Is there anybody that takes shit from pol seriously irl?

Is there anybody that takes shit from pol seriously irl?

Yesterday i overheared some faggots on subway talkin about how they saw something about how nazis are planning to rise again and kill merkel, they were serious about it and mentioned they saw it on Sup Forums political page kek

>that feel when those faggots think that Sup Forums is some kind of time news page and pol is for politics news

Other urls found in this thread:

nope, this is the new Sup Forums

I'm a little unsure here... Give me one reason not to hate your country

It's a catalyst.
Like it or not.

>le is Sup Forums satire


30 million people on Sup Forums

>nazis are planning to rise again and kill merkel
lol what? the muslims she let in will probably do that. pol is a board of peace

Hahaha they better kill her so they try to claim germany but nopee!! Nazis will rise to shower them once again after 70ish years

I use Sup Forums because it gives me a different view point on things, plus it pisses everyone off so it must be good.

Pol has redpilling efect

The Jews actually do control everything from the Media to movies as well as alot of companies.

It was actually physically impossible for the holocaust to happen, and the evidence is there that alot of the ""(((facts)))"" are fabricated

Liberals are completly brainwashed, anyone who votes for hillary is so far up their own ass they are being purposefully ignorant

Niggers are not as good of people as any other race, Niggers commit crime, and not because they are poor, and not because of racism, they commit crime because they are niggers.

Muslims are all trying to invade and take over Europe and America, even "moderate" muslims want you to obey their laws and take away your freedom

Redpilll me on jews n hollacost m8 how were those proofs fabricated?

How could jews fake it and how n why do they want full control?

They built a chimney in one camp to make it look like there were ovens

there are no mass graves or large amounts of ash

there were comphy activities to do in the camps like breeding rabbits and going swimming and whore houses

There are newspapers owned by Jews who were talking about the holocaust as early as 1903, before it was ever claimed to have happened, this is because its a religious thing that Jews have to have 6 million deaths

There have been many jews lying about being in the camps, they say "It was true in my mind"

The Jews hated germans, they declared war on them and forced america and britain to fight them, in order to weaken Europe and the white people

The Jews say the holocaust happened, therefore you should be weary of it, because you should never trust a Jew.

Ikr and so hitler became murderer scum instead other way around

How do you explain all those pictures of skinny jews and star marks for jews and all those pictures shot back then dont get me wring im nazi myself senpai

its obviously fabricated photos by the jewish media famalam

hitler wuz a gud boi he wouldn't do anything like that he only wanted to save the white race from the eternal jew

The allies bombed the supply lines and the camps couldn't get food

Most of the nazis left before the camps were found, they were all starving and they retreated to different places

the jews didn't leave because they had nowhere to go

everyone was starving at that point

I'm here only to laugh at Americans and spotting Putin trolls.

Makes perfect sence plus pictures could have been fake u kno as he said fabricated by jews

Wrong thread

Treblinka wasn't a death camp, but a lot of people did die there. Was one of the camps that Hitler didn't know much about so a lot of the killing flew under his radar. Wasn't gas chambers or anything, just a bullet to head and into a pit.

must a """"pure coincidence"""" how not a single nazi died of starvation, right?

Sup Forums is satire, you dumb faggot.
I swear we get a thread like this every day now...


It really is amazing how much americans are ready to spit on the graves of their ancestors who fought and bled trying to stop crazed murderers from destroying an entire continent

How fucking thick do you have to be that millions of people would be in on a conspiracy yet no one would talk, no one would reveal the truth even unintentionally

Look at the Jew, look how he lies

Come take a shower Daniel

Hahaha they did but jews ate their bodies and used their clothes as fire fuel to cook it or they just burried dead nazis so others who arrive to save them think that they all left in good shape

Okay, obviously a country's not going to starve their own soldiers to favor prisoners of war. That was a very stupid comment.

I post all sorts of shit but it's satire for me.

NatSoc is for autists and teenage edgelords.
Islam isn't a monolith.
Holocaust happened.
Jews don't control the world.
Trump is going to be a disaster for the USA even if Hillary is corrupt

Woo who flipped your bitch switch faghot go suck ur bfs cock to calm down gee goly kek

Look how fast JIDF swoops in on this.


I take it with a grain of salt. This place breaks news faster than everyone else that's why I come here.

Also comfy happening threads.

There were 6 extermination camps in total I think. About 50 of the "Extermination camps" in USSR captured area were also redefined as concentration camps but are neglected to be marked on this map. Stop posting this meme map


There are Jews who have been caught lying about being in camps, lying about being in the holocaust,
they have been trying to get this belived for years

You think that after the mass distraction of WWII you couldnt sneak some holocaust lies in there, the world was in chaos

hol up

how did jews stave anyways? they had swimming pools, brothels, farms, kitchens, bakeries, pharmacies, arcade rooms, cocktail bars and meat factories

Croatia pls grow up

>Yesterday i overheared some faggots on subway
ma gdje si podzemnu našo u ovoj vukojebini molim te

people lying in order to recieve benefits? stop the fucking presses people!

too bad your cognitive bias forbids your from questioning your idols

>causes of death

kek, look at your post, literally the british and allies caused those deaths by going to war with Germany for the kikes

kek, stfu Ireland

Nisam bio u hrvatskoj nego u švedskoj ;P


because even in Wartime Jews demanded special treatment and Kosher food

also they were fasting for Lent, it lasted much longer back then

>not knowing that Sup Forums is satire and the board of peace.

yes, totally, gas the kikes race war now


>by going to war with Germany for the kikes
Germany brought the war to the allies

That pic corroborates what holocaust deniers say user.


