we'd integrated them and treated them decently a long time ago we (the right I mean) wouldn't be experiencing the difficulties with flaming leftist fags that we are now. They seek a home and validation elsewhere because we didn't give it to them. But bugchasers aside (and they are a tiny minority of fags, most of whom just want to live ordinary lives and be happy) most fags are pretty productive people too. You don't see fags out robbing liquor stores or beating up hos on street corners. Or bombing public places, either. Compare with dindus or Arabs, for example. Look at Alan Turing, for example, and how essential he was to the Allied war effort. There may well have been someone of his skills on the other side, but that person probably got stuck in a camp or deported. Throwing away talent--especially talent which seeks to serve you--is never smart.
You are an idiot.
learn more pls.
Turing was an occultist faggot, and computers have turned a whole generation into faggots.
modern technology and the associated military industrial complex is essentially sorcery.
Thanks for the insight leaf, I shall sign up to the nuptial Jew at my earliest convenience :^)
Because we are all contrarians and love irony.
Sup Forums doesn't want to know that computers and the Internet are not neutral, they're killing you
Most of the hardest line alt right people are wizardchan style agoraphobics so naturally they can't control anything. Now that some truth got splashed on the world its going to die. Already both pols have turned to shit in rapid fashion and can no longer be used to meme covertly into the public
Fags have nothing better to do, and zionists are essentially nationalists.
Just like Saul Alinsky in Rules for Radicals - Ridicule and satire are the most potent methods of subversion.
Sup Forums and "for the lulz" is just a Jewish worldview.
Everything is a joke so you can never take reality seriously anymore. That's how they get you.
because they always hijacking movements and turn them into controlled opposition.
like the Tea Party.
From my experience there have been two sides to the alt right
Patricians and Stormfags.
Patricians: stop being a pleb, Donald Trump, Milo Yiannopolous
Tend to be right wingers who love western culture. They don't hate gays or various ethnicities, but CULTURES which infringe on WESTERN CULTURE: freedom, justice, egalitarianism, no discrimination etc.
The patrician is embodied in this quote from Gladiator
"I have seen the rest of the world, it is dark, bitter and cruel... Rome is the light!"
The other side are stormfags: Neo Nazis, "race realists", stormfags, legit anti Semites etc.
Killing any true Right Wing by supplanting it with their own and injecting it with enough watered-down nationalism full of degeneracy, probably will water it down further as time goes on and try to bridge it to the left.
Alt right is literally controlled opposition.
The hivemind on Sup Forums rivals anything I've ever seen.
to be honest Sup Forums itself was the main ploy used to water down the Right, by bringing tons of amoral, entertainment addicted social rejects into it.
Sup Forums itself is the core of the issue here. It was always a radical left leaning (at least socially) site and Sup Forums compromised the Right.
You're shit, Wayne.
oooh if only people were as enlightened and astute as you
it's because internet anonymity is inherently degenerate
removes shame, promotes groupthink while simultaneously convincing users they're NOT doing groupthink.
nobody ever questions that maybe internet "freedom" is actually a BAD thing. the Internet is worse than TV, it's just the next brainwashing device.
Hive mind =/= controlled opposition
the Internet itself is controlled opposition.
It's literally a military grade porn and propaganda distribution system.
because they are trying to create the """alt-right"""" so they can co-opt it
Sup Forums was Jewed by ((christopher poole)) since it's founding. Sup Forums was a containment cage to monitor and manipulate any young while males who considered leaning to the right
That depends on the decisions made by the people brought in.
>tons of amoral, entertainment addicted social rejects into it.
That is most of America and Europe at the moment.
That is how the Weimar Republic was too. People aren't static, we can change if we realize it is necessary.
So all those race realists and anti Semites have been rused with outdated information.
I think we're leading a real push and change of paradigm but it's kikery behind it and allowing it to get traction.
We're being used but we don't have much choice. Look at the way political trends shift over a decade or so. They get one into power then get rid of it before it becomes too powerful and self aware of their actions. All the while reducing the numbers they face overall and being able to jump between sides. They've been pushing SJWs hard for years now and they're becoming a large and influential enough group now that they're done purging the cuckservatives and neocons from the past decade. Now the kikes need to plan ahead again and go full population control on them before the SJWs become too numerous and too powerful. After all there's plenty of anti-Zionist rhetoric going around on the political left among pro-Palestine types. So what do they do? They start allowing the alt-right to grow and be driven on by plants like Milo to attack SJWs and start bringing their narrative down and culling the SJW numbers. Give it another 6-8 years then they'll change again back to a left-wing narrative to get rid of the alt-right once it becomes an establishment ideology.
It's that moment you realise we've been Jew'd so hard that we have no choice but play along or get wiped out and overran by the SJWs. Same fucking cycle every time.