TFW they all think you're white

I think I've beat the system. I'm a middle eastern and no one suspects it. Born in Northern Iraq to Christian parents so I don't celebrate that Muslim shit.

I have relatively light skin, 177 cm tall and speak without any hint of foreign influence. I have infiltrated enemy lines.

I always see those poo in the loo's and Chinks trying to fit in but they stick out too much.

Shall I start destroying your genes? For all you know you're best mate is one of us. I know many people just like me and you guys don't suspect a thing.


what's your name leaf; Farook ibn al'Canadi isn't quite white

First name from Bible. Last name is Matti.

northern Iraq Christian you are white as far as I am concerned your minority cards been revoked bitch

What kind of Christian are you?
Do you practice your faith?

Well, as long as you're not Muslim, you're alright.

Also, everyone knows you're not white. They just don't say otherwise because no one gives a fuck.

You will still get called out for white privilege by libs though, but without actually being white. It's a lose-lose

My mom is apart of the Assyrian Church of the East. My father is apart of the Chaldean Catholic Church. I was baptized into my mom's but was raised and grew up a Catholic. I went to Sunday school when I was little. Stopped going to church around 14. I consider myself Agnostic-Christian. If my mom found out she'd flip. Her side of the family is super religious. Pretty sure my Dad's Agnostic-Christian as well.

This. My Arab friend describes it as having all of the responsibility and none of the privilege. As opposed to Jews, who get all of the privilege and none of the responsibility.

I love fighting with them. I'll tell them where I'm from and how Muslims are killing my people while they defend them. They always lose.

>be me
>look like a sandnigger
>go to British Columbia
>people treat you so overly well it's borderline disgusting

do canadians crave for the B>I>G pink asshole tamer?

Check out. That's what happens to most of us Catholics. They burn you out at a young age and you run for the hills when you get old enough to decide not to go to church. If you can pass as white then good for you, enjoy it, this shit is pretty tight.

>half black
>everyone assumes I'm a full poo

You might be a sandnigger. There are more people of Lebanese decent in Brazil than in Lebanon.

Lucky cunt. Im exactly the same as you but my name gives it away. Thinking of changing my name anyway

You'll destroy your own

Eventually it will all be white again

Bleach gets every stain out

>implying anyone that isn't an Englishman can look English
Sorry friendo we have a very specific gene pool untaintable by you foreign scum

hello mutt kin :>>)))))

were you born white as a child too?

until like 12 i had pale white skin and light brown hair ... but then after puberty everything went to shit and my nigger genes started activating in mass and now i'm a fucking paki look-alike.

Well Matti in my language means Matthew; Mar Mattai = Saint Matthew. Matti is pronounced Mattai in Chaldean, the language I speak.

This is a genetically-engineered trap made by the kikes lads:

It makes mixed-race babies cute just so it doesn't get rejected by it's parents -- given the little mutt just enough time to grow and display it's real form.

guy in picture is Canadian

No one actually thinks you're white.

I'm aware. Your name passes as white but my parents didn't give me a biblical name and it still pisses me off. I still get eid mubaraks and ramadan kareems on my facebook and whatsapps from supposed friends - imagine what my profs and future employers assume about me

I think Muslims/Kurd's are destroying my people anyways. And your bleach comment is BS. Let in 10 niggers and it will take 70 whites to change it back to 'white'.
My chart of turning white:
>1 Black = 7 whites
>1 Australian aboriginal = 6 whites
>1 Indian = 4 whites
>1 North+South American Aboriginal = 4 whites
>1 Asian = 3 whites
>1 North African + Gulf Arab = 2 whites
>1 Northern Middle Eastern = 1 white

wow rly makes me think ima #canadian now

I used to be super dark when I was little from being outside all the time. I became paler as I got older. I still get really tan on my arms and neck if I'm out too long. Right now my arms are super tan from working outside.

Yes I looked very white as a kid. My brother was darker though.

Now i just have brown skin. I'm completely fine with it though I just wish I looked less Indian and more middle eastern.

>his white definition doesn't splits slavs,mediterraneans and Teutonics in different groups

good look mane

It's always funny how you spics and sand niggers go on and on about being white but I fucking guarantee you I could pick your shitskin asses out in a crowd of actual white people.

By Sweden's standards of white, definitely not. I kid you not I have half Swedish cousins since my people make up 2% of Sweden (Assyrian's) and they look 100% Swedish. Blonde hair, blue eyes and all. Their skin looks like what a swedes would if they got a tan.

In Canada there is one kind of white. Are you European or not. They honestly don't care if you're German or Greek. I went to a Catholic school with all white kids. No one points this shit out like they do in Brazil.