Sup Forums is bored of peace

Sup Forums is peace. Why not take peace seriously?



watch out kids we are twisted fckn psychpaths

Truth lol



Pol is hate


I think its great if they're that stupid we can meme it to happen.

>le ebin satire meme ;DDDDD

Nobody fucking cares.
If it did happen, so much the better.

Sup Forums is a board of peace my peanut thiefing friend

JIDF pls go

>inb4 *recoils back, "I've been found out"

fucking hell, their alliance was formed to stop the krauts from fucking up everything

everywhere the glorious german war machine went they brought nothing but suffering and death and in return they recieved nothing better

god damn stupid kids

well I'm making an effort to spread the word where I live, but people are very resistant

The Uztashe were very infamous during the war. Croatia was founded by Hitler

>Sup Forums is satire

Do people say this to defend being so right wing?

They literally took over countries and the people greeted them with open arms, they took countries without firing a shot

>"jews, amiright?"



a village in ukraine is not a synecdoche for the entire continent

Its more about him spamming word salad and not engaging that's off putting. Especially as this isn't a was the holocaust real thread.

Fuck off straya

I really doubt anyone welcomed them with open arms you retard. You don't welcome a tank with open arms.
And they took some area without shooting -although i highly doubt they didn't execute people regardless- because those people knew they were outmatched a hundred fold over.

Stop being stupid.

It's also a great place to get news that Americans wouldn't normally hear about, all consolidated in one place. I also get to call everyone dumb niggers. Tbh I really don't like black people tho.

You are right OP; everyone here is obviously wrong.


Nah, don't worry user.
Sup Forums is a board of peace.
Now move on.
Stop watching, nothing but satire here.

Silcer of De heddemblr :DDDDD

It pisses me off when people say Sup Forums is satire it shaped my life. I am an oldfag and am a skinhead because of this site. I no longer consider people with brown eyes or Italians to be human, let alone white. I screamed "Fuck niggers" on rooftops and got arrested for it and got fired because I called my nigger boss a freak.

Daily reminder that "le Sup Forums is satire meemay" posts always rise during the summer.

No but Austria is.


old Sup Forums never died, it just grew up.

Plus all the normalfags that joined in the past 2 years because of the election.

I just heard on the radio somebody talking about #CutForBeiber from ages ago, was positive that was started on 4chinz as yet another hoax.

People will believe anything that's why Soros/Koch Brothers/Murdoch/Turner easily sway public opinion however they want with their media empires, and now Sup Forums is a media empire

you ruined your life because of memes?
literally cucked by an imageboard

>OY VEY it's all SATIRE goyim!

>Is there anybody that takes shit from pol seriously irl?

I love stormfags, they are almost as entertaining as genderfluid faggots.

My life is better now I am un-cucked I call niggers freaks in public I swear at nigger cops and don't give a fuck if I get arrested I did get arrested three times and my life is better now.

I wish they would rise up and take out Merkel and the EU

>>Mr Burgers, can you install some freedoms for them?


First of all Historical Revisionists do not suggest that the holes in the gas chamber roof occurred during an explosion that destroyed the roof. They allege that the Communist Russians knocked the holes in the roof themselves in their effort to make the site look like a gas chamber. This is also why they built the large brick chimney which doesn't connect to anything and doesn't show up on any wartime photos (it does look good in propaganda pictures though).

The location of the "gas chamber" is fucking retarded. First of all, the top secret genocidal gassing operation was built a stone's throw from the actual camp, right next to the soccer field, in full view of the prisoners.

Second of all, the construction of the actual gas chamber building is asinine. Why build the gassing room underground? Such that you need to manually haul the bodies upstairs? Doesn't make sense. Why cremate the bodies in individual ovens instead of a large industrial blast furnace? They could have done it 100 times faster.

Why pour cyanide in through holes in the roof by hand? Seems dangerous. Why not just pipe it in like every other gas chamber? You're investing in the infrastructure of this massive camp, seems like an odd place to cut corners. Furthermore, how did they get the gas out? It takes a long ass time to properly ventilate a room that large, hours even. If they had opened the door in 20 minutes, which is the claim, everyone outside the room would be killed.

And how about the ludicrous claims that at the other camps the exhaust of a large diesel engine from a Soviet tank was used? Totally ludicrous. Carbon Monoxide poisoning is slow and inefficient. The Germans would not have had a manual or replacement parts to repair the engine should it break. And diesel exhaust has a very low concentration of CO, 100 times lower than gasoline

And finally, why do Holocaust proponents lock up their critics and prevent free discussion? This casts suspicion on their views and motives