My skin i don't really care either, as it's still quite light for brazilian standards.

The problem is that my face suddenly went from fair traits to vaniila-black tier.

Sounds like you already got bleached. Don't care. Sage.

You sound like one of those non-whites who desperately wish they were white.

Just be proud of yourself and earn £72,000 a year at age 33 and getting ready to be a partney at an attorney firm in 5-6 years and start earning £150,000+ like me.

t. former British Army Engineer and now attorney Brit born to bangladeshi parents

>six different ethnicities anywhere you look
If Canada starts actually counting the races, we will be here all fucking year. We have shit to do.

>Blonde hair and blue eyes
As if that alone makes someone look Swedish.

How would you know what a non-white pretending to be a white looks like, you're Bangali, one of the lowest tiers. I don't mind you guys, but in my country they shit on your people.

My bad. Transgender. Somalian. wearing a Burka. You know typical Swede shit.
I know how Swedes look, I've been to Sweden. Stayed in Västerås for 14 days. I know my shit Abdullah.

You're retarded if you think their bone-structure is that of a Swede. I guarantee you I could pick them out as foreigners in a crowd.
You just desperately want to be seen as "whiter" than everyone else.

>relatively light skin

Shit skin detected

I think you're over hyping being white. Not everyone wants to be a Swede. In the middle East they see themselves the same way you do. They're the ones who treat White's like shit. I'm proud of my Assyrian heritage. I will identify as Assyrian if asked, proudly speak Assyrian and marry an Assyrian.

As if, I'm not a Swede myself, I am European though before you make any assumptions. You seem to be overhyping being white since you made this thread.

You're a Somali. Why else would you be in Sweden of all places. If you're not from a 3rd world country than Sweden is a depressing shit hole.

If this is considered white than I'm way up there. Blessed is Alizeé.

Says the leaf? You guys are worse. I barely saw any whites in Toronto or Montreal.

Theres Northern Iraqi christian Kurds who run a kebab shop in my city. No accent, looks 100% white except I hear him talking kebab derka to occaisonal arabs who show up. Stealth whitey

Lol montreal is maybe 10-20 percent
Non-white. Sweden is all black people. Stupid cunt if you took a break from dota and looked outside you would realise this

Toronto is segregated dumb ass. Multiculturalism doesn't work. I can't speak for Montreal. I live in a white rust city in the southern most point of Canada. Big cities are welfare; a hotbed for your people. You were probably visiting your Somali cousins.

>Kurd Christian's
That's super rare. I'm surprised they haven't been beheaded for converting. Even Arab's are more tolerant towards Converts than Kurd's.

Good thing I live in an area that's 99% white then.
Damn, you assyrians really are the worst. Every single one I know things they're the best thing since sliced bread but doesn't realize that no one thinks any better of them than niggers and other sandniggers.

Depending on where your trying to "fit in", based on the demographic you're giving and the country you're in it shouldnt be hard, given that the actual whites are escaping in hordes.

I'm also going to give you a friendly heads up that youre still young and naive, the nose and eyebrows will grow on you m8, enjoy your looks while they last

She used to be pure sex. Hot as fuck.

Then she inked herself up with multiple tattoos. Now she looks like trash.

I won't link pic because I want you to keep that image of the beautiful Alizee before she went skank.

Anatolian masterrace.

My whole family in Sweden are in the Medical field. Doctors, Pharmacists, you name it. They're definitely better than you. Don't lie to yourself. You never met an Assyrian.

I saw a Nordic child today at six flags, she smiled at me, it was the best moment ever, white people are beautiful, too bad it getting full with japs and muslims

I think it was her having kids super young and marrying that one fellow. She's the same age as me in that picture (19).
May we mourn the loss of her greatness.

Are they like Iranians that they're all dentists?
I know several that are lawyers as well, but just because you tame a monkey doesn't mean it's suddenly human.

This is what it means to be Nordic now. Use your words wisely.

I'm a Mexican and I have never seen anything like that child, it was pure, I can still see those ice eyes, that white hair, fuck you for not preserving yourselves, btw I pass as irish

We just go into industries that are pure money. I've never met a liberal arts Assyrian (yet). I'm studying software engineering and math. STEM or GTFO. Lawyers are one of the few exceptions.

Canada has been trying to get Mexican's to come here but they prefer the US. TOP KEK. Are there many of you? I've only come across two.

>We just go into industries that are pure money.
So just like Iranians, there's probably some connection to the jews there.

No, I'm just visiting my family, they are real Canadians, I was born in Mexico

Calling people who do well in society Jew... They are the real refugees if you will. Most of us were in high ranking positions before we left.

Aha. My German friend was also born there.